As a row of armored personnel carriers parked less than fifty meters away from the Archangel, several middle-aged men wearing khaki desert camouflage uniforms quickly walked out.

The leader had an obvious scar on his face, and his expression looked very fierce and serious, but there was a hint of greed and desire in his eyes that was not easy to detect.

There is no doubt that since the Archangel has proven its worth on the battlefield more than once, the entire Earth Alliance countries are full of interest in the technology and data of Project G.

But it is a pity that this plan, whether it is the provider of funds or the ownership, belongs to the Atlantic Federation.

But since signing the agreement with representatives of the Atlantic Federation, other countries that have joined the Earth Alliance have finally had the opportunity to explore the secrets of these cutting-edge military technologies.

Of course, due to the complex and competitive relationships between countries on the earth, and the nature of the capital groups behind the Atlantic Federation that often say nothing and go back on their word, those countries that signed the agreement feel that it is better to strike first.

Before the Archangel falls into the hands of the Atlantic Federation, the most important information is snatched away, and the Archangel and the two new models are brought back to be dismantled and studied.

Anyway, the main enemy of the Earth Alliance at the moment is the ZAFT army from the sky colonial satellite, and the Atlantic Federation is the base camp of the Blue Cosmos, the most fierce anti-regulator extremist organization.

This also means that any country may have peace talks with P.L.A.N.T.

But only the Atlantic Federation and the capital group behind it are impossible.

Therefore, even if the other party knew that the Archangel had been forcibly abducted, they would not take a too drastic way to fight back. At best, they would just engage in verbal disputes and bickering.

After mastering the full set of technologies, all we need to do is return the Archangel and the two new machines intact.

In the final analysis, as long as there is that agreement, they are just taking away the reward that should belong to them in advance. Strictly speaking, it does not touch the core interests of the Atlantic Federation.

It is precisely because of their confidence that these people dare to take the risk to join this battle related to the situation in North Africa, and plan to backstab their allies after the battle.

"Long time no see! Mariu Lamias! You are still so beautiful and charming!" The man with an obvious scar on his face opened his arms and showed what he thought was a kind smile.

"It's been a long time indeed! Lieutenant Colonel Silas! Since the fierce battle on the moon, I thought you had been transferred back to Europe for garrison. I didn't expect you to take off your military uniform and come to this desolate land in North Africa to eat sand. If you don't mind, can you tell me whether you are considered a soldier now, a mercenary or a rebel force?" Malu asked in confusion.

It is not difficult to see from the dialogue and reactions between the two that they have known each other a long time ago.

After all, the Lunar War was a coordinated effort by a very small number of Earth Federation countries, so it was not surprising that they knew each other's soldiers from other countries.

The man known as Lieutenant Colonel Silas replied meaningfully: "On the surface, I am no longer a member of the military, but I am still serving the Eurasian Federation and the Earth Alliance. You can understand that I have changed careers. Engaged in intelligence gathering and organizing sabotage missions in enemy-occupied areas."

"I see! No wonder there are so many resistance organizations, guerrillas and black marketeers in North Africa. It turns out you are behind them." Mu showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Hahahaha! Look who this is! The pride of our federal soldiers! The strongest natural pilot! The famous Eagle of Endymion - Mu La Fulada!"

Lieutenant Colonel Silas laughed and walked forward, hugging the other party with great enthusiasm.

"Damn it! Stop saying that embarrassing nickname for me! As one of the participants in the war, you should know where this nickname came from."

Although Mu was a little resistant, he still couldn't refuse his kindness and could only hug each other to show friendship.

no way!

Who makes him a highly publicized war hero and the brightest business card in the army.

After the hug, Lieutenant Colonel Silas immediately turned his eyes to the ZAFT prisoners sitting silently on the hot sand next to him, especially the Desert Tiger himself. He sneered and mocked: "Ah! Look who this is. ! Andrew Butterfield! The tiger that swept across North Africa! I never thought you would be defeated and captured one day!"

