Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 86 An Extra Pendant?

The head can't hurt Machi, and the method of jumping up and hitting the ground is of course useless.

After all, Machi only needs to divert a little energy to protect his back. As the back with the strongest endurance, it is more difficult to get injured than Roy smashing Machi's head with his chin.

Thinking about this, Roy was very helpless.

He tried to move a few times, and found that the range of motion of his hands was extremely low due to the restraint.

The two of them can only stick to each other.

"I said, it's useless for you to do this, you can't attack me, you might as well let me go.

Roy looked at Machi, trying to persuade Machi to let go of himself and fight openly.

Faced with these words, Machi rolled his eyes and looked at Luo "400" who was looking down at him above his head.

She didn't speak, and just maintained this movement like this, looking like she planned to hug her until she was sure she was safe.

"Let me tell you, it's not the same thing for you. There are two helpers behind me. When they come over, you still have to let go."

Roy persuaded Machi seriously.

Machi thought for a while, and then looked at Roy, "Whatever, anyway, if you are with me, it can be regarded as revenge for Uvogin and the others."

What's the meaning?

Roy was slightly taken aback when he heard Machi's words.

He didn't think Machi would say that for no reason.

That is to say, Machi really thinks that if something happens to her, she is confident that Roy will die with her.

Thinking of this, Roy looked at Machi thoughtfully and asked, "Don't you also have some kind of bloody afterlife?!"

"See this thread on our neck?"

Machi didn't answer Roy's inquiry, but asked back.

Listening to Machi's words, Roy also noticed a chanting line on the neck between him and Machi.

"What's the meaning?"

Roy had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't confirm it.

Machi looked at Roy calmly, "As long as I die, with my obsession, it is very likely that I will use all the energy in my body to strengthen this energy, and then cut our heads apart."

"I think, you probably don't have the ability to bear such a terrifying thought line."

Roy was in trouble.

Because if it was true what Machi said, then he really wouldn't dare to make a move on Machi.

Roy didn't dare to bet that the speed of this line of thinking would be faster than his speed of entering the Kingdom of God.

Originally, Roy planned to rely on the realization of the third hand, and then adjust his position, so that he could absorb Machi into the Kingdom of God and kill him.

But now.....

forget it.

The reason why he didn't use this trick before is because Machi's feet are also on the ground and can move.

Otherwise, how could his third hand, which can only be realized with the palm of his hand, be hidden and not used~

It was different now, Machi clamped Roy's waist with her legs, that is, where was her position, and completely obeyed Roy's arrangement.

If it weren't for the fear of the contract on the neck, Machi would be decapitated now.

"Roy, trap her, I'm coming!" At this moment, Peng Si ran out from a distance, running towards the direction of Roy and Machi.

Although the actions of Roy and Machi are really an eyesore, Peng Si doesn't care.

Killing Machi, the little bastard, is the real deal.

So unprincipled, this is not fighting, this **** is seducing her man.

In this situation, even a woman can't stand it.

While shouting, Peng Si gathered her thoughts in her right hand and entered the [hard] state.

Then hit Machi on the back of the head.

"No, don't hit the back of the head, hit her back, just hit her buttocks to vent your anger, you can't kill it~" Roy quickly took Machi and jumped, so that Machi's back faced Pengsi's attack

To save Pengsi, a little girl who didn't know how to strike, accidentally killed Machi with a punch, and made him die too.

Even, Roy was worried that this thought energy would cut off the surrounding creatures as well.

At that time, two-on-one and one-for-two will be a big loss.

The most important thing is, if Roy can't catch Machi, will she be out of her mind and not use the energy to defend, and drag Roy into the water even if she dies...

Machi snorted, and received [Hardness] from Peng Si's punch of 3100 Nian Qi.

Relying on [Strength] alone, even if Machi's manifest energy reaches about 4500 points, she is still a bit difficult to fight.

After punching, Peng Si looked at Roy in disbelief, as if she didn't expect that Roy would protect another woman, and it was a woman who wanted to kill him.

"What are you thinking? She can't die now, otherwise, I have to die too." Roy looked angrily at Peng Si, who still couldn't see the situation clearly.


Peng Si exclaimed, and hurried to Roy and Machi to check the situation, "What's going on?"

"Did you see this recitation line? This woman said that if she died, it would trigger recitation after death, and then cut me off."

Roy gestured to the reading thread on his neck, "I don't know if what she said is true, but, this thing can't bet on.

After listening to Roy's words, Peng Si breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, she would have killed Roy.

"Then what should we do now?" Peng Si asked, "Can this thought thread be broken?"

During the questioning, Peng Si looked at Machi's expression from the corner of her eye, but saw Machi's expressionless face, and 2.9's eyes were somewhat mocking.

Seeing this, Peng Si also knew that it was probably impossible to get rid of the thread.

Roy, who didn't see Machi's expression, could only look at the sky melancholy.

Come out to fight, kill two people, and end up with a dangerous pendant, this kind of thing, Wei Temiao can think of it!

"Hey, come down for me, we don't want to kill you." Peng Si planned to persuade Machi to come down.

Why can't this woman hug his man and live like this.

That's her position, who is this woman.

Listening to Peng Si's words, let alone Machi's weird face, even Roy looked at Peng Si in amazement.

How can anyone believe such words...

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