Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 456 Shock from the Dark Continent

It’s okay to have mixed abilities...

On-demand development?


It was simply unseen and unheard.

This is telekinesis. It’s not about buying groceries. You can buy whatever you want!

Jin stared at Moyu.

The words you just said that you are definitely not human are definitely words from the heart.

"Is it a spatial ability?"

Suppressing the turmoil in his heart, Jin turned to look at the huge whirlpool in the center of the lake.

The shadow ball that Moyu threw into the lake just now was probably the material that materialized into the entrance to the space.

Then as the entrance to the mind space opened, the water from the lake poured into it crazily.

This is Jin's speculation, and the specific answer needs to be obtained from Moyu.

"Well, it's not perfect yet, but it's just used as a shelter. It should be enough."

Moyu stared at the whirlpool in the lake.

Using the "Shadow World" to extract water from the lake can be regarded as a brilliant idea.

It's a pity that the entrance and exit area is limited, otherwise Moyu still has some ideas about this ability mechanism.

For example, use these lakes to perform a water escape technique out of thin air.

This should make Hanzo's eyes pop out.

However, these ideas will bring many different benefits to the "Shadow World" to some extent.

The ability of thinking itself is the product of the imagination, and it should not be restricted or restricted in terms of ideas.

Therefore, even if the original intention of the "Shadow World" was to be used as a refuge, depending on how it is used, it can also have uses and values ​​that are different from the original intention.


Jin suddenly fell silent, not knowing what to say.

Even though he was unprepared now, with such a mental space refuge, he had a strong urge to follow Moyu for a walk in the Dark Continent.

However, he couldn't leave, so he could only suppress his thoughts and silently wish Moyu good luck.

Jin didn't speak, and Moyou didn't say a word either.

Suddenly there was only the sound of water.

Both of them looked at the lake in silence as the water became less and less.

After a while, the water in this small lake was drained by the "Shadow World".

The bottom of the lake, with a large number of aquatic plants growing and silt everywhere, was revealed.

Moyu glanced around the bottom of the lake, followed the increasingly strong presence, and quickly locked the position.

It is a place very close to the center of the lake. There are no water plants there and there is a lot of black and gray silt.

"follow me."

Before confirming, Moyu didn't know what this aura meant, so he jumped into the bottom of the lake first and asked Jin to follow him.

Jin followed and jumped into the bottom of the lake.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the location where a large amount of silt accumulated.

"Can you 'sense' the specific location?"

Seeing that Moyu's goal was so clear, Jin finally couldn't help but ask.

Moyu glanced at Jin. He didn't think about hiding this matter. He nodded and said: "I can feel a breath, but I'm not sure what it is. Anyway... let's clean up the sludge first."


His golden eyes were filled with color, and he nodded in agreement.

What he saw and heard today really opened his eyes.

Moyu stood on top of a group of water plants, his mental energy rising slightly.

"Soul Echo"

As the thoughts flowed up and down, the shadow clone of a unit was materialized out of thin air.

This way you don’t have to do it yourself.

Moyu smiled slightly and controlled the shadow clone to shovel the mud.

But he soon realized that the efficiency was average, and there was no guarantee that he would inadvertently touch this aura if he let the shadow clone shovel mud.

"Wait a moment, I'll get rid of you."

Moyu didn't want to waste time, so he took out his cell phone and dialed Xiaodi's number.

Jin is also an expert who often surfs the Internet. When he heard the word shake, he was no stranger to it, so he temporarily stopped the idea of ​​shoveling mud in the ground.

The call was answered quickly.

Moyou explained the situation to Xiaodi and then sent her the location.

After a while.

Xiaodi rushed to the scene at extremely fast speed.

"Protruding Eye Fish"

With his mind surging, Xiaodi quickly visualized the protruding-eyed fish, and then gave the order: "Protruding-eyed fish, absorb all this mud."


After receiving the order, the bulging-eyed fish immediately turned its eyes around, then opened its mouth, and a powerful suction force was generated out of thin air, sweeping a large amount of mud from the bottom of the lake into its mouth.


The sludge seems to smell bad.

The eyeballs of the bulging-eyed fish moved very quickly, as if it was enduring some kind of unpleasant smell, but it still worked hard to increase its power.

Under the ultra-high-power operation of the Big Eye Fish, the mud at the bottom of the lake was quickly cleaned up.

Many times, it is more convenient to read the ability.

Moyu and Jin saw this scene from the sidelines and thought in unison in their hearts.

As a large amount of silt disappeared, the depth of the lake bottom actually dropped by more than one meter, and a large area of ​​blue stone bricks was exposed.