"Hmph! What are you proud of? It's not a fool like you who defeated and captured me! Do you know? In fact, I have always known where you and your dirty little mice are hiding, but I just don't bother to pay attention. After all, the lion Tigers don't care about mice hiding in the dark and making small moves." The Desert Tiger responded unceremoniously.


He is also qualified to say this.

Before the arrival of the Archangel and Allen, these infiltration personnel sent by various countries did not dare to approach the city heavily guarded by the ZAFT Army. They only continued to transport weapons and supplies from the rear, allowing the guerrillas who were not afraid of death to resist. in front of.

Lieutenant Colonel Silas undoubtedly knew this very well, so he didn't make much rebuttal and just slowly pulled out the pistol from his waist.

Just when he was about to aim at his head and pull the trigger to kill this accomplished enemy commander, the Strike Gundam standing aside suddenly moved.

The next second...


A thick metal thigh stuck directly between the two of them.

Dinisha directly spoke through the loudspeaker and said in an unquestionable tone: "He is a prisoner! He is our prisoner!"

"Oh? So? Have you forgotten that it was this guy who caused unprecedented chaos in North Africa. More than tens of thousands of our soldiers died directly or indirectly at his hands, and many civilians died because of those damned The neutron jammer cannot obtain the energy and food necessary for survival, and will it lead to death of starvation and thirst?" Lieutenant Colonel Silas asked with a gloomy face.

Just when Dinisha was about to retort, Allen stood up first and responded in an emotionless tone: "Don't sound like you are innocent! If I remember correctly, it was the Earth Alliance who first Any prepared agricultural colonial satellite launched a nuclear strike, causing the bloody Valentine's Day tragedy, which further intensified the conflict and eventually broke out into a large-scale military confrontation. Therefore, as a perpetrator, you must not try every means to dress yourself up as a victim to win. Sympathy, that would just make me feel sick and queasy."

"Who are you……"

Commander Silas squinted his eyes and looked up and down at Allen, who was wearing a tight-fitting space suit and holding a bottle of ice-cold soda in his hand.

The latter simply introduced himself directly: "I am a former senior employee of the Dawn Society, Heliopolis branch, and one of the core designers involved in Project G. As for my current identity, I am temporarily employed by the Eighth Earth Alliance Army. Fleet, serve as the pilot of one of the new machines of the Archangel. You can call me Allen."

When he said this, he noticed that several people present had strange reactions.

Some are excited, some are excited, some are ecstatic...

Others subconsciously put their fingers on the trigger, and their muscles tensed up, as if they would take action in the next second.

"No wonder! You are an adjuster!" Lieutenant Colonel Silas pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile, then lowered his voice and threatened: "I can understand that as an adjuster, you are concerned about the tragedy of Junius 7. I have deep empathy. But please don’t forget! You are now in the camp of the Earth Alliance. If you continue to have unnecessary sympathy for the enemy, it will be very detrimental to your development in the future.”

But Allen shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "So... you are a member of the Blue Cosmos organization, or do you believe in their ridiculous slogan of a blue and clean world?"

"No! To be exact, we all are!" Lieutenant Colonel Silas pointed to the heavily armed soldiers around and behind him. "Ever since the ZAFT army launched its retaliatory action and littered our home planet with those abominable neutron jammers, in just over half a year, more than tens of millions of people in the world have been in extreme hunger and poverty. Millions of people have died. So in our opinion, every adjuster living on P.L.A.N.T. deserves to die."

When they said these words, the eyes of those soldiers suddenly burst out with naked and undisguised hatred and murderous intent.

If there wasn't a Strike Gundam blocking them in the middle, they would probably raise their guns and shoot at the ZAFT prisoners.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they would have been frightened by this terrible atmosphere.

But Allen acted like a normal person, stroking his chin and asked the Desert Tiger with great interest: "How about it, do you now know what the natural people on earth think of your ZAFT army and adjusters?"

"It seems that this has really become an unsolvable knot."

