"Then we are back to square one..."

Huang Quan fell into deep thought

"What is the ability that I want [Gate] to expand the most?……"

"What price can I pay now?……"

Only by determining the direction first can we formulate rules, and then swear in our hearts to abide by them.

Only in this way can we make our own mind ability stronger.

This is [Restriction and Oath]!

So, the most needed ability is... lethality, the number, size and distance when [opening the door], or developing other ability characteristics from it...

After thinking for a moment.

Related thoughts emerged in Huang Quan's mind.

Then he tried them one by one.

The result surprised Huang Quan.

Whether it was [Enhancement System】、【Transmutation】、【Whether it was the [Operation System], [Release System] or [Specialty System], after he had thought of the corresponding [Oath and Restriction], there was no reaction.

Only when it came to the [Reification System].

The faint throbbing feeling in his heart seemed to tell him that he could develop successfully.


Huang Quan picked up some gravel and started carving on the ground.

"As I guessed before, the most suitable and limited scope of [Restrictions and Oaths] that expanded from [Reification System] is only within the scope of [Reification System]……"

"It is indeed reasonable. If each system expands to 10%, it will increase the [Restriction and Oath] of the six systems. Then the ability of this [Demon Mark] is really more powerful than cheating.……"

"Anyway, since it is a setting related to [materialization], then my development ideas have to change direction.……"

Thinking of this, Huang Quan's mind flashed with the Nen users with the [materialization system] in the Hunter world.

Kurapika... Xiaodi... Kubi... Kate... Owl...

There are many Nen users related to the [materialization system].

And their abilities often give people a surprising feeling.

For example, the [materialization system] can transform the form of their own [qi] into what they want.

In simple terms, it is to materialize [qi], and the weapon objects that are materialized can also carry out various corresponding attacks.

For the Nen users of the [materialization system].

In theory, they can materialize anything...

For example, materials, space, abilities, consciousness, etc.

But under normal circumstances, the materialized objects will disappear as soon as they leave the body of the Nen user.

However, through [constraints and oaths], the conditions for disappearance can be set, but in this way, the object will lose the characteristic of being able to be retracted and released freely.

Moreover, weapons materialized by [Qi] are usually not simple weapons, but often have unique abilities attached to them. In this respect, they are very similar to the attachment ability characteristics of [Transformation System]. However, the advantage of [Materialization System] that Huang Quan values the most is... its ability to divide and cover space! Compared with

[Emission System] and [Transformation System], [Materialization System] is more powerful than [Release System] and [Transformation System].

】,【Materialization Department] Be good at creating various spaces……


Huang Quan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but think of Bruno, the holder of the Door-Door Fruit who appeared in the battle on Judicial Island in the early stage of One Piece.

Although that guy's brain-opening development of the [Door-Door Fruit] felt extremely wasteful to all anime fans.

But there was one point that made everyone feel very envious and surprised.

That is the green space that appeared after opening the door to the [air].

The time is the same as that of the real world, but you can walk freely in a space parallel to it, and you can observe the situation outside from the space at any time, and take various actions according to the situation.

It is simply a combination of the ability to move, store, hide, attack, retreat, detect intelligence, etc....

Although it lacks direct lethality, it is extremely combat-ready.

"That's it!"

After locking in the development target, Huang Quan began to think about what objects he was extremely familiar with and could materialize.

Yesterday he had tested the air [opening the door].

Although it was only the size of a small fingernail, and it was unclear what was behind the air, the [door] did show the relevant characteristics in this regard.

In this way, the difficulty in development will be further reduced.

And what Huang Quan has to do now is to turn all the factors that consume a lot of energy and are uncontrollable after the air [opens the door] into controllable ones.

This is an attempt at his various assumptions, and also a test of the added [restrictions and oaths].

At this moment.

After thinking for a while, Huang Quan's slightly frowned brows gradually relaxed.

He thought of something that he was extremely familiar with and could recall every detail with his eyes closed.

That is……【[Books]!

To be more precise, it should be [Comic Books]!

After all, before crossing over, in addition to the few years of military service, he had come into contact with weapons such as guns and daggers. After retiring, he was most exposed to various animations and comics.

He was so familiar with them that as long as he closed his eyes, those comics that he had read countless times would appear in his mind.

As for guns and weapons...

Not to mention that he had almost forgotten them, even if he still remembered them, he would not think about it.

After all, in this hunter world, the ability of mind is the protagonist.

"The direction of development is determined, and the items to be realized are determined……"

"Next is the cost of [restriction]……"

Huang Quan's mouth corners slightly raised

"I want to make the door appear in the form of a book, and at the same time attach it to an air space that can be seen and moved.……"

"Then, at the cost of abandoning all the damage of the ability, can we use this to [restrict】?"

This was a small bug that Huang Quan suddenly realized.

Regardless of the characteristics of the door, whether it had lethality that he didn't understand, it was now pushed to the front by him to see if it could succeed.

"Then, [Restrictions and Oaths] begins…"

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