Hundreds Of Millions Of Layers Of Armor, The Gods Can't Do Anything To Me

Chapter 95 Points Skyrocket! High-Level Attention!

The students on the sidelines were amazed at Jiang Chuan's showmanship:

"Holy shit, can it still be like this? The deep realm attracts monsters like this? I'm really not afraid of being surrounded and beaten!"

"Hey! Why does this scene seem familiar? I seem to have seen it in a video of a champion's college entrance examination pass."

"Don't even think about it, it's this guy! I remember him! Su Yu provincial champion Jiang Chuan, this time he and the monster's roles are reversed!"

"It's really outrageous. The scene where he stabbed a bumble bee just now is still vivid in my memory. I guess this time is no exception."


In the depths.

After receiving Jiang Chuan's order, several people hiding in the dark jumped out directly.

Zhuo Feiran directly wiped out the little bee behind the big bee with a few water arrows.

Fortunately, the number of people who came this time was not large, and this pause only consumed about 10% of his spiritual energy, and he will be able to recover after a while!

The remaining two combatants used the simplest and most violent physical transcendence method on the Hornet foremen, allowing them to return to the deep realm.

Deng An released vines to harass him in the rear, and by the way he milked her.

This sudden attack caught the monsters by surprise.

Most of them were dealt with before they even had time to squirt.

The wasp corpses were cut open one by one, and the thick and sticky nectar exploded with their death!

Except for Jiang Chuan and Zhuo Feiran, the other three were inevitably affected.

Jiang Chuan escaped by using his knowledge and knowledge, while Shuo Feiran successfully avoided disaster by relying on his phantom talent.

"Why is this honey so heavy!"

Shao Huajun frowned.

"The monsters in the deep realm are generally more difficult to deal with than in the normal secret realm."

Zhong Jin didn't have any surprises, this was the routine operation of Shenjing.

Shao Huajun and Zhong Jin, who are known for their strength and strength, raised their hands to shake off the nectar on their bodies, but found that they couldn't use their strength at all!

Deng Ping's body was slightly heavy, and his face was a little ugly.

His healing skills don't remove the nectar from him!

"I said why it was so hard before, so it's not me who can't do it anymore~"

Jiang Chuan dealt with the remaining worker bees while feeling relieved in his heart, and suggested:

"Feiran, try to clean up the nectar on their bodies with a spell."

Hearing this, Zhuo Feiran opened his blue book and released three balls of water.

Sure enough, these heavy honeys are simply sticky, and they will slide down faster when they encounter water.

After the heavy honey fell off, the three of them instantly relaxed, as if they had been reborn!

Zhong Jin and Shao Huajun didn't hesitate too long, and hurried forward to support Jiang Chuan, Zhong Jin ordered by the way:

"Brother Zhuo, you use water arrows in the back to support, Deng An concentrates on controlling, no one is injured for the time being!"

Even though Deng An really didn't want to help Jiang Chuan, he had no choice but to act at this time, Zhuo Feiran obeyed the arrangement.

When his water arrows attack a single target, not only does it consume very little, but it is also very powerful, causing a lot of hindrance to the bee colony.

In less than two minutes, they successfully dealt with this group of deep monsters!

"How is everyone's aura consumption?"

Zhong Jin asked.

After inquiring, I learned that Zhuo Feiran consumed the most energy, which probably consumed about 20% of his spiritual energy, but it didn't hurt his muscles and bones, and he could recover in about half an hour.

This place is located in the forest. For Deng An, it is beneficial for him to perform spells here, so the consumption is not too big.

Both Jiang Chuan and Shao Hua's army are in close combat, and the consumption is almost negligible, which will not affect their next actions!

After understanding, Zhong Jin turned to look at Jiang Chuan:

"How? Did you see the number of monsters just now? How many more?"

Jiang Chuan stretched out his finger and circled the bee carcass on the ground, then bent his index finger:

"About nine more times like this to attract monsters."

"Okay, let's continue, try to finish off these monsters before dusk!"

Zhong Jin took a look at the scoreboard, and this time, nearly 300 points were credited. This time, their team might really be able to create a miracle!

Henceforth, Jiang Chuan repeated his old trick, using his colossus protection and reassuring armor value, to lead the bee swarms to different locations for siege time and time again.

Their points began to rise steadily!

In the high-level conference room of Icefield University, the leaders were looking at the ranking list of the Deep Realm, and started a discussion:

"The imperial capital is still performing steadily this time~ It's only been a few hours, and it has already reached 1900 points. Sigh, after all, Xiang Tianba has the SS-level talent of telekinetics, and the only one who can act presumptuously in front of him is Mengyan!"

"Unfortunately, for this last deep realm, he gave up the opportunity to become a grandmaster. It should be an order from the family. This deep realm is his chance to be promoted."

"I hope that the trial students of our university will not meet him too early, otherwise it is impossible to get the top ranking."

"Hey! Look, our Icefield University has actually made it to the top ten, and it's still rising!"

A leader with glasses and a smooth beard exclaimed.

"Oh? What's the situation?"

The majestic man sitting on the main seat was surprised when he heard this, and refocused his attention on the leaderboard.

I saw that the ranking of Icefield University was rising steadily, reaching 1800 in a short time, surpassing the second-ranked Demon City Deep Realm team, and approaching the team led by Xiang Tianba, who ranked first!

He had already given up hope for this deep-level ranking and said excitedly:

"Hurry up, call up the screen and see what's going on!"

Soon, the leaderboard on the screen changed, and the split screen became a picture of the two teams in the deep realm.

The veteran Deep Realm team is currently dormant, and they are preparing to attack an elite small boss.

Although the points increase for killing elite bosses is also considerable, it is far from being able to catch up with the number one team in a short time!

In other words, the point increase is another... freshman team?

At this time, Jiang Chuan's team had ended another battle, and this was already the fourth batch of bee swarms they had solved.

The points also came to 1839 points!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chuan, who was a powerful monster attractor, rushed into the flower field again and threw foreign objects at the bee swarm.

Jiang Chuan disappeared from the high-level images of the college for about ten minutes. When he was seen again, he was followed by a group of angry hornets!

The leaders were overwhelmed after seeing their skilled one-stop service of bee burial:

"Look, what is professionalism! Although this team is all freshmen, their running-in speed is too fast. How many hours has it been?"

"Especially the student who is responsible for attracting monsters, not only has courage, but also strength, who is he?"

The majestic man asked the surrounding people.

"He is the number one freshman in this class, Jiang Chuan with the talent of flesh armor."

"Student Jiang really deserves to be a dragon and a phoenix among men. He can fight and resist, and those old guys who evaluate their strength really have sharp eyes!"

"When you said that freshmen were not good enough, you were the one who called me the happiest!"

The majestic man lost his temper for a moment, and could only maintain an awkward but polite smile.

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