Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 482 Disasters happen one after another

Chimera ants are an insect classified as a species designated for first-level quarantine.

This creature will adopt a form of reproduction called cannibalism. The specific ability is to eat other creatures, thereby passing on the characteristics of this creature to the next generation.

During the process of feeding and mating, the chimeric ant queen, who is responsible for reproduction, will specifically select species with stronger genes.

Once it selects a species that satisfies it, it will continue to eat that species until it becomes extinct.

Therefore, feeding and mating is a very terrible way of biological reproduction.

However, because the chimera ant queen is only ten centimeters long under normal conditions, the danger of the species is within a controllable range and will not pose a threat to the current ecosystem or even humans.


This is the norm.

The queen ant, which is only ten centimeters long, is really nothing to worry about.


What if the queen is more than two meters long?

"You can also eat humans."

NGL, deep in a dense forest, Bakuer bit his thumb hard, his eyes trembled slightly, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Next to him, more than a dozen team members including Pence, Greta, and Hurtado had similar reactions to Baku's, and they all couldn't hide their horror.

As a rising biological investigation team, they have worked very hard during this period. With their excellent ability and efficiency in completing commissions, they have given various commissioning agencies a good impression.

The results of all this are largely due to Bakuer's arrangement and dispatch, as well as intelligence integration.

So after receiving valuable witness information, Bakuer happily led his team members into the NGL autonomous region.

It is worth mentioning that information related to biological investigations is fluid and is generally shared among various commissioning agencies, and is eventually provided to a team dedicated to biological investigations.

Therefore, the biological investigation team that came to the NGL Autonomous Region was not the only team of Bokuer, but there were also five other biological investigation teams traveling with it.


The Bokuer team is currently unable to contact the other five biological investigation teams, and not long ago, they encountered a chimera ant soldier ant.

Although the chimera ant soldier ant was killed without any risk in the end, a horrifying fact was placed in front of the Bokuer team.

"This kind of thing is really unimaginable, but judging from the size of that soldier ant, the queen ant is absolutely abnormal..."

Bakura raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, quickly looked around at his companions who had the same frightened faces as him, and his voice trembled slightly:

"I also hope that my judgment is wrong, but even so, you have also seen the scene of those soldier ants hunting humans. As far as this matter is concerned, it is beyond our capabilities."

"Then withdraw NGL immediately and convey this news to the outside world."

Greta suggested, her eyes full of solemnity under her sunglasses.

Peng Si controlled the many hornets who had returned without success and returned to the hat, and said in confusion: "The other investigation teams have lost contact, I'm afraid... so I also feel that I need to leave NGL as soon as possible."

NGL, this is an autonomous region that advocates natural life and abandons all mechanical civilization.

Therefore, those who want to apply for entry are not allowed to bring any mechanical equipment.

If someone is caught secretly bringing contraband into NGL, the most common penalty is the death penalty.

This shows how seriously NGL takes this rule.

Due to this rule, no one entering the country is allowed to bring communication equipment such as mobile phones and walkie-talkies.

But Pence can use the Hornets to convey simple messages, which is how they communicate with other investigation teams.

However, the emergence of many second-generation soldier ants of chimera ants and the loss of contact with other investigation teams undoubtedly showed the seriousness of the situation.

The key is--

Being in NGL, they were unable to contact the outside world immediately.

This is the fundamental reason why Greta and Pence believe that NGL should be evacuated as soon as possible.

Because they already know everything about chimera ants, they can deeply understand the horror of large chimera ants.

Now, those chimera ant soldiers are already hunting humans...

Bakuer and the others felt chills all over their bodies just by imagining the large chimera ants that mixed the genes of humans, beasts, insects, etc.

Not to mention that chimera ants are divided into hierarchies.

The chimera ant they encountered not long ago was not difficult to solve.

But that is just a soldier ant at the lowest level of the hierarchy. Above it there are army commanders, division commanders, direct bodyguards and other species that have absorbed stronger genes.


Also take into account the number of chimera ants.

From every point of view, it was warning them to leave quickly.


