
Huang Quan’s eyes flickered.

As the most mysterious concept, abilities related to time have always been extremely rare.

Time solidification, time suspension, time stop, time reversal, time acceleration, time travel, time retracing, time isolation, time prediction, time transfer…

Although he had many ideas about time in his mind, he really had never imagined that he could develop abilities related to time.

Because the concept of time was too abstract, the only thing that made him think of it was the life span of living things and the time flowing on clocks and mobile phones.

But who can be sure that these things show the real [time]?

Time is an illusory concept. People summarize it as the result of analyzing and summarizing the natural changes of day and night and seasons…

What the real [time] is, no one can know.

At this time.

Huang Quan, who was frozen in mid-air, observed everything around him that was solidified and the [Demon Pillar] that was disintegrating and passing away through his eyes, and had some vague and clear concepts about [time] in his heart.

Time is the eternal movement of matter... the continuity of change... the manifestation of order... but now time has been stopped and solidified...

Huang Quan felt that his whole body and mind had stopped, and he tried his best to calm his mind, grasp this vague and clear cross-thought, and connect the [Emission System] and [Specialty System]】

【The characteristic of the [Emission System] is to apply [Qi] to the outside of the body. The farther the distance, the more obvious the effect. The released [Qi] can change the appearance, attack the enemy, and execute orders...

It is indeed good as a means of attack...

But is it helpful to escape from the current situation?

Huang Quan pondered for a moment.

Originally, he planned to fix the future development route of the [Emission System] on the large system of [Space], but now such an accident has occurred...

The most important thing is that the characteristic of the [Emission System] is to release, which means that either the [Time] characteristic is attached to it to speed up the passage of the [Demon Pillar], which involves characteristics similar to [Time Passage].

In other words, a mind beast with the [Time] characteristic is manifested, and the mind beast uses characteristics such as time passage and time acceleration to help oneself escape from the dilemma of time standing still... It

's just a beautiful thought, but the characteristics related to [Time] are not so easy to understand.

At present, Huang Quan has a vague understanding of the concepts of [Time Stop] and [Time Passage] through the solidified and static environment around him, as well as the [Demon Pillar] that is disintegrating and flowing. As for other time characteristics, he can't even think of them...


Don't forget the [Gate] characteristic!

Huang Quan's thoughts are focused.

The [Gate] characteristic of the trait system is the foundation for him to develop other abilities!

When he developed the [Space] characteristic before, it was extended from the concept of the [Gate] characteristic!

Since there is a [Space Gate]! Naturally, there should also be a [Time Gate]!

Realizing that his thinking has gone astray, Huang Quan's heart trembled and he gathered his diffuse thoughts.

Indeed, [Time] is very mysterious, very empty, very broad and very narrow...

But as long as [Time] is linked with [Gate], everything becomes clear!

Don't forget your roots...

Now that he has realized this, Huang Quan is no longer entangled in the vague perception of time, but focuses on the [Time] characteristic that he needs most at the moment.

In order to escape from the current predicament of time stopping, there are characteristics such as time escape, time jump, time acceleration, time flow, time rewind, time reverse flow, and time isolation.

Although there are many characteristics, with the expansion of his release system [Mind Capacity], he can only choose one. Putting aside the characteristics that are basically not used in normal times, such as time escape and time isolation, his thoughts are fixed on time acceleration and time rewind. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

One side accelerates time, breaking the solidified and static state at the moment through the passing and changing time.

One side rewinds time, and goes back to the time before the [Demon Pillar] shattered through the rewind of time.

The two [time] characteristics can be regarded as god-level auxiliary characteristics, whether now or in future battles and other unexpected situations.

What is uncertain is whether the time of acceleration and rewinding can be controlled...

If an uncontrollable [time] characteristic is developed, Huang Quan knows what his fate will be just by thinking about it.[]

Speaking of which.

After deciding to choose between the two characteristics of [Time Acceleration] and [Time Reversal], Huang Quan's thoughts returned to the [Emission System], thinking about whether to make changes in the attachment of the mind energy or choose to materialize the [Mind Beast].

After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to make changes in the attachment of his own mind energy.

Although the tactics will become more varied after creating the [Mind Beast], he is not strong enough at present, and the accumulation required to expand the [Mind Capacity] is becoming more and more. It is better to wait until there is spare power to materialize the [Mind Beast]...

Thinking of this.

Putting aside other distracting thoughts, Huang Quan's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

First of all, the [Emission System] is good at moving space, that is to say, after transforming the [Qi] into the mind energy with the [Time] characteristic, he should be able to make time changes in the surrounding space. Although it is not as convenient as the [Change System], it has the effect of remotely executing commands.

The advantages and disadvantages are different...

So, should I choose acceleration or reversal?

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Huang Quan, who has only one chance to expand the [Release System], can only choose one between 833.

Remembering that the characteristic of the [Release System] is to release...

Looking directly at the disintegrating [Demon Pillar], Huang Quan immediately made a decision, and his eyes turned into a calm look.

Immediately, he gathered his mind, followed the strongest thought in his mind, formulated rules, swore in his heart, and adhered to them!


Like boiling, the air that was not frozen by time spread out from Huang Quan's body, like a beast that was released, leaving his body and constantly changing the shape of each air mass. At the same time, the mind gradually changed from colorless to a faint black color.

Gradually, as Huang Quan's thoughts became stronger and stronger, the [Restriction] rules became more and more perfect, and the crystal book [Gate of the Void Technique] appeared in front of him. Before it was stilled, it had already turned to a blank page. Lines of clear fonts appeared on it like a projection.

【Release system: inherent time control】

【Ability characteristics: time acceleration, time deceleration】

【Effect: The released Qi has the characteristics of accelerating and reducing time. The larger and wider the range covered by the Qi, the longer it lasts, and the more Qi is consumed.……】

【Constraint: When manipulating the flow of time, the longer the time characteristics are maintained, the more confused the perception of time becomes.……】

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