When I heard that Qi Zhe asked for it, naturally I didn't dare to neglect it, and immediately the circuit from the main gate in the city to this community was cut off.

Just when several security guards were still there blocking the door with their faces horizontal, the electric fans in their security room stopped rotating.

Then Qi Zhe heard a complaint upstairs near the door.

"Fuck! I'm in a regiment, why did the power go out?"

Ignoring the security guards with their faces blackened, Qi Zhe directly asked a few workers to return to the company first, and then sent a text message to all the users in the community of No. 345 Jianxi Road.

"Because the security personnel of the community do not allow the employees of the power group to enter to check the power supply, for the safety of the circuit, the Zhongzhe Power Group will start an indefinite power outage in the community of No. 345 Jianxi Road."


Aunt Liu is a resident of the community. She is using the electric baking pan to spread the cake. Her grandson likes to eat it. As a result, the electric baking pan didn't move when the cake was half spread today.

Is this broken?

With doubts, Aunt Liu checked the electric baking pan carefully. After finding that she was speechless, she tried to press the wall lamp in the kitchen, but it did not turn on.

"Is this a power outage? No, Zhongzhe Electric Power claims to never have a power outage. Why is there a power outage? Maybe there is a problem with its own circuit."

After thinking of this, Aunt Liu wiped her hands, then opened the door and went outside and knocked on the door of the neighbor opposite.

"Old Zhao, what's the matter? I have a power outage, have you stopped?"

Lao Zhao, who was facing the door, opened the door and nodded with a dark face.

"It stopped, why didn't it stop, the whole community stopped."

Upon hearing this, Aunt Liu said angrily:

"Isn't this Zhongzhe Electric Power claiming to have no power outage, so it stopped? Let's go, let's go to their sales department and pay ten times the compensation!"

After a sneer, Lao Zhao pointed to the phone.

"Didn't you see the text message? They really didn't have a power outage, they did it for us on purpose!"

After hearing this, Aunt Liu picked up the phone in her pocket and read the text message notified by Qi Zhe.

"I'm going, these grandchildren are doing bad things again, don't let electricians come in, let's go, let's trouble them!"

"I've already called everyone in the owner group. Let's go to trouble them together. What if the power is cut off? I can't sleep at night without air conditioning on such a hot day."


In fact, many people in the community have long mentioned the issue of changing security guards, but the person in charge of this area on the property side is not a good person. These people are his "confidants". The owner has reported it several times. Nobody cares.

But this time is different. Those who are playing games in the room, cooking in the kitchen, and doing work at home with computers, this sudden power outage directly aroused their anger, and someone shouted in the owner group after Others also came downstairs.

At this time, several security guards were still playing poker and chatting in the security room.

"It's so ridiculous, it's like a dog, and I don't want to give out two dollars. It's really rude."

"That's right, don't even think about entering this door if you don't have two dollars, the brothers will fight with them."

"The power company is amazing? I don't know what they are good at. After seeing us, we have to stay honest outside."

The few people who were chatting suddenly saw a large group of people in the community rushing towards the security room.

"What's the matter? Why did you all run out?"

Just when they didn't know why, a rotten egg flew over and hit him in the face. Because there was no electric fan, the windows of some security rooms were opened to cool down the boss.

As the first rotten egg hit, a few plastic bottles of rotten vegetables and leaves led to the security room to greet them, and a few people were instantly smashed to nothing.

Then there were a few aggressive and hot-tempered aunts who went straight up and grabbed the collar and slapped a few people. Looking at so many people, if they dared to resist, they would probably be beaten to death.

"I'll kill you idiots!"

"Where do the watchdogs get their sense of superiority? If you kill a few of you, I won't be able to fight the group!"

"Change the security! If these people still stay in the community, let's change the property!"

"Yes! Change the property, and the security manager must be kicked out, and they can't continue to do bad things!"

Following the voices of the crowd, the property staff soon came out and begged you to go home, and they fired the security guards on the spot, and even their manager was fired.


After seeing this, Qi Zhe smiled and came to the door of the security room. He was very happy when he saw a few people curled up on the ground and complained for no reason.

The security guards are all gone now, and I don't know if they can survive, but Qi Zhe doesn't care about this. Since he let out a sigh of relief, there is no need to continue the power outage.

There is also a lot of electricity bills in a community, and you have to make money yourself.

After informing the staff to restore the power supply to the community, Qi Zhe turned around and left. In the next few days, he planned to visit several counties under Pingyang.

Those counties all have their own power plants, but they are responsible for the power supply of the small counties, and the volume is very small. Qi Zhe plans to see if he can talk about it. It is good for everyone to directly buy the power plants at a low price.

Two days later, Qi Zhe came to Xihe County, which is subordinate to Pingyang. There are two power plants here, which are responsible for the power supply of the whole county, and the daily electricity consumption of one county in Xihe County is about 100,000 kWh.

This time Qi Zhe also brought the staff, and after arriving at the place, he directly invited the bosses of the two power plants to come over for a meal.

Hearing that the boss of Zhongzhe Power Group came over there, he rushed over immediately.

During this period of time, the reputation of Zhongzhe Power was resounding in Pingyang. They were also in the power plant business. Naturally, they knew better than others that Qi Zhe came to Xihe this time, and their good days were about to come to an end.


Electricity bills in small counties are higher. For example, Xihe costs 70 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, because the transportation of coal or something is more expensive, and because there are fewer people, if the electricity price is not high, they will lose money.

But they still hold a little hope, that Qi Zhe came all the way here to run a local power plant, and it would not make a lot of money, so it should be possible to develop in vain.

But they underestimated Qi Zhe. Other large power plants focus on big cities, but Qi Zhe has both sizes. The goal of the establishment of the group is to transmit the power of Zhongzhe Power to all corners!

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