Baokuer took out a simple map and said solemnly:

"You can temporarily ignore the possibility of encountering soldier ants, and then choose a route that can reach the border the fastest."

As the saying goes, soldiers are valuable and quick, as a professional fantasy beast hunter, Bokuer realized the heavy responsibility that their team shouldered.

He knew many of the properties of chimera ants.

Therefore, he knew that he had to pass on this news before the chimera ants completely grew, so that a dedicated crusade team could rush to NGL as quickly as possible, and then strangle the suspected mutated chimera ants in the cradle.

On top of this premise, he also considered the strength of the soldier ant he killed not long ago.

For their team of four telepathic users, the risk they took when encountering a small group of soldier ants was almost within an acceptable range.

Then, putting speed and efficiency first is a natural result.

"No matter what, as long as we can get out of here quickly!"

A man named Benbo in the team said excitedly.

There are twelve people in the biological investigation team. Except for Baku, Greta, Pence, and Hurtado, who are telepathic users, the others are all amateur hunters like Benbo who do not understand telekinesis.

Benbo's strength is at the bottom of the entire group, and he is naturally the one with the least sense of security.

So the strong desire to leave NGL as soon as possible is understandable.

Bakuo raised his head and glanced at Benbo. He didn't say anything, but quickly drew a route on the simple map.


After drawing out the route to be taken, Bakuer confirmed it and immediately put away the map, with a solemn expression on his slightly immature face.

Seeing that the team was about to leave NGL, Benbo and several other players who lacked a sense of security reluctantly calmed down.

Benbo took a deep breath and asked: "Which way are we going..."

He stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, his face froze, and his eyes suddenly widened with a look of confusion.

Why am I suddenly speechless...

And why is my body suddenly so cold?

Feeling confused and confused, Benbo did not realize that a piece of the back of his head was missing, and it was impossible to see the red and white things inside that were already damaged.

The dazed look in his eyes quietly froze, and he fell weakly toward the ground, turning into a corpse.

Also at this time——

Everyone else present was shocked.

Before Benbo died, he was completely unaware of the attack on the back of his head, but others saw a dark shadow with a slightly pungent fishy smell flashing behind him, and then saw a blood arrow spattered on the back of Benbo's head. .

It's an enemy attack!

Baku, Pence, Greta, and Hurtado quickly entered a fighting state when their pupils shrank sharply, opened their sperm holes, and released the maximum amount of telekinesis to adhere to the body surface.

While the other team members who did not have the ability to read were shocked, they also reacted and adjusted their positions to put the team in a position to face the enemy.

"what is that!?"

Pengsi's eyes were trembling. The bumblebees hidden in her hat seemed to be able to sense their owner's fear. They emerged from the hat one by one, flapped their wings and made a buzzing sound.

Greta pulled out a blowgun made of local materials from her lower back, and her eyes behind her sunglasses quickly glanced in the direction of the black shadow.

Then, a figure was barely reflected on his sunglasses.


Greta was slightly stunned, but soon saw the true face of the figure.

The opponent's body shape is no different from that of a human being, and he has short purple hair.


A pair of animal ears actually stood up from the purple hair. There was no tissue related to humans on the curvaceous body, and there was even a swaying tail.

The most eye-catching thing is that the opponent's arm contains the biological arthropod structure of a chimera ant.

This is not a humanoid monster, but a chimera ant that has ingested the genes of humans and cheetahs and other creatures.


Seeing clearly that the other person was not a human in the sense of the word, Greta's right hand holding the blowpipe suddenly trembled, causing huge waves in her heart.

Bakuer and the others also saw the appearance of this semi-humanoid chimera ant, and they all inevitably looked horrified.

"Oops, I'm obviously going to knock him out."

The Cheetah Chimera Ant turned around and sighed in a slightly annoyed tone.

However, he stuck out his tongue and naughtily licked the blood remaining on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing the semi-humanoid chimera ant speak Common Language, Baku and the others were even more horrified.


How can it be? !

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they simply wouldn't believe it.


"Kidu, I saw... what you said just now was completely aimed at 'fresh brains'."

A tall figure walked out through the low grass and stood in the opposite direction to the Cheetah Chimera Ant.

