"It was you who found that Gahari before, right? You even specially arranged such a big fool to cause trouble for me. Do you think he can stop me?" Tianming said proudly.

Netero frowned at first, then put down the juice in his hand, stood up and stretched, saying: "I didn't call Gahari, that guy might be... Never mind, it's not important, I'm ready, follow me."

"Where are you going to take me?"

"Of course, we should go to a place with few people. The noise you make when you chant will definitely be quite loud. If you do it in the city, won't it cause a lot of chaos?"

Netero had already seen the video of Hisoka opening Tianming's mind. To be honest, he was also very surprised at Tianming's mental energy. It was the first time he saw someone with such a huge amount of mental energy just after opening his mind.

Having lived for over 100 years and having seen a lot, he has seen countless people open their minds, but even Jin, Pariston, or his own son, when they first started to open their minds, they were only slightly better than normal people. He has never seen a freak like Tianming who can rival the veteran Nen masters as soon as he starts to open his minds.

Looking at Tianming, who is young but possesses extraordinary talent, Netero licked his lips and the blood that had been dormant in his body for many years began to boil.

However, this expression made Tianming feel creepy. Why did he see some shadow of Hisoka in this old guy?

Are all the strong people in this world somewhat perverted?

Soon the two of them got on the helicopter that had been prepared long ago. As the propeller turned, the helicopter slowly took off and flew out of the city.

In the Hunter Association building, a young man in a suit and with golden hair smiled as he watched the helicopter leave. He then closed the blinds and looked at the information on the table. This information was about Tianming and was very detailed.

"'Zhao Tianming' seems to be a very interesting guy."


An hour later, the helicopter flew into a mountain range.

President Netero pointed down, then unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of the helicopter.

Seeing the other party jump down, Tian Ming also jumped down without hesitation. The air flow at high altitude made it difficult for him to open his eyes. After he felt that the height had almost dropped, he took a few steps in the air, slowed down himself, and landed smoothly on the ground.

After arriving on the ground, Tian Ming looked around. This was the top of a flat-topped mountain, and the area of ​​the top was several times larger than a football field.

Moreover, the mountain is extremely steep, and it is very difficult even for professional climbers to climb to the top.

In addition, this mountain is located in the center of the entire mountain range, so there is no need to worry about affecting the onlookers.

Netero really knows how to find a place. This place is more than enough to be the battlefield for Sun Wukong to fight against the Saiyans.

At this time, Netero's voice sounded. The other party was no longer in the playful state before, but became very serious and obviously serious.

"I already knew something about you. Hisoka should have opened Nen for you. Logically, you should be a Nen user who can only use 'Entanglement' now.

But I can't sense any spiritual energy from you, and if you don't explain the specific situation, I can't help you."

Many people know that Tianming has a secret, but it is taboo to ask about this directly. The secrets of the Nen users are their trump cards when fighting the enemy. If they are revealed to others, it will be very disadvantageous to themselves. If Netero did not want to teach Tianming the ability of Nen, he would not have asked about it in a taboo way.

As for Tianming, he felt much more relaxed. Since he was asking for help from the other party, he had to explain his situation to him.

However, he would not tell the other party all his domineering things without reservation. After all, this was his core secret. He could only reveal part of it to the other party and could not say too much in detail.

"About three years ago, a strange power suddenly appeared in my body. After looking up information, I suspected that what I awakened was the legendary 'mind'. After that, I quit my job and hid in the mountains to cultivate this power."

Netero listened very carefully, stroking his beard from time to time.

Tian Ming continued to narrate: "However, after three years of practice, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. This was completely different from the feeling of mind energy that I had inquired about.

I even tested it with the legendary 'Mizumi-style', however this force had no effect on the water and leaves in the cup.

It was then that I realized that what I had awakened was not thoughts, but a special power that belonged only to me. "

Netero said seriously, "Can you show it to me?"

Tianming clenched his right fist and filled it with domineering energy, while Netero used "Concentration" to carefully observe Tianming's right fist.

"Your right hand does give me a different feeling than before, but this difference is not something I observed with Condensation. It is the intuitive feeling I developed from years of fighting."

Netero stroked his beard with a slightly excited tone. It was obvious that he was completely attracted by the "exclusive power" that Tianming mentioned.

Tianming loosened his hand and then pointed his palm at Netero. The latter was stunned for a moment and then stretched out his right hand, with his palm staying 20 centimeters away from Tianming's palm.

The calm air seemed to have some fluctuations, and then Netero felt a push on the palm of his hand. It was a wonderful experience to have something in front of him but not be able to perceive it.

He immediately gathered his mental energy on his right palm, and then began to wrestle with this force.

Tianming noticed Netero's actions and immediately increased the strength in his hands and the two sides began to wrestle.

As time went on, the two men added more and more strength, spider-web-like cracks began to appear under their feet, and the sound of "crackling" of electric sparks flashing could be heard from time to time in the air.

Cold sweat had already appeared on Tianming's forehead. In his perception, the person in front of him seemed not to be a person but a steel wall. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the other party at all.

Just when he was about to give up, Netero took the initiative to wave his hand to signal him to stop. Tianming immediately withdrew his domineering aura and then gasped heavily.

At this moment, he felt that his previous judgment was too superficial. The last time they met, he thought he had figured out Netero's true strength. However, when the other party became serious this time, he found that this old man was much stronger than he had imagined.

Netero, who was opposite him, clenched his fists, then regained his relaxed tone and said, "I believe what you said. I can confirm that this is definitely not mind energy but a unique power that belongs to you. Is this the reason why you can't open your mind energy?"

Tian Ming nodded and replied: "This power is incompatible with the mind energy in my body. Because I cultivated this power first, my power is very strong, and the mind energy cannot break through its suppression and be released."

Now even Netero was in trouble. If it was some restrictions and oaths that forced the body into the state of "absoluteness", he would have a way to deal with it, but this was the first time he encountered Tianming's situation. It was estimated that even a mind-eliminating master would not be able to eliminate this power in Tianming's body.

After thinking for a long time, he kicked the ball back to Tianming.

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