No wonder I didn't see them outside before...

Huang Quan's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw Flip and the other two appearing in the collection room again.

However, the next moment, the surprise on his face turned into astonishment.

He saw that the fat Flip and another burly man stood on both sides of Cass with respectful faces, and they didn't dare to move without the other party's signal.

"What's going on?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Huang Quan came to the dead corner behind the third purple-gold wooden pillar and quietly opened a very small sound storage door.

Suddenly, the sound from the outside world was amplified through the storage door. Although it was still weak, it was enough for Huang Quan to hear the conversation between the three people.


Looking at Cass's back, the obese 'Flip' congratulated him respectfully,"It's great that you are satisfied with the two antiques we got today.……"


Another burly Barutu glanced at the other party and said calmly:"You have said too much today. Who asked someone to invite that kid without the permission of the elders?"

"I am just thinking about the elders..."

Flip... no, to be more precise, Kelly, looked at Cass's back and explained in a panic:

"Didn’t the elders always say that when disguising oneself, one must blend into the role, so…I subconsciously tried to recruit people from the perspective of identifying talents.……"

"Elder! I, Kelly, absolutely have no ulterior motives!!!"

""Shut up!" The real Flip's cold voice came out.

Kelly and Barutu all shut their mouths and bowed their heads in respect.

"You did a good job today, Kelly..."

The burly Flip stared at the two purple-gold wooden platforms that were newly erected not far away, as well as the necklaces and shields on them, and said coldly:

"These two collections are good, I am very satisfied... But I don't want to do it on my own again."


Kelly responded respectfully, trembling, and his fat head drooped even lower.

As a full-time stand-in for so many years, he knew the elder's temper and personality very well.

Once the other party got angry, the consequences would be cruel beyond imagination...

Thinking of those cruel scenes, Kelly felt a little chilly.


Without even turning his head, Flip asked coldly,"How are Badi and the others doing?"

"Not returned yet…" Feeling the inexplicable pressure from the aura, Barutu said calmly:"But with Badi and Staru in charge, there shouldn’t be any problems with the ‘rules’!"

"Unless that kid Kuroro deliberately breaks the rules you set.’……"

"Find someone to monitor him..."

Flip's expression was cold and he said calmly:"If he really dares to break the rules, get rid of all the spiders."

"Also... I need more authentic collectibles, and notify those gangs and assassination organizations that need"talents" that in future transactions, all three levels will be exchanged for antique treasures.……"



As Kelly and Barutu responded respectfully, Flip took another deep look at the many collections in front of him, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he turned and walked out the door.

Seeing this, Kelly and the others hurriedly followed, not daring to stop at all.

After all, this collection room is the elder's reverse scale. Once anyone dares to touch it, the best result is to disappear silently.

As for the heavier ones...

Barutu and the others looked at each other, with a trace of fear in their eyes.


At this time, the sound of gears turning was heard.

On the right wall of the closed room, a secret door rose upwards as the mechanism was activated, and behind the secret door was a brightly lit passage.

Through the bright light, you can see that at the end of the passage is the hidden bookshelf.


Then, Flip, who motioned Kelly to go in front, pretended to be Cass again, playing the role of a bodyguard or guard. Click, click, click!

As the secret passage closed again, the footsteps gradually disappeared into the distance

"This old bitch……"

After witnessing all this, Huang Quan couldn't help but smack his lips.

It turned out that all the previous speculations and calculations about Flip were off the track.

The real elder is actually someone else.

I really want to know what kind of expression Kuroro would have if he knew about this situation...

Thinking of this, Huang Quan smiled, and did not go out directly, but waited quietly for half an hour with a [Jue] attitude.

Until he was sure that the other party would not appear again, he slowly stood up and came to the front of the fifth wooden pillar [Black Demon].

After thinking for a moment, Huang Quan walked to the side of the four dead people, and took off the undamaged black uniform jacket and black gloves from the slightly clean body of Fatty.

Then, putting on the jacket and gloves, Huang Quan came to the side of [Black Demon] again. Through the emerald green space, it can be seen that the distance between the two sides is as close as if they were sticking together.

【[Open the door]!

Lightly tapping the void, a long box-shaped [Air Door] instantly formed.

Pulling the [Air Door] inward, Huang Quan stretched out his right hand and quickly grabbed the black jade handle of [Black Magic], and then brought it back into the space.

Immediately, the [Air Door] closed instantly.

The whole process took less than 0.5 seconds.

""No alarm..."

Huang Quan calmly put the [Black Magic] aside and waited for a moment. Seeing that no alarm or other equipment or abilities were triggered, he walked towards the next [Polos Arm Guard] which was also attached with [Mind].

It was still the same process, and still no alarm was triggered.

Two pieces... three pieces... four pieces... until five pieces...

With doubts and vigilance, Huang Quan took the five collections attached with [Mind] one by one.

However, when he relaxed his vigilance and picked up the sixth collection.

Beep! Beep!

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the collection room.

Even Flip and others who were in the living room of the castle heard it. The piercing alarm sounded.

For a moment, the whole castle.

No matter if they were Nen users or ordinary guards, they all moved towards the alarm in surprise.

And Flip, who was dressed as Cass, rushed to the secret passage with Baturu and others as soon as possible, and rushed towards the collection room.

Damn! Did someone just sneak in?

Cass, who was running in the front, had a furious look in his eyes.

He wanted to see what kind of guy had the courage to steal his things!

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