On the surface of the stone bricks, lines as thick as an adult's arm are clearly engraved, and seemingly regular patterns are spread across every blue brick within sight.

Seeing these huge lines, Moyu and Jin looked at each other.

These large patterns on the blue stone slab were probably the center for transferring divine characters throughout ancient times.

"Give me half a day."

Jin carefully came to the ancient divine words and began to study.

As long as we can figure out the structure and rules of this ancient divine character, we can more easily find the centers of other ancient divine characters.

In order not to delay Moyu's departure for the Dark Continent, he only gave himself half a day of research time.

Moyu watched Jin begin to immerse himself in studying the ancient divine characters, and used his eyes to signal Xiaodi to withdraw from the bottom of the lake, leaving Jin in a quiet environment.

Returning to the shore, Xiaodi asked: "Is this the end?"

"I guess so."

Moyu looked back at Jin.

I came here to help Jin find the center of the ancient transfer of divine characters, and then waited for Jin to thoroughly study this ancient transfer of divine characters.

At that time, under Jin's arrangement, they can go directly to the other end of the "pipeline" with the help of the transfer ability of this ancient divine word.

I originally thought that I might have to spend a lot of time here, but I didn't expect that I could sense the location of the center.

I don’t know if it is an innate ability or a special ability possessed by this body after death...

Perhaps after arriving in the Dark Continent, one can rely on this ability to sense the ancient divine words that remain throughout the Dark Continent.

Thinking about it this way, this kind of talent-like ability may be helpful in the next trip to the Dark Continent.

Xiaodi also followed Moyu and looked at Jin who was studying the divine characters at the bottom of the lake, and said softly: "Then are we about to set off?"

"If Kim can do it in half a day, then it will be around dinner time."

Moyu roughly calculated the time.

In fact, given the harsh environment of the Dark Continent, it would be unreasonable to set off at night.

But no one knows how long it will take after entering the "pipeline" to "flow" to the other end...

Moreover, the Six Continents have to deal with the potential threats posed by these "ancient pipelines" as quickly as possible, so naturally there is no way to choose the departure time.

So leave whenever you can.

Time passes slowly——

It wasn't until 7 p.m. that Moyou received a call from Jin.


Jin Ru said on the phone.

So Moyu hung up the phone and led everyone to the lake.

Jin was already waiting on the shore.

At this moment, he was covered in stains and his face looked tired.

It was obvious that he spent a lot of energy studying the divine characters.

Moyu is considered an expert, but his attainments in divine characters are incomparable to Jin.

If he were asked to study an ancient giant text of this size, not to mention whether he could come up with a clue, the difference in level alone would make him wonder how much time he would spend in it.

"Do you want to leave immediately?"

Jin watched Moyu and the others approaching, and went straight to the topic when he opened his mouth.

After all, it’s a race against time——


Moyu nodded and then looked around at his teammates.

Bisji has both frontal combat power and rest protection.

Xiaodi is responsible for opening roads and temporarily stocking supplies.

Menqi who ensures logistics and food needs.

Sambica that reduces the threat of viruses and bacteria.

Pjorn is responsible for the translation of ancient texts and necessary communication.

Kang Jae protects the safety of logistics personnel and takes into account the needs of frontal combat.

as well as--

Hisoka, the trial and error tool man.

Finally, his eyes rested on Hisoka's face, and Moyu always felt as if he had forgotten something.

Hisoka raised his eyebrows and vaguely felt that he had something important to do before setting off.

"Time is precious, I will activate the transfer ability of the 'Divine Word' to send you there now."

All preparations have been discussed beforehand, so Jin doesn't need to say anything more at this moment.

He walked directly to a spot on the blue stone slab, and then poured his mind into it, activating this ancient divine word that had existed for an unknown length of time.

When Jin's thought energy soaked into the blue stone slab, it was like a chain reaction occurred in an instant, and all the lines on the blue stone slab glowed with a faint white light.

Seeing this, Moyu threw the entrance and exit of the "Shadow World" above the lake before the "Pipeline" was activated.

Before setting off, he had to pour out the lake water in the "Shadow World" and test an idea at the same time.

Jin raised his eyes and glanced at the shadow ball hanging in mid-air, then looked at Moyu.

Their eyes intertwined in mid-air.

Then, the two of them nodded slowly.

next moment.

The white light emanating from the lines suddenly became intense, flashing towards Moyu and others like a camera flash.

When the strong white light disappeared, Moyu and the others disappeared out of thin air, leaving Jin alone standing on the blue stone slab at the bottom of the lake.


As Jin murmured in a low voice, he ducked back to the shore of the lake and flicked his fingers.

