After talking, the topic of several people turned to Qi Zhe. They all knew the name of the owner of Zhongzhe Power Group, but they had never seen it before, so they were very curious.

Moreover, Zhongzhe Power is now doing so much. Basically, all Pingyang is powered by Zhongzhe, and all of them use Zhongzhe Power. If there is a chance to make friends, it will be a good thing.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was opened, the time was up, and then everyone filed into the venue.

Because it was a business seminar, only some of the big bosses in Binh Duong attended, so there were not many people. After all, if everyone with a worth of tens of millions can participate in this conference, it is estimated that the bosses of the commissary at the door will have to come over. It's lively, not to mention the conference hall, even if it's not necessarily standing outside.

Because there are many leaders in the conference hall, it is not very polite to chat privately at this time, and everyone is quietly looking for their own positions.

Qi Zhe also glanced around in the back, but couldn't find his position, and then looked around again in the middle, but still couldn't see the sign with his name on it.

After arriving at the first row, Qi Zhe saw the sign with the words "Qi Zhe".

It is actually in the middle of the first row. This position is more subtle. In the past, leading enterprises in Pingyang sat here, and next to Qi Zhe was Han Baoshan of Pingdu Cement. After seeing Qi Zhe, he waved enthusiastically. waved.

For others, this may be pressure, but for Qi Zhe, Zhongzhe Power will sooner or later go out of Pingyang, so this pressure does not exist at all.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and his face relaxed, Qi Zhe came directly to Han Baoshan and sat down.

Naturally, this scene was also seated in the middle and back; the bosses all showed surprise when they saw it.

"Honey, no wonder, it turns out that this young man is President Qi."

"By the way, that position is actually given to President Qi. It seems that Zhongzhe Electric Power is not only the rhythm of developing in the city."

"It's really a young talent, I can't be envious."


At the beginning of the business seminar, it was said that it was a meeting. In fact, it was a general introduction and analysis of the recent development of Pingyang. After that, there were some back-and-forth chatter. Qi Zhe felt a little sleepy after listening to it.

But at this moment, the elder Pingyang on the stage spoke up.

"Recently, we have an excellent entrepreneur in Pingyang, Qi Zhe of Zhongzhe Power Group. I believe everyone has seen it in this action to support Xihe. This is the sense of responsibility an entrepreneur should have. I hope everyone is still like Mr. Qi is learning."

After speaking, the great elder in the backstage looked at Qi Zhe with admiration. At this time, Qi Zhe felt a little embarrassed, and his face seemed to have not been fully cultivated.

On the contrary, the people around him applauded in cooperation.

Qi Zhe also immediately made a statement that Zhongzhe Power will continue to be based on the foundation of the enterprise and continue to make contributions to Pingyang.

This speech was also quite satisfying, and after a while, the meeting was over. The elder on the stage gave Qi Zhe a meaningful look and then led people back to the backstage.

And Han Baoshan really also said with a smile:

"Mr. Qi, since we started working together, I knew that your Zhongzhe Electric Power would definitely make a name for itself, but I didn't expect your development to be so fast. It took less than two months to win it directly. The power supply market in Binh Duong is now complete.”

Han Baoshan can still be dealt with, Qi Zhe also responded with a smile:

"Then I have to thank you, Mr. Han. Without your first cooperation, Zhongzhe wouldn't have walked so quickly."

While the two were chatting, the others around them also gathered around, and then handed over their business cards with smiling faces.

"Mr. Qi, I belong to Baoneng Door and Window Company. I have long admired your name."

"I'm from Li's Printing Company. Is it convenient for Mr. Qi to leave a business card? I really want to get acquainted with young talents."


He stretched out his hand and didn't even smile. These people came up one by one with enthusiasm. Qi Zhe didn't know how to refuse for a while, but he couldn't deal with them one by one, right?

Just when Qi Zhe was embarrassed, Zhou Qi came over.

"Mr. Qi, the Great Elder has a request here."

Zhou Qi can also be regarded as a relief for Qi Zhe. The elders have spoken, so it is natural for others to say nothing.

Seeing Qi Zhe going to the backstage is full of envy, this Qi Zhe, now the power supply market in Pingyang is only his first step, and his future of Zhongzhe Power is unlimited.

When Zhou Qi and Qi Zhe walked in together, they probably told Qi Zhe about the situation.

The first elder seemed to appreciate Qi Zhe, so after the meeting, he asked Zhou Qi to invite Qi Zhe alone, and wanted to talk to him alone.

After hearing the news, Qi Zhe didn't find it strange. Those with discernment can naturally see that Qi Zhe has made so many big moves, and naturally it can't be limited to one Pingyang.

After coming to the back lounge, Qi Zhe knocked on the door and walked in, while Zhou Qi stayed outside.


"Xiao Qi, come here, sit here, I'm older than you, it's okay to call you Xiao Qi, right?"

The first elder was very kind, and Qi Zhe sat down calmly, then returned with a smile:

"It's no problem for the first elder to call Xiao Qi."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, he nodded slightly, then took out a white box of cigarettes without a trademark and name and handed it to Qi Zhe.

"Try this? I don't know if you can drink it. In addition, this tea is Biluochun, which is our specialty in Pingyang. It is a new tea picked by the villagers this year. It is cheap and delicious."

After taking one out of the cigarette case, Qi Zhe didn't hold back. After lighting it, he took a sip of tea and said:

"The big elder asked me to come, don't know what's the matter?"

After a chuckle, he said:

"Little Qi, I've read the news, tsk tsk, three helicopters are not cheap, right? And Director Zhou also told me that your second power plant is almost completed, right? I heard him say that the estimated daily power generation is also 500 Ten thousand degrees?"

Qi Zhe was not surprised that the first elder knew about this, and nodded to confirm his statement.


ps: Thanks to the "19971" boss for a reminder ticket and monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

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