The blade was covered with cracks.

It was sharp, restrained yet unbridled, old and aloof.

This was... a killing weapon that had killed countless creatures and experienced countless battles of life and death.

Looking at the information revealed by the [Demon Mark], Huang Quan's deep pupils condensed slightly.

【Dark Devil (Complete)】

【Quality: Rare】

【Year: 1444】

【Note: This was the last sword forging done by Katzer, known as the Death Forger, in his later years on the battlefield of death. On the day the sword was completed, countless people were killed."

【Note: 'Nian' is attached to it, which can absorb】

Black Demon...

Huang Quan couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the information displayed by the demon pattern.

He was not surprised by the name of the knife, but was surprised that this broken knife was not a broken and severed knife as he expected, but was originally in this shape.

Seeing this, Huang Quan gently turned the broken blade with his left hand to see if he could break off a piece from the crack.

However, what he didn't expect was that although this [Black Demon] was full of cracks, brute force could only slightly deflect the pinched fragments, and it was difficult to break them directly.

And when Huang Quan let go, the slightly bent fragment was as if sucked by a strong suction force, and it directly returned to its original shape.

"It's like a magnet that attracts each other."

Seeing this black knife so interesting, Huang Quan could not help but become interested.

However, it was impossible to study it carefully in this situation. After thinking about it, he put it back on the purple-gold wooden table and walked towards the other exhibits at the back.

Seeing this, Flip, who was slightly expectant, showed a little disappointment on his face.

He thought that the other party could identify this broken and unknown collection, but in the end, he just ignored it as before.

"Or should we let the gang find other appraisal masters?"

Listening to Huang Quan's explanation of the next collections, Flip secretly thought that after so many years, he already knew the origins of most of the ten collections.

There were only a few two or three that no one could identify.

This has always made collectors like him itchy.

For collectors, only by digging out the value of all collections can they get an extremely satisfying sense of pleasure.

At this time.

From the sixth to the last tenth collection, Huang Quan skipped three and only explained two to demonstrate his general identification ability.

Elder Flip was quite satisfied with this.

The level shown by the other party at this moment is enough to compare with those so-called top appraisers who were tied up before.

"Very good identification skills, really let me see"

"According to the agreement... I will accept the Wolf King necklace for 20 million rings."

"Thank you, Elder..."

Huang Quan's expression remained calm after hearing this, but his heart was slightly moved.

With these 20 million Jieni... he and Machi should be able to meet their living needs in the future. With the extra time, he can concentrate on practicing [Nian].

At this stage, whether it is application skills, potential temperament or manifest temperament, they are all very insufficient. They must be strengthened and honed in all aspects.

In addition...

Huang Quan glanced at the ten collections in the house, especially the [Black Magic] full of cracks.

I believe that it will not be long... the ownership of these antiques will change.

"Don't rush to thank me."

Waving his hand, Elder Flip, holding the Wolf King necklace, slowly stood up and walked out the door with his big belly. He waved to Huang Quan to follow him.


What do you mean?

Huang Quan frowned, and under Cass's cold gaze, he raised his feet and followed.

Until he walked out of the collection room and waited for the steel door to be sealed again.

"Go back..."

Flip slowed down his pace and walked side by side with Huang Quan, with a greasy smile on his fat face.

" this the name?"

"That's right"

"What a nice name…"

Turning his head to look at Huang Quan, Flip said with a smile:"Who did you learn your identification skills from?"


Hearing this, Huang Quan looked at Flip as if he was looking at a fool, as if reminding him why he asked such a stupid question.


Feeling Huang Quan's inexplicable gaze, Flip was slightly stunned, and then his smile faded, and his words revealed indifference.

"Put away your gaze...If there is a second time, leave your pupils behind"

This guy... felt a faint sense of oppression. Huang Quan, who was a little relaxed after the appraisal, tensed up his body and alertness instantly.

Sure enough, this is the ever-changing Meteor Street.

Before you have strong strength, you have to bear the contempt of others at any time.

"I am very satisfied with your identification ability..."

Seeing Huang Quan's expression become cautious again, Flip nodded with satisfaction.

"I'll give you a chance to join [Mountain Beast]. When you've made up your mind, come back and reply to me."

Before he finished speaking, Flip's obese figure walked straight ahead.

He didn't seem to care about Huang Quan's answer at all.

Tap, tap, tap!

Listening to the silent footsteps, Huang Quan's eyes flashed with a strange color.

I never thought that there would be a chance to join one of the top forces in Meteor Street, [Mountain Beast]. This is a route I have never thought of.

It's a pity, I'm not very interested...

Following the back of the team, Huang Quan's mouth curled up with a slight sneer.

For him... whether it is Meteor Street or anything else, it is not a place worth lingering.

Compared to the Meteor Street full of garbage, he is more looking forward to the entire Hunter world.

Hunter test, Chimera Ant, Zoldyck, Netero, and even the Dark Continent...

There are so many interesting things, what is Meteor Street. What will happen if...

I choose not to join?

It's really interesting...

At this moment, Huang Quan didn't realize how similar his expression was to Kuroro.

Calm... Confidence... and the same similar indifference and composure

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