
Inside the room, everyone fell silent when they saw the two people entering the room one after another.

Although they couldn't hear their conversation before, their magic-like actions were deeply reflected in everyone's eyes.

"What was that just now?"

Wo Jin, who didn't understand the subtlety, said to the two of them directly and casually:"Are you two hiding some secret that we don't know?"

"I will tell you later..."

Kuroro glanced at them and turned to face everyone.

"According to the latest intelligence, the Black Jackal forces in the North District are infiltrating the East District.……"

""Huh? Are you talking about the group of jackals in the North City?"

Wo Jin asked in surprise,"Don't these guys always dislike stepping out of the North District?"

"Besides, we have never had any conflict with them, so why would it be brought up suddenly?"

"Is it because of the white wolf?"

Not far away, the knight sitting beside the bed calmly analyzed:"There have been rumors that the black jackal was swallowed by someone half a year ago and quickly expanded outward.…"

"This time the White Wolf disappeared, leaving such a large territory... Could it be that the Black Jack wanted to use this as a way to step into the Eastern District's sphere of influence?"

"It’s indeed because of the White Wolf…"

Kuroro nodded and shook his head slightly.

"But the reason for the invasion is completely different from what you imagined.……"

"Could you please stop talking in riddles?!"

Wo Jin, who felt a little dizzy after hearing this, said impatiently,"Just tell me what you want to say. Do you want to fight with Black Jack and the others?"

"If that's the case, I'm the best at it!"


Kuroro's expression did not change at all. After so many years of getting along, he was already used to the other person's personality.

"Let me make a long story short…"

Glancing at Huang Quan who had unknowingly moved to the side of Machi’s bed, Kuroro said calmly:"The head of the black jackal is Shugur, the younger brother of the white wolf Shugus!"

"With the Shoggoth missing and the White Wolf disbanded, Shoggoth will definitely look for clues, and then a battle with us spiders is inevitable."

"What a joke!"

Nobunaga's forehead was bulging with veins, and his face was filled with anger.

"These damn guys, we are the ones who can launch a sneak attack, right?"

"In my opinion, it is better to just strike first!"

A grim smile appeared on Wo Jin's face.

"With the fighting ability of these guys, even if they have more people, what difference does it make?"

"Or are you scared, Kuroro? If so, let me lead everyone to defeat them!"

"Wo Jin!"

Franklin, who had been silent all the time, said calmly:"Let's listen to Kuroro first!"

"Are you ordering me?"

Wo Jin stood up and looked at him, grinning slightly and said,"Wait until you can beat me, then come and order me!"

"Oh! Really?"

Franklin, who was tall and tall, heard this and his calm expression suddenly turned cold.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

"It's hard to say." Wo Jin's arm muscles swelled slightly, and he said,"How about giving it a try?"

For a moment, the two of them were on the verge of a fight.

"Have you had enough of the commotion?"

At this time, Kuroro looked at the two of them calmly.

"If you can, let's continue with the previous topic."

"Unless you want to be dealt with by others without knowing how to get intelligence.……"


The stalemate was broken. Wo Jin and the other man who were about to start a fight looked at each other again and simply returned to their original positions.

As for all this, the expressions of the other people present did not change at all. They just watched quietly and had no intention of interfering.

Unruly... never giving in... really worthy of being a resident born and raised in Meteor City.

Huang Quan, who was observing from the side, shook his head slightly.

If Kuroro really wanted to form the Phantom Troupe, from a normal person's perspective, this time should be the most appropriate.

After all, Meteor City advocates that the strong are respected and the fittest survive.

But... with this guy's thinking... does he want to solve all the problems at the moment when everyone awakens their [Nen]?

No... if that's the case, the variables are too great.

Or... is Kuroro enjoying this process?

Thinking of this, Huang Quan's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and then turned into recognition.

If it were me, facing such a situation, what I would most want to do... train them... until they are conquered, or destroyed

"Then it seems..."

Huang Quan looked up at Kuroro who looked calm. Does this guy want to use this incident as an opportunity to set a test for everyone, so as to lay the foundation for the establishment of the future?

In the middle of the living room, seeing that the atmosphere had quieted down again, Kuroro said calmly:"The black jackal is not scary, but……"

"With large-scale armed fights taking place one after another on Meteor Street, do you think the [Four Beasts] of the Council of Elders would not know about this?"

"Kuroro! Are you saying that the [Four Beasts] acquiesced to this happening?"

The knight was shocked and said,"What a bunch of damn old guys, is it time to distribute the benefits again?"

"That's right.

Kuroro nodded and said

"Just like what the knight said, Meteor Street's [Benefit Distribution War] happens every few years. Based on the intelligence analysis I have obtained, I have been able to determine that……"

"The White Wolf and the Black Jackal's successive actions were merely the fuse for the distribution of interests. From now on, any Meteor Street force that has begun to take shape will be swept in.……"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Profit distribution war?

Huang Quan, who had no corresponding record in his memory, turned to look at Machi and asked in confusion:"Sister Machi... What did Kuroro hear about the profit distribution war?……"

"It is a symbol of the reshuffle of Meteor Street.……"

Coming back to his senses, Machi's cold expression became solemn:"The last time it happened was six or seven years ago. Maybe you don't remember it.……"

"That day... the entire Meteor Street was filled with blood, and countless corpses were scattered on the street.……"

"Even they...died on that day."

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