Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 56: A Trip To An Uninhabited Island

Pengsi's movements were very ordinary, but after just two strokes, Vicky felt her body recover quickly.

Touching the top of her lungs, Vicky was amazed.

"Go on." Roy didn't wait for Vicky to ask, and beckoned people to continue walking.

The rainforest vines are entwined around the trunks of the trees. From time to time, one or two vines hang on the trunks because they are not attached. Because of the perennial water vapor pollution here, the surface of the trees is covered with moss.

As for the road under Roy's feet, the ground above them is almost all wet.

In such a place, walking is extremely difficult.

Especially for ordinary people like Vicky, walking on it, it is easy to get stuck in these muddy places. One step deeper and one step shallower, Vicky has already begun to regret coming along.

Gritting her teeth on "973", Vicky wants to continue, and let's see how Roy and the others deal with it.

But seeing Roy and the others walking on this kind of muddy ground, it was as if they were walking on flat ground. Only she was one step deeper and one step shallower.

Vicky began to eat, but she was very strong and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Roy sighed, then stretched out his hand to Vicky, and threw Vicky onto his back.

Vicky is the largest among the four girls, before Roy thought about putting Vicky in the Kingdom of God.

Then he is the only one who is suitable to carry Vicky here.

Supporting Vicky and letting Vicky press on his back, Roy walked alone on his back, but there was no disturbance.

"Thank you~" Vicky said to Roy, "I overestimated my ability to bear, if possible, you can send me to the nearest town.

"Forget it, there's not so much time to waste." Roy rejected Vicky's statement without thinking.

In this regard, Vicky could only silently lean on Roy's back, a little embarrassed.

Using this kind of posture that is a dream for single people, Roy leads people walking in the rainforest.

The fallen leaves on the ground were trampled to pieces by Roy and the others, and none of them were intact on the way.

Roy and his party who were walking all the way also found a tree trunk that had collapsed for an unknown amount of time.

The trunk is covered with brightly colored fungi, which are inedible at first glance.

And beside the fungus, there was a creature that Roy and the others had never seen before.

Its body shape is very similar to that of a cat, even its tail is similar.

But this creature has six legs and three tails.

Seeing this, Roy approached the creature alone, wanting to take a closer look.

Vicky also suppressed the surprise in her heart, took out her high-definition mobile phone, and started shooting.

Of course, at this time Roy has entered the [extreme] state, otherwise the creature would have already run away.

Roy came to the side of the unknown creature to watch, and found that the muscle of the unknown creature was very strong.

The claws are ordinary cat claws, and at this moment, it is eating those bright fungi.

Roy couldn't help being curious about the taste of this fungus because of his delighted appearance.

Roy reached out, wanting to grab one and examine it carefully.

Unexpectedly, although he was approaching, the unknown creature raised its head vigilantly, and then it turned into the wind and quickly disappeared in front of Roy's eyes.

Seeing this, Roy had black lines on his face.

"Hey! I really don't understand the world of cowards. In order to run faster, I grew two extra legs.

Roy shook his head emotionally.

After letting go of these things, Roy turned his head and waved to Machi and the others, gesturing to follow.

A group of 5 people were looking for a suitable location for practice, so the route they took was a bit erratic.

And at this moment, except for Vicki, the other four people in Roy's group felt a vibration on the ground.


Roy found a giant python with horns on its head, and it came towards them quickly.

Going down at its speed, and the place where the python rushed out was where Roy and Vicky were.

Seeing this, Roy quickly stepped back, took Vicky into his arms in the air, and walked a short distance to the side.

Faced with this situation, Vicky was stunned, and looked at Roy dully, as if she never thought that Roy would choose such a time to attack her.

She wanted to persuade her, but when she thought of Roy's people around her, Vicky closed her eyes and waited for the happiness she was about to experience, ah no, it was pain..

Vicky's expression made people think deeply, but Roy discovered that the giant python turned in the same direction as he was moving at this time.

It seems that this is determined to be directed at Vicky.

"Isn't it just useless? You need to target her like this. She's easy to bully, isn't she?"

Roy didn't get out of the way this time, but just stood there and waited.

Then, the moment the giant python rushed out, Roy led Vicky out of the way.

After that, he looked carefully at the giant python that had rushed out of the ground.


The giant python looked at the four people who seemed to appear suddenly in front of him, was puzzled for a moment, then let out a huge roar, and instantly attacked Vicky with a bow and a bullet.

Bang, bang—bang!

The giant python kept biting Vicky in Roy's arms. Her huge body, which was 50 meters long and 3 meters wide, looked very oppressive.

"Ah! What kind of monster is this?"

Vicki finally realized that something was wrong, seeing the giant python that had been chasing her and attacking Roy, she froze.

She hugged Roy instinctively, not daring to relax.

"Hold tight."

Roy casually patted the two secret balls he was supporting, which made Vicky's body soften a little, and the whole person hung on Roy's body.

Dodging the python's attack, Roy carefully checked the situation of the giant python and analyzed some things.

Afterwards, Roy's evil thoughts surged, and he rushed towards the giant python at high speed.

The giant python was startled by this feeling, and immediately turned around and wanted to run away.

However, at this moment, Roy directly increased the output of evil thoughts.

Immediately, the giant python's body, which was about to burrow into the ground, froze instantly.

Then, the giant python's body fell heavily in the rainforest, crushing a piece of trees under it.

The giant python lying on the ground trembled, and fear appeared in its eyes.

That is to say, Roy didn't use too much evil thoughts, otherwise, the giant python would have been scared to death by Roy's evil thoughts. .

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