Three days later, at noon.

In room 20075 of the Sky Arena, a steel cone emitting silver light stands in the center of the living room.

This one-meter-long steel cone is welded to a one-meter-square iron plate. There are several steel bars fixing it on the four directions of the steel cone, and the whole is very sturdy.

The tip of the steel spike was extremely sharp. If someone fell on it, he would be pierced through to the heart. However, at this moment, Tian Ming stretched out his right index finger and stood upside down on it.

This was a training method he thought of by chance. He remembered that when he was reading "Yu Yu Hakusho" in his previous life, the protagonist Yusuke used this method to practice, so he asked the staff to specially make this steel spike for training for him.

Logically speaking, this method of cultivation is not reliable. Yusuke cultivates spiritual power while I cultivate mental energy. The two have completely different properties and this method of cultivation should be useless.

But after all, "Hunter" and "Youbai" are both Lao Zei's works, and one person cannot write two settings, so he simply tried it with a give it a try mentality.

Unexpectedly, he actually figured out some tricks by accident. This method of forcibly concentrating the mental energy on the fingers helped him quickly improve his control over the mental energy. If he continues to practice in this way, he will have the hope of making the "Spirit Pill".

Just as he was concentrating on fighting the steel spikes at his fingertips, there was a sudden and rapid knock on the door.

Tian Ming was just about to use his Observation Haki to see who was at the door, but the moment his attention was distracted, the energy at his fingertips suddenly dissipated, and the sharp steel spike went past his palm and headed straight for his face, or conversely, his head went straight towards the steel spike.

Just when he was one centimeter away from his eyebrows, Tian Ming suddenly activated one of the six styles, "Paper Painting", and slid his head along the edge of the steel cone. Then he slapped the ground with his palm and stood steadily on the ground.

After falling to the ground, he let out a long sigh and looked towards the door with a frown. He could have just knocked on the door once, but why did he keep knocking without a start?

I came to the door and opened it. Standing at the door were Gon with a frown on his face and Killua with an unhappy look on his face.

The two of them didn't know what had just happened in the room. When they saw Tianming open the door, Killua said directly: "It's been three days. Why hasn't