Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 50 I'm Feeling It

Several days passed, and the next few battles were not strong, which allowed Roy to easily reach the 200th floor, and now, it was time for him and Peng Si to reach the 200th floor.

"Roy, Peng Si, the competition after the 200th floor is just an 'honor battle', there is no prize money, and it will become more and more difficult to advance to the next level."

"This layer adopts the 'application for combat system'. Each person has a 90-day combat preparation period. They can choose to participate in the competition on any day during this period. Every time they fight, they can get a recalculated 90-day combat preparation period. .”

The receptionist looked at Roy and Peng Si, and seriously introduced the situation in the 200 games.

"Hey, what will happen if you don't fight within the stipulated time?"

Peng Si looked at the receptionist in surprise, curious about this.

"If you don't go to war within the stipulated 90 days, you will be disqualified."

Peng Si nodded knowingly, "Oh, that's all right."

"At this level, as long as you get ten victories, you can pass, but if you lose four games before winning ten games, you will be disqualified." The receptionist glanced at Roy and Pence, and continued to introduce.

"If you can win this floor, you can challenge the 'landlord' to become the new landlord, monopolize that floor, enjoy a reputation and live a worry-free life."

Peng Si raised her palm and asked, "Excuse me, how much does the landlord have?"

"30, from 220 to 250 floors, each floor is owned by a landlord."

The receptionist paused and continued, "In addition, you can also participate in the biennial fighting tournament. If you win, you can move into the top floor—the 251st floor."

"In other words, there are a total of 31 landlords. That's okay. The competition is not as difficult as imagined." Peng Si nodded and smiled in satisfaction.

To this, Roy could only smile.

"After this level, you can use any weapon! Are you sure you are logged in now?"

After the receptionist introduced the fighting methods above the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, he also wanted to ask Roy and the others whether they wanted to sign up.

"You must log in, otherwise what are you doing?" Peng Si nodded and said seriously, "Right. 11

"That's good! Here are your room cards."

The receptionist quickly typed on the keyboard on the computer, and then took out two room cards and handed them to Roy.

After getting the room card, Roy put it away, "By the way, apply for us, we can compare rooms at any time.

"Okay, it's registered." The receptionist quickly applied for the battle to Roy and Peng Si.

Roy nodded, then turned around and left the Sky Arena with Peng Si.

Then I met Vicky's enthusiastic interview.

Soon the news spread all over the world.

The fact that Roy scored 200 floors in a complete victory is really amazing.

Especially with Roy being so young.

Back in the rental house, Vicky was still chattering, obviously there was no interview, but she was still very excited.

Roy wanted the chick to stop because it was too loud.

However, Roy was interrupted several times by Vicky's excited words.

Seeing this, Roy's head was full of black lines, and he waved to Machi who was beside him.

puff puff puff~

"There are still ten games left. As long as we win these ten games, our Pauillac town will have a landlord who attracts worldwide attention. By then, the town will definitely usher in unprecedented development.

Roy, you are amazing. "

While Vicky was still chattering, there was a strange sound beside her ear. Hearing this sound, Vicky's heart panicked a little.

Trembling slightly, he turned his head and looked over, wanting to see if it was really what he thought.

Then, she sees Roy and Machi having a fight.

Looking at the ups and downs of Machi, Vicki turned around with an embarrassed face.

She knows Machi, after all, she has lived in this rental house for so many days.

It is precisely because of this that she also learned about the particularity of Machi's body.

It was a feeling of coming, a super strong desire that I couldn't bear.

So, Machi and Roy started to compete next to her, and Vicky couldn't say anything.

...asking for flowers...

This is already a cure.

At the beginning, Vicky thought that Machi might be miserable, and it’s not just a tragedy in old age, but it’s also a human being.

But after confirming Roy's strength in this aspect, Vicky couldn't help feeling that Machi's luck is good.

It is very lucky to have a man who can satisfy her all the time when she needs it.

Thinking of this, Vicky's thoughts diverged involuntarily, and then she remembered seeing Roy's powerful appearance in the Sky Arena once before.

For a while, Vicky couldn't help but took small steps, feeling a little distracted

The status of Vicky, Peng Si and Shizuku are found out.

From this look, it was clear that Vicky nodded clearly after thinking about the situation of the battle at the Sky Arena.

However, this is actually justifiable, because most people in the world will not stop their pursuit of strength, and they will be attracted by Roy's strength just by seeing these.

It's just how to deal with it afterwards, that is determined according to the individual's own living environment and the things he comes into contact with.

Whether to follow the powerful, or stand aside and watch, it's up to them to choose.

Vicky soon realized her absence, looked at the eyes of Shizuku and Peng Si, and ran back to her room with a dry smile.

From this point of view, Vicky's environment should be a normal environment, and she has never been exposed to such a powerful fighting situation like an open arena.

In this regard, Roy grinned, he didn't care about Vicky's situation, he only knew that his ears were clean.

"Don't just smile, your army is about to fall." Machi looked into Roy's eyes and smiled triumphantly.

Good guy, how dare you say that.

"Sure enough, the first time today was tough." Roy smiled angrily, looked at Machi, and launched a frantic continuous attack.

With this move, Machi was completely helpless and could only be manipulated by Roy like a willow in the wind.

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