The content of the contract is as follows:

'After enrolling, study under the seat of the principal Liu Xuanya, one A+ level practice resource per school year, the current list of available resources:

Lingpo Pill: Permanently increase the maximum capacity of your Qi Sea by 5%!

Fire Cloud Fruit: Taking it can greatly increase the affinity of elements, and can be supplemented with other materials to enhance the effect. The patented medicine can increase the fire element damage by up to 50%!

Meng Linglu x10: Consuming it can immediately restore 80% of the aura, no side effects!


"There are also equipment and pills in the A+ level practice resources. There are so many in the list. You can choose it yourself after you get to school."

Liu Xuanya said casually.

Jiang Chuan looked at the dazzling array of resources, they are all good things!

At first glance, the increase of Lingpo Dan is very small, but this is just that the effect is not so obvious in the warrior state. What if it reaches the king state?

Five percent of the maximum carrying amount of aura, that's a huge amount!

Not to mention the fire cloud fruit, which directly increases the elemental damage. If Jiang Chuan's Flamethorn Wind has this increase, plus its own attack power bonus, it is estimated that the college entrance examination can be passed with eyes closed!


As one of the top ten universities, in addition to the resources rewarded by the Hongxia government every year, the resources found by Liu Xuanya in the dungeon will also be stored in Curry as rewards.

At her height, the general treasures of heaven, material and earth have no effect!

The same goes for the vice president of Icefield University!

In fact, their university is simply ranked at the bottom, and resources are not in short supply at all-because few students can take away the rewarded resources.

Icefield University belongs to the kind of college with serious polarization!

It is possible to maintain the top ten college rankings, but it is also difficult to improve the rankings.

The reason is also easy to think of.

It can be heard from Liu Ran's previous conditions.

When he first awakened, the S-level talent Jiang He could be specially recruited to Icefield University as long as he reached the sixth level of awakening.

In other top universities, talent awakeners of this level will only be looked down upon if they are specially recruited without the strength of the warrior state!

Icefield University focuses more on giving students enough opportunities!

But at the same time, it also created the laziness of many students, thinking that the future will be bright after being admitted to a top university.

However, there are quite a few motivated students, who have achieved better development and enough pressure in top universities!

That's how the ranking of Icefield University has been going up and down, and it will not affect the status of the college in Hongxia Country at all!

When it comes to having good things, Jiang Chuan is not sleepy!

"Then Teacher Liu, is there any genius treasure that can increase defense?"

Jiang Chuan didn't directly mention the armor, but used another way of saying it.

After all, armor is only displayed in his system, and the real world still pays more attention to four-dimensional attributes!

Defense is just a hidden attribute, and armor is a new concept for others!

Add defense?

Liu Xuanya was taken aback by Jiang Chuan's question.

Never heard such a strange request!

What others want is either potions that increase strength or potions that increase spirit or aura.

When it comes to Jiang Chuan, just defend?

If you can't kill yourself, you win?

But thinking of the previous college entrance examination dungeon that punched the python king, Liu Xuanya was a little puzzled:

"Aren't you able to withstand the attack of the python king? You still need to add a defensive genius?"

She knew very well that Jiang Chuan's current cultivation was probably at the initial stage of a warrior, and he already had the ability to withstand the fourth-order python king, so why did he need defense?

She didn't understand, but was shocked!

"Cultivation secrets! Just tell me if you have any."

Jiang Chuan said out loud.

It's a joke, you can't tell Liu Xuanya about the system, not even Jiang He!

"Just now the teacher yelled very neatly, but now he has to hide it. It's really sad."

Liu Xuanya had a melancholy look on her face, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if Jiang Chuan was a heartbreaker.

Teacher Liu, you are also the principal after all, don't you want to be burdened by your image?

Jiang Chuan slandered in his heart, but his face was still as firm as iron!

Liu Xuanya saw that her little apprentice was struggling with armor.

It can also be seen that Jiang Chuan will not tell her his little secret anymore, and put away his weeping expression.

He took out his mobile phone, projected the screen on the wall, flipped through it, and muttered:

"There is a defensive elixir, but I can't remember what it's called for a while. It was thrown into Curry a long time ago..."

Jiang Chuan waited quietly at the side.

Liu Ran looked at Jiang He who was sitting next to Jiang Chuan, and glanced at Jiang Chuan: What's going on?

Jiang He pursed his lips and shook his head, his eyes innocent: I don't know~

Helpless, the two women who were kept in the dark had no choice but to watch their master and apprentice looking through the treasure house quietly.

"Xuanhuo Pill: increases fire damage, Bingjilian: increases ice resistance..."

After turning around for a while, everyone's eyes were dazzled.

Jiang Chuan did not expect that there are so many curry noodles in Icefield University!

At a glance, there are all resources above grade B!

Just when Liu Xuanya lost her patience, a green pill appeared on the screen:

"Tyrant Tortoise Pill: Cheng Dan, taking it can increase the maximum defense power by 10%, S-level resource!"

"Phew, I finally found it, otherwise I would have smashed my phone~"

Liu Xuanya breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Erdi, don't say such violent words on your beautiful face like a fairy!

Jiang Chuan looked eagerly at the green pill on the screen with dark lines on it.

The effect of the elixir is similar to that of the Lingpo pill seen before.

After taking this elixir, his armor will increase by a percentage as his armor grows!

It is simply tailor-made for him!

At this moment, Liu Xuanya regretted:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that you can only get A-level resources through prostitution at most, and it's written in the contract."

"So you can't take this elixir now. S-level resources can only be used as rewards when you have outstanding performance."

"After all, the teacher and I did not find these resources alone, and many vice principals also contributed a lot!"

Liu Xuanya's words instantly dimmed Jiang Chuan's hopeful eyes.

He glanced resentfully at Liu Xuanya, who had a smile in the corner of her eyes.

The opponent's cunning was not concealed at all.

Obviously, this is the teacher's revenge!

Bring him hope and make him despair!

She must be holding a grudge against Jiang Chuan for not sharing the secret with her!

Jiang He and Liu Ran looked at the two of them, dumbfounded.

One is the principal, but he teases the students as naively as a child.

One is the number one scholar, but he asks for resources for practice like a child asking his parents for candy.

Is it really good for these two people to communicate like no one else?

Anyway, there are two big living people watching!

After a little skinny, Liu Xuanya said seriously:

"You really can't take the S-level resources, but I can give you a high-level weapon, which is completely within the scope of the contract."

Hearing this, Jiang Chuan's eyes sparkled with hope!

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