The Cheetah Chimera Ant, who was called Jidu by the tall figure, raised his hands and rested them on the back of his head. He curled his lips and said, "Then you must have seen it wrong. I just accidentally used too much force."

"Hey, on them..."

The tall figure ignored Kido's pretense, but kept looking at Pengsi, Bakuer, Greta, and Hurtado, and asked in surprise: "Kidou, can you see it?"


Jidu also looked at Bakuer and the others, and asked curiously: "It's glowing, is that life force?"

Hearing Kidu's words, Bakuer and the others' heartbeats suddenly accelerated.

What is going on with these two chimera ants with human facial features! ?

There is obviously only a small amount of naturally flowing qi on their bodies, and they cannot even use the minimum "tangle", but why can they see qi...

For a moment, Bakuru felt a chill spread all over his body, and felt a strong sense of foreboding.

There was a small truck driving on the road a short distance away from NGL. The wheels rolled over it, sending up bursts of flying smoke.

In the back of the truck, Kate and a group of people were sitting.

"The chimera ant queen will continue to migrate according to her needs for places. During this period, the number of soldier ants will continue to increase to guard the nest and hunt for food."

"Once a chimera ant queen finds a site she likes to build her nest, she will give birth to a large number of construction ants in a short period of time."

"When the nest begins to take shape under the construction of builder ants, the queen's appetite will reach a peak, and then the soldier ants will leave the nest to hunt large amounts of food for the queen."

"And this sudden increase in food intake is all for the purpose of giving birth to the ant king."

"In addition, the queen will live in the nest until she dies. Before that, the queen will give birth to a new ant king every cycle."

"And the ant kings she gives birth to will split from the racial hierarchy of chimera ants, and then mate with various creatures while traveling, so that they can give birth to new queens."

"That is to say——"

"To stop the proliferation and spread of chimera ants, we must eliminate the queen before she gives birth to a king."

In the carriage, a woman with long red wavy hair was introducing various information about chimera ants to Gon and Killua.

This woman is a member of Kate's biological investigation team, named Spina. Her main responsibility is to investigate information and integrate intelligence.

Next to him, Stick, who was also a member of the biological investigation team and had an exaggerated afro, raised his index finger and took over the conversation:

"If our previous speculation is true, then as the chimera ant queen's appetite increases sharply, large-scale disappearances should occur, but it happens to be in a place like NGL where the outflow of information is strictly prohibited, so it is difficult for us to get the exact information at the first time. news."

"NGL and mutant chimeric ants..."

Kate raised her hand to lower the brim of her hat and said in a deep voice:

"Based on the intelligence currently available, there is no worse combination than this. Just in case, I have reported the relevant information. Support will arrive soon, and our mission is to collect as much as possible intelligence."

The same biological investigation team also came into contact with information about chimera ants.

However, the Bokuer team chose to directly enter the NGL autonomous region to conduct biological investigations.

Kate, on the other hand, prepared for the worst. She first reported the collected intelligence and the alarmist results to the association, and then rushed to NGL as a vanguard to conduct on-the-spot investigation.

The advantage of this arrangement is that——

Once he further confirms the level of danger, the association can respond as quickly as possible.

This way of coping also reflects the "experience" gap between Kate's team and Baku's team.

The van drove across the sandy road and stopped at NGL's border registration office.

Kate and others got out of the car one after another and looked at the rocky mountain forest in the distance.


What will happen?

"Xiaodouzi, you mean...the association already knows about the mutant chimera ants?"

Inside the temple on the top of the scenic spot, Moyu held his mobile phone with a look of surprise on his face.

The tired voice of the bean-faced man came from the other end of the phone:

"Yes, the president has already left to deal with this matter."

At this point, the bean-faced man paused, and there was hesitation in his tone: "Moyou, it's great to have you back, but... can you... come and help?"

"Help? You mean about the chimera ants?"

Moyou's eyes narrowed slightly, and without waiting for the bean-faced man to respond, he said bluntly: "I had no intention of staying out of the matter."

"No, it's something else..."

The bean-faced man said quickly.


"A lot of weird things have happened recently..."

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