Andrew Butterfield smiled bitterly and sighed slightly.

Compared with those fools who have long been dominated by hatred and anger, he obviously knows very well that the words of Lieutenant Colonel Silas already represent the views of more than 90% of the residents of the earth towards the Adjuster.

Coupled with public opinion guidance and propaganda, except for a few neutral countries like Orb, civilians in most countries generally believe that the ZAFT army is a group of non-human monsters and is an out-and-out demon.

This also means that no matter how the Earth Alliance treats the ZAFT army in the future, there is no need to worry about being criticized by public opinion, let alone the soldiers who carry out the killing orders will have uneasy conscience or be unable to carry out the action.

Because they cognitively expelled the adjusters from their "human status" and no longer regarded them as the same kind.

It's a pity that people like Desert Tiger who have the ability to think independently are among the very few.

At least Lieutenant Colonel Silas did not realize at all that his change in mentality and thinking would double the severity of the war.

Just the opposite!

He seized the moment when everyone's attention was focused on Andrew Butterfield and made a gesture to his subordinates and allies.


Hundreds of armed men swarmed forward and took control of all the officers of the Archangel, including Captain Malu.

"Lieutenant Colonel! What do you mean?"

Mariu asked angrily when she felt the muzzle of the gun pressed against the back of her head.

She didn't expect that these guys would suddenly turn against one of her own people.

After all, there was no plot in the original plot about being almost detained in the asteroid fortress. The people on the Archangel did not realize how serious the factional fighting within the Earth Alliance was.

Seeing that his conspiracy was successful, the middle-aged man with scars on his face immediately laughed triumphantly: "Hahahaha! What do you mean? Of course I am protecting you! Look at this negligent and slow reaction! If it is the ZAFT army If so, the Archangel will be captured by the enemy. I heard that in Heliopolis, it was because of your carelessness that four other important machines were stolen. So in order to prevent a similar situation from happening again , I decided to temporarily take over the Archangel with stricter management methods."

"Asshole! You are shameless!"

Natal Bucky was shaking with anger, and several times she tried to push away the guy behind her who was holding her shoulders. However, she was kicked over by him and pinned to the hot sand.

"Shameless?" Lieutenant Colonel Silas shook his head with satisfaction. "No, no, no, our Eurasian Federation has signed an agreement with the Atlantic Federation. According to the agreement, as long as we provide help for the Archangel, we can obtain all the technology and information of Plan G. Okay, don't Being so angry is not good for your health. Don’t worry, we will let you go back when we get what you want. In addition, dear Mr. Allen, could you please help introduce this battleship and the details of the new body? What's going on? As one of the core developers, you should know them best. If it's convenient, please let the lady driving the strike come out of the cockpit. Her previous performance in the battle made me quite nervous. .”

You don't need to ask to know that in the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Silas, he has completely controlled the situation.

You must know that the military is a violent institution with strict hierarchies.

Once the captain and senior officers are captured, the remaining people will not dare to resist at all.

Unfortunately, he ignored two crucial factors.

One of them was the Desert Dawn guerrillas who had just experienced a bloody battle, and the other was a prisoner of the ZAFT army not far away.

Allen didn't even look back at the soldier who was holding a gun to his back, and mocked directly: "The Earth Alliance has never disappointed anyone in terms of internal fighting. I'm curious, what if you and your people Everyone is dead, so how will the Eurasian Federation react? Treat it like this never happened? Or does it have no intention of recognizing your identity?"

The words just fell!

A gunshot broke the tense atmosphere.

I saw a few Adjuster soldiers relying on their strong physical fitness and reactions to easily knock down the extremist militants who were preparing for a massacre, snatched their weapons, and used the two legs of the Strike Gundam as a cover, and continued to harvest The nearest enemy.

In less than a few minutes, a large piece of the team of hundreds of people fell like wheat.

Arturia led Desert Dawn's people to intercept those who wanted to rush to help.

Suddenly, the enemy became an ally, and the ally became an enemy.

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