Fukaros, who had been delighted to watch Jiang Chuan and his father happily chatting, saw Jiang Chuan suddenly violently attack and kill his father.

The smile suddenly froze on her face, which was something she never thought of.

"You... killed my father?"

She muttered to herself, her face pale.

Jiang Chuan turned his head, looked at the girl with ashen face, and said quietly:

"Who said he was your father?"

As he spoke, he threw the head of the "evil god" over.

The sphere gurgled and rolled to Fukaros' eyes.

The latter looked intently and saw a scene that she would never forget.

The head in front of him is still the handsome father, who is obviously an ugly unknown creature!


Fukaros screamed.

Jiang Chuan said with a smile:

"Why, do you still think this is your father?"

"How do you know it's not my father's?"

Jiang Chuan shook his head with a smile.

This is really thanks to Ying Jiangchuan, he gave himself something to guide.

The direction that the pointer points to is not the high seat where the extraterrestrial demon sat, but a pillar on the other side!

This made him feel weird, he thought the prop was broken.

But when he heard that the "evil god" couldn't wait to want Jiang He, he knew that it wasn't the pointer that was broken, but that there was something wrong with the "evil god" in front of him!

He...is too unqualified to be an "evil god"!

Even if you are imprisoned, you shouldn't be so impatient.

This flaw is really a bit bizarre, so bizarre that Jiang Chuan doesn't want to suspect it.

But the reality does not allow him to let go of this flaw!

In addition, if the evil god really has the strength to fight against the demons outside the territory, he will not be at a disadvantage even in the face of Jiang Chuan...

So, Jiang Chuan made a move!

It turns out that sometimes, even if the process is inexplicable, the result is the best answer.

Jiang Chuan looked at the pillar pointed by the pointer, did not speak, but punched it up.


The pillar developed a large number of cracks and then collapsed with a crash.

A skinny old man fell out of it.

Jiang Chuan immediately stepped forward to support him. From his appearance, it can be seen that he is very similar to the evil god pretended to be by the extraterrestrial demon.

"Xiao Hehe, come here and feed the blood!"

Jiang Chuan shouted at Jiang He.

The latter immediately stepped forward and cut his finger.

The blood flowed into the mouth along the corner of the old man's lips, and the old man's face became ruddy visibly.

He woke up slowly, and when he opened his eyes, it was Jiang Chuan's face.

Obviously, he knew this face, and he said:

"You're here……"

"If it was ten thousand years ago, I might still have the power to help you, but unfortunately, after ten thousand years of consumption, I am already at the end of my life..."

"Master Cthulhu, what do you mean?"

Jiang Chuan frowned.

The latter laughed:

"Actually, the invasion of the extraterrestrial celestial demons is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

They are the negative energies of countless material universes, but now they have to be borne by a single planet, which is simply an unstoppable disaster.

When they appear, the planet is doomed to perish. "


The bodies of the three who heard the news shook violently.

An unbelievable look appeared on Jiang Chuan's face, and he blurted out:


"Once it is eroded by this force, it is equivalent to the beginning of rot. No matter how hard you try, at most it will only delay the speed of its rot."

The evil god said with a complicated expression.

"Then what's the point of me saving now?"

Jiang Chuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the evil god.

A trace of bewilderment floated in his eyes.

"Even you, the me in the past and you in the strong period, couldn't save Blue Star, so what can I do?"

Jiang Chuan will never underestimate himself, but he will not be blindly arrogant either.

Standing in front of the evil god and the former Ying Jiangchuan, he felt that he might not be worse than the two of them, but he would not be much better than them either.

What the two powerful predecessors failed to do, he alone...

How can we do better?

It's so hard, there's little hope.

If he had been a worthless high school student before, he might have said to himself, "Anyway, the ending is already doomed, and it's none of my business." Then there is really nothing wrong with this kind of thinking.

The worm's life is only in autumn.

But there are always people who want to fight to cross the other shore!

"Are you scared?"

The evil god saw the confusion in Jiang Chuan's eyes and asked softly.

Jiang Chuan shook his head:

"I have no idea."

The evil god smiled:

"Actually, it's not necessary. I will pave the way for you. If it doesn't work, the planet will just perish according to the original trajectory."

He spoke very easily, but Jiang Chuan could read the seriousness in his tone, but he looked at Jiang Chuan with unusually gentle eyes.

This made Jiang Chuan's eyes light up.

At first it was a little...

Then it became stronger and stronger, bright!


In this world, he has been here, he has fought hard, he has loved deeply, and he doesn't care about the ending!

There was a fire in Jiang Chuan's heart, burning with a bang, and it was getting hotter and hotter!

Want to start a prairie fire again!

"Hehe, it seems that you have figured it out and are confident again."

The evil god looked at him with a smile.

Jiang Chuan smiled, "Confidence is not something to talk about, I just thought, can I go a few steps ahead of you, and see if this ending is really doomed."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The evil god laughed out loud, incomparably carefree.

Bring a few different tastes to this dark and dead abyss.

"Then I'll... give you a fortune!"

The evil god smiled, and suddenly exerted force in his hand, passing its divine power to Jiang Chuan.


When Jiang Chuan was looking for a way out of the abyss.

A small island near the imperial capital of Hongxia Kingdom.

A villa temporarily used as a conference hall.

Dozens of men and women are sitting around a huge conference table, discussing matters.

These people are powerful emperors from all over the world, including Hongxia Kingdom's Guiyang Great Emperor Jing Guiyang, Tongtian Great Emperor Long Wentian and others.

This meeting was also hosted and organized by Hongxia Kingdom.

On the big screen in the conference hall, a video has just been played.

Long Wentian's solemn face was full of solemnity, his sharp eyes swept across the audience, and he said in a deep voice:

"This is a video that was just sent back from Beichuanyang. The three great emperors of the Kimchi Kingdom were unfortunately defeated, and more than fifty kings were unfortunately captured...

So far, our Blue Star has lost ten emperor realm powerhouses!

Among them are the Beast King of the Lighthouse Country, and the Bone King of the Cherry Blossom Country..."

"I think everyone...should all have a strong sense of crisis?"

The Great Emperor present had a complex expression and nodded slightly.

"Everyone, our lips are dead and our teeth are cold. At this critical moment, we should unite and work together to fight this crisis!"

Everyone understands the truth, otherwise I wouldn't be there.

But if you understand it, if you really want to resolve the crisis, how can you do it with a few slogans?

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