Immediately, a solid thought ball flew into the air towards a pattern on the blue stone slab at the bottom of the lake.

Then, Jin didn't look at the thought ball that flew out. Instead, he looked up at the shadow ball hanging above the lake.

But the shadow ball suddenly became flat, like a black curtain floating in mid-air.


A dull sound came from the black curtain.

The next second, a large amount of lake water emerged from the black curtain and gathered into a powerful water column about two meters in diameter, falling vertically on the lake surface.

From a distance, it looks like a large faucet has been turned on.

"Don't get stuck there."

Jin stared at the vertical water column and whispered to himself.

the other side.

After entering the "pipeline", Moyu felt his eyes blurred. When he came back to his senses, he was already in a gray and still space.

Before he could take a closer look at the surrounding space, countless streaks of light came towards him, like fleeting meteors, rushing past him.

And this kind of stream of light seems to be endless, continuously coming from the end in front, and ultimately passing by in the blink of an eye.


Moyu couldn't hide his surprise at such a wonderful sense.

Here it is——


So the current state is in the process of transmission?

Moyu didn't have time to think deeply, and instead focused on the vision sharing of shadow units.

Before the ancient divine words were activated, he left the shadow of a unit on the other side of the lake.

On the one hand, it is to dump the lake water to test the idea of ​​using the "Shadow World" from a distance.

On the other hand, I want to take this opportunity to see the upper limit of the "Shadow World".

Through the ability to share vision, Moyu saw Jin standing on the shore, and immediately controlled the shadow to open the passage to the "Shadow World".

The shadow suspended over the lake immediately poured out the lake water that the whale had swallowed...

"No obstacles."

Moyu's thoughts moved slightly.

But just when his mind was busy, the shared field of vision in front of him suddenly trembled and blurred, and then as if the signal was interrupted, the entire field of vision suddenly disappeared.

Also interrupted was the connection with the shadow unit.

"It still doesn't work. It's because the distance is exceeded, which makes the ability unsustainable..."

Moyu frowned slightly as he lost contact with the shadow unit.

It seems that now he——

It should be moving away from its original place at an extremely fast speed.

So these streams of light in front of you...

Maybe it wasn't coming towards him at the speed of light, but he was moving forward at the speed of light.

But now his body has been in a state of stillness.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move at all.

Contradictory, strange, and unsolvable.

This is probably how Moyu feels right now.

And here, the senses of time and space seem to be vertically separated by some kind of card, so that the cognitive aspect gradually becomes blurred.

I don’t know how long this state lasted.

Moyu came back to his senses again, and suddenly found himself standing on a rough land filled with white.


The hazy feeling lingering on his consciousness was instantly dispelled. Moyu quickly looked around, and then saw Bisji and others scattered within ten meters around him, and felt relieved.

"You didn't..."

Looking at Bisji and the others, Moyu was about to speak when he was interrupted by a deafening sound.

His eyes changed immediately, and Bisji and the others also heard the noise.

Almost at the same second, everyone turned around.

What caught his eye was a creature as huge as a hill.

"This is……!?"

Everyone looked at the hill-like creature, and their pupils shrank sharply.

Too huge.


Tiger head, crocodile body, snake tail!

The appearance of the creature in front of me is basically the same as that of the "Night Watcher" who went to the Mugu Road hunting ground through the pipeline. The difference in appearance is that this creature is pure white, as if it has been genetically mutated.

But the bigger problem is! ! !

The "Night Watcher" that was sent to the hunting ground through the pipeline was as large as a heavy-duty truck, but the "Night Watcher" in front of him was as large as a mountain!

The indescribable visual impact made Moyou and the others stand stunned on the spot.


Against the backdrop of the pure white environment, a palm-sized dark object came to the side of the huge night watcher like snowflakes, and it naturally broke into the sight of everyone in Moyu.

Moyou glanced at the unknown dark object from the corner of his eye.

Compared with the giant night watcher, this dark object, which may be catkins or feathers, is too small.

Moyu didn't know why he still had the time to pay attention to this small, dark thing that highlighted its presence in the pure white environment.

He didn't bother to check how the shadow would return now. His first thought was to open the passage to the shadow world and let everyone in first to avoid danger.

But what happened next shocked everyone deeply.

But he saw the catkin-like black thing falling on the giant night watcher.

next moment.

Half of the Night Watchman's body was crushed without warning...

It can be called a body like a hill.

Just like that, I was given an unknown object that looked like catkins or feathers...


Perhaps, no human being can remain calm in front of such a scene.

At least not Moyo.

The picture in front of me was too shocking.


At this moment, he inexplicably thought of the scene when he was a child and quickly stepped on empty drink cans with his feet...

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