Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 24 I'm Full! (Ask For Flowers)

"Thank you so much!"

Menchi's words made Peng Si stunned for a moment, and then she thanked her with a smile.

I'm going, what's the situation?

I thought they would all fail, and wait for the old man to come to the rescue~

Didn't expect Peng Si to succeed all at once? !

I need to speed up.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous that only Peng Si qualified this time.

Roy, who hadn't noticed a slight change in his sense of taste, reached out and tried his new seasoning.

Then he nodded with satisfaction.

Roy's action made Menchi and Peng Si's expressions freeze.

"I'm going to persuade him."

Peng Si hastily left a word, and then rushed back to Roy.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Roy looked at Peng Si who was running back in a hurry, feeling a little strange.

"Well, the examiner told me that in order to test the candidates' abilities in all aspects, there is no need to make so many different flavors of sushi, only one simple flavor is enough."

Peng Si picked out the vocabulary and reminded Roy tactfully.

Simple taste?

After listening to Peng Si's words, Roy couldn't help thinking of the scene in the plot where Hanzo handed his sushi to Menchi to eat.

Wasn't that scene caused by a simple taste?

At this moment, some new changes occurred on Menchi's side.

Hanzo, whom Roy was thinking about just now, was holding a piece of sushi, and came to Menchi confidently.

Then proudly let Menchi try it and pass it.

Terrible attitude, no respect for the food and, moreover, the cooking was bland.

Obviously, although sushi is Hanzo's hometown dish and he eats it a lot, Hanzo really doesn't know the steps of making sushi.

In this case, how could Menchi qualify him.

Immediately let Hanzo go back and continue making sushi.

Faced with this result, the impatient Hanzo also said that sushi is nothing more than this kind of food.

"Is that what you said you just need a simple taste?"

Roy ignored Hanzo and Menchi's farce, but looked at Pengsi with a funny face.

"I, I don't know how it became like this?"

Peng Si also shook her head helplessly.

Roy put down the sushi seasoning he was making, and didn't plan to make any more.

After Hanzo's insult to food, Roy has been able to see the fate of all the next candidates.

"Forget it, you have already cleared the level. In this way, even if it ends like this, we can still get a complete guidance on the cultivation of thoughts and qi, which is enough."

Roy comforted Pengsi with a smile, not caring whether he passed the Hunter test or not.

This time they came to participate in the Hunter test, but they just wanted to find a mentor who could teach them the practice of mindfulness.

As long as they succeed together, both Roy and Peng Si can get these.

And another purpose is to see Netero, the grandpa in blood.

"Ah, don't you want to try again?" Peng Si looked at Roy anxiously.

Roy shook his head, "It's useless, just watch, from now on, no candidate will be able to pass."

"No way!" Peng Si was surprised, "Then, am I the only one who passed?"

"No surprise, that's right."

Roy smiled and nodded, "Okay, sit down and wait."

After speaking, Roy took out two chairs, pressed Peng Si's shoulders, and made her sit down.

Afterwards, the two quietly watched the development of the test.

The more she looked at it, the more surprised Peng Si was, that there were really no candidates who could pass.

In this regard, Roy raised his eyebrows and smiled at Peng Si.

While Roy and Peng Si were observing the progress of the test, Saci, who was crouching on a tree in the distance, also noticed something wrong with the scene.

Trouble, this year's candidates have many excellent seedlings, so we can't give up.

If these people don't come to the test next time, the loss will be too great.

Thinking this way in his heart, Saci also took out his mobile phone from his arms, and called the chief person in charge of the Hunter test.

That is, the current President of the Hunter Association - Netero!

It wasn't Netero who answered the phone, but Netero's secretary, the bean-faced man who handed out the number plates.

Just as Sa Ci and Doumian were reporting the test situation, the test in the warehouse was coming to an end.

"Oh, I'm full~"

Suddenly, Menchi patted himself on the head with embarrassment and said with a smile


"What do you mean full?"

Menchi spread his hands and said, "It means that the test is over, and the number of people who passed the test this time is 1."

In the face of Menchi, the candidates looked at Menchi in disbelief.

Want to see it from this, it's just a joke.

However, after a few seconds, Menchi did not change his decision, which made the candidates feel unprecedented absurdity.

They have worked so hard to participate in the Hunter test, just to get the Hunter certificate and become a Hunter.

Now, they were disqualified from the Hunter test because they failed a cooking test?

How could this convince them.

Candidates expressed dissatisfaction with the disqualification of the test because the food tasted bad.

Especially for candidates such as Hisoka and Yiermi, one of them found a good immature apple and didn't want to stay here any more trouble, and wanted to get a convenient Hunter ID and leave.

One is that the next assassination mission needs the assistance of Hunter's certificate, which is a necessity.

But now, they have lost the qualification of the Hunter test because of only one food taste problem.

This is simply provoking them!

How can this be tolerated.

In the hands of the two, they held their own weapons, a few cards or a few chanting needles, and there were waves of malice radiating from their bodies, rushing towards Menchi.

Faced with the questioning of the candidates, Menchi not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but also said with a smile that he would continue to work hard next time.

This time, the candidates were almost blown up.


A rather big fat man with a number plate 255 pinned to his body smashed the kitchen table next to him with an angry expression.

"Stop joking, just because of such a trivial matter as the taste of a piece of food, I can't accept that I have failed."

Roy knew this man, he had told Pence before.

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