Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 39: Myths And Legends Are Needed For Faith Collection

"This method of belief collection is really different from what I thought before.

Roy muttered to himself, "I used to think that collecting beliefs only requires others to believe, and then you can gain beliefs."

"But according to what she said, if you want to collect beliefs, you must create myths and legends, and then collect beliefs through special operating methods.

"It is precisely because of this that it is so difficult to collect the beliefs of these angels, because myths and legends cannot be established casually."

Roy muttered softly, which also made the blonde archangel feel the same way.

If she herself hadn't created a little myth back then, making her one of the best archangels in the faith circle, she wouldn't know which corner of heaven she was sitting bored in now.

Although in heaven, because of the special reason of the scene, the angels living there can live any kind of life they want.

Whether it is becoming a god and ancestor, or traveling around the world, or being a rich man, or even three thousand in the harem, etc.

As long as it is something that can be thought of, in heaven, these can be done.

It is even said that only one thought is needed, except for the situation where it is restricted, or the situation where 320 is prohibited, the rest can be done.

Opening up the sky with one thought and creating the world with one thought are nothing but easy operations.

It sounds very powerful and domineering.

But the angels living in heaven know that these are all fake, because after they return to heaven, they are still the same weak chickens.

The gap was so great that many angels went crazy, and then fell into fallen angels.

The most important thing is that some of the fallen angels have myths and legends, so, elsewhere in heaven, there is an area called hell, where the fallen angels are located.

Because of these circumstances, Heaven also limited the strength level of creation, so that this function that should have been very interesting suddenly became boring.

At most, it is to be a rich man and become an emperor.

All angels, after reaching a certain level, will want to establish their own myths and legends, become archangels, have their own myths and strength.

However, human beings today are different from those in the past.

With the rapid development of science and technology, human knowledge is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

In this case, even if the angels come down and expend their hard-earned energy to allow themselves to have a body that can talk to humans, they have no way to create their myths and legends.

At most, it can only make some people think that they have good strength and a lot of ability.

But what is this~

With the little energy of these angels, the effect is not as amazing as the match in the sky arena, it is wonderful~

If it is said that the method of collecting beliefs only needs others to believe, then how can we get some supplements from some people who are easier to believe in people.

But this is not the case now.

Only after creating myths and legends, angels can absorb the beliefs they want, become archangels, and then possess various magical powers.

Archangels are not of the same level of strength, which only shows that this archangel has myths and legends.

Therefore, the Archangel is not optimistic about Roy's choice, thinking that when Roy creates myths and legends, he will definitely fail.

Myths and legends cannot be the kind of casual myths and legends, but must be the kind of myths and legends that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Otherwise, it won't take long for this kind of myth and legend to be forgotten.

Roy also wanted to understand this point, but, unlike the pessimistic (cddb) of the blond archangel, Roy was now thoughtful.

Of course he knows how difficult myths and legends are, especially the kind of myths and legends that are deeply rooted in people's hearts and remembered for a long time.

And, most importantly, Hunter X Hunter, which has extraordinary power, is still in the era of great technological development.

Roy wants to create myths and legends here, which is almost equivalent to mortals walking to the sky.

"However, it seems that there is no way." Roy rubbed his chin, thinking quickly in his heart.

The blond-haired archangel doesn't care what Roy thinks, she has given Roy the means of faith collection, so Roy should help her in turn.

"When will we start building the transfer station?" The blond-haired archangel looked at Roy, impatiently.

However, listening to the words of the blonde archangel, Roy looked at her suspiciously.

"You want to renege on the debt?" The blond-haired angel's face darkened, and he became a little angry when he saw Roy's tone.

"No, no, I didn't think about reneging on my debts, so don't slander me casually."

Roy waved his hands, signaling to the blonde archangel to be calm and not to be so anxious.

The blond angel's face remained unchanged, and he still looked at Roy with dissatisfaction, "Then what do you want to do?"

"You gave me a way to collect beliefs, but the problem is, how do I know if it's real? If it's fake, then I've been cheated miserably."

Roy is very cautious, and it is impossible to believe in the blond archangel before he confirms that this method of belief collection is true.

He even said that he didn't really believe what the blond archangel said.

Before confirming it, he would not rashly listen to the words of the blond archangel.

After all, who knows if this so-called paradise was created by those naughty people in the past.

Maybe it was the so-called pope who made it.

There is too little information and too few channels for receiving information, which makes Roy a little hesitant.

Here, listening to Roy's words, the blond archangel became short of breath, which is no longer within the scope of consideration.

However, looking at Roy's expression, she also knew that it might be impossible for Roy to start building a transfer station now.

"Okay, I'll just wait for you to complete this step, but can you not close that entrance, I want to look outside." The blond archangel discussed with Roy.

"Oh, no." Roy refused directly. .

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