Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 151 The pursuit on the Twin Bridges

Chapter 151 "Pursuit on the Twin Bridges"

The Yin beasts are a combination of old and new, and their members are wolves, rats, poisonous snakes, peregrine falcons, millipedes, pufferfish, cockroaches, mosquitoes, maggots, and toads.

Each of them has a notorious reputation, and they have achieved their current status by constantly killing people under the names of the ten old men.

In the past few months, Yin Beast was short of people, but not just anyone could be a substitute.

For this reason, when they received the order from the ten old men and went to kill the man who brought shame to the name of "Yin Beast", everyone was full of confidence.

Kill him so that they will no longer be laughed at mercilessly by some stupid people behind their backs.

However, the first time they met, Germain brought a surprise to the Yin Beasts.

Or rather, frightened.

He appeared from the darkness, dragged Maggot and Toad into the darkness, and disappeared in an instant.

When other Yin beasts rushed over, the maggots and toads had already died tragically, lying limply on top of each other.

And Germain got into the black car, which sped away.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, the Yin Beasts couldn't help but look horrified. They watched the car taillights disappear at the end of the street, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

"Chase with the car first." The wolf made a quick decision.

So, the Yin Beast members led a group of gang members into cars and motorcycles, and chased after them while roaring.

After driving for a while, the remaining eight Yin Beasts still couldn't forget the corpses of maggots and toads left in place, as well as the remaining fear on the faces of the two people.

"Maggots and toads are the weakest among us."

The evil wolf looked ahead while holding a walkie-talkie, talking to other Yin Beast members and the gang leader, trying to encourage morale.


The cockroach in the channel hesitated for a moment, then said: "Less than a minute after we arrived at the scene, he identified maggots and toads as the weakest among us, and then took action decisively..."

"This...this is too...I can't understand..."

It should be said that in the situation just now, ten Yin beasts suddenly appeared within the range of Germain's "circle", and as long as they were human, they should have time to react.

It's just that this Germain's reaction time is horribly short, and his judgment is extremely accurate, not to mention the execution ability to kill immediately.

The Yin Beasts could see that the technique used on the maggots and toads was quite clean and neat, worthy of being a killer.

Everyone even vaguely felt that Germain had the style of beating up those members of the enemy's Hakka family.

"We still have eight people." The Wolf emphasized, "Fifty armed elite members. We are bound to win tonight. The ten old men hired us, not to be a circus."

The Yin Beast members are nominally equal, but because they often form teams, a captain must be selected.

And when ten Yin Beasts gather together, the evil wolf is the captain that other members can accept.

His words had a certain effect.

The intercom channel fell silent. No one wanted to give in, let alone go back to see the old man in despair.

So, the evil wolf thought about it and ordered: "Peregrine Falcon, you have the strongest mobility. Malu, you have venom that can cause blindness. You guys will take the lead and subdue the driver of that car first."

"As for Nyon from the Nosla family, I'm asking the ten old men for instructions. If you have a chance, rescue her. If you don't, forget it. They still need Nyong as a hostage for the time being, so they probably won't kill her."

"Understood." Two men's voices came from the channel.

A new battle has begun.

The Twin Bridges are three kilometers long. A black car roared past like lightning, and in the blink of an eye it had passed one-third of the length.

Kurapika drove intently, glancing at the rearview mirror from time to time, and then kept blowing his horn to remind the vehicles in front that he was about to overtake.

You can't talk about traffic rules at this time. As long as you don't crash the car and kill people, Kurapika will accept it.

Germain and Niong in the back row were both quiet, but for different reasons.

This was Germaine's nature, while Niong screamed until her throat was hoarse. At this moment, she was dizzy with fear and couldn't cheer up.

How will I be treated?

Niong couldn't imagine it, because all she could imagine were scenes of how the Nosla family usually dealt with people who offended them.

The scene was quite bloody and horrific.

Of course, Nyon doesn't need to do it herself, but sometimes she will get some "trophies", which makes her feel very involved.

However, at that time, she had her father, Arisa, Tatsunai, and other guards by her side...

But now, with no one around her, she finally had to taste the taste of fear alone.

Kurapika stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, and glanced at the rearview mirror again. This time he noticed something unusual. He saw something flying in the air behind him.

He also heard a high-pitched cry.


The person flying over was a person, and that person threw a black, round spherical object towards the black car, like a rotating tire.


"I know, just focus on driving."

Germain immediately lowered the window on his side, letting the biting night wind flow into the car.

He shrank and moved around, sliding out like a loach, and then heard a muffled sound coming from the roof of the car.

Germain was half-kneeling on the speeding black car, holding the edge of the car with one hand, and holding a cannon with the other hand, aiming the muzzle at the ball flying in the air.

The ball rolled, and finally the whole body opened up and became extremely long. The body had many links and densely packed legs and feet, which looked quite scary.

He is Malu, one of the Yin Beasts, and the one who threw him down is naturally the Peregrine Falcon.

What Malu has to do is very simple. He just needs to use his long body and many legs and feet to hang on the car, and then spray venom at the driver in the driving seat, forcing the car to lose control.

In great interest, he was thrown down by the peregrine falcon, but he saw Germain already waiting on the roof of the black car, holding a cannon and aiming it at him.

Malu's face suddenly turned pale.

But in mid-air, he could do nothing. He could only twist his body in despair, and finally shot out venom as if he peed his pants.

The venom shot less than half a meter before being blown backwards by the strong wind, posing no threat at all.

Instead, the cannon in Germain's hand fired a shell, which roared and flew over, hitting Malu who was trying to curl up.


The explosion fire lit up like a small sun.

Malu's limbs fell all over the ground, and the sudden explosion caused chaos on the road.

The peregrine falcon not far away frowned and flapped its wings, not daring to fly directly towards it. So after thinking for a while, it passed by at low altitude and flew under the Twin Bridges.

Germain watched the peregrine disappear into the night, then heard the roar of a motorcycle.

A group of motorcycles followed closely, with two people sitting on each motorcycle. One person drove the car in front, and the other person shot in the back. The bullets hit the roof and rear of the black car.

However, this Nosla family car was Niong's exclusive seat and was bulletproof to a certain extent. Ordinary bullets were not that easy to penetrate.

As a result, Germain on the roof of the car and the tires on the bottom of the car became new targets, especially the former, which seemed obviously easier to hit.

Germain materialized a shield, stood in front of him, and deflected the bullets fired one by one.

The group of gangsters on motorcycles saw that frontal fire could not penetrate the shields, and they did not have rocket launchers in their hands, so they planned to spread out and go around to the side to shoot.

He only had a shield, so it was impossible to block bullets fired from all directions.

The motorcycles rushed left and right, not gathering together, and Germain's cannon could not have much effect for a while.

So, he replaced the cannon with a firecracker and fired a shot at the motorcycle that was slightly closer.

After the bang, the motorcycle flew sideways, splashing sparks and hitting the other two motorcycles like bowling balls.

The three motorcycles threw the riders and passengers away, and no one cares about their lives now.

Another motorcycle roared by, but this time the person sitting in the back seat was Mosquito, one of the Yin Beasts. He seemed to be bringing a different change to the situation in front of him.

The mosquitoes opened their hands, and a group of buzzing, dense black spots flew towards Germain.

"Go, my little darlings!"

Those black spots were clearly a group of mosquitoes with blood-sucking mouthparts. They were coiled around Germain's head and were about to pierce his skin!

They are so small that ordinary people may not be able to see them if they don't look carefully, let alone it is dark night and everyone is moving at high speed.

However, Germain is a telepath, so the situation is different.

Those little mosquitoes, from Germain's "condensed" perspective, became dots exuding pure white air, which were quite conspicuous.

Without a trace of hesitation, he replaced the firecracker with a flamethrower and shot out flames.


The flamethrower swept once, and again, and again, instantly incinerating all the flying mosquitoes.

The fire snake then pounced on the motorcycle carrying the Yin Beast Mosquito. The rider had no time to brake and was thrown into the flames.

Germain seemed to hear Yin Beast Mosquito shout "Stop" in the wind, but the motorcycle did not stop.

As a result, two fireball men who looked like Ghost Riders rode motorcycles and crashed into the opposite lane. They happened to collide head-on with a large truck and were knocked out again.


At the same time, the wolf was sitting in the car that was chasing after him. Listening to the screams coming from the intercom, he slammed his fist on the window glass next to him.

Malu, Mosquito... two more Yin Beast members died... and most of the motorcycle group was also dead or injured at this time.

Even if Germain is killed today, such a battle damage rate will probably not look good if word spreads.

But the evil wolf thought of something even more terrifying.

What if Germain ran away like this?

No, no, no, there is something even more terrifying. What if Germain kills a few more of them?

What will happen?

The evil wolf didn't dare to think about it.

Fortunately, the latest order from the Ten Old Man came down. They told the Yin Beast to ignore the Niong and attack as much as he wanted. The only purpose tonight was to let Germain die.

As for the Nosla family, they can be appeased later.

It is still very simple for them to deal with Wright Nosla.

The evil wolf breathed a sigh of relief and made up his mind, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and conveyed the latest instructions from the ten old men.

"Did you hear everything clearly? No matter what the cost, no matter how big the fight is, as long as Germain dies, the ten old men will help us settle other matters."

"Do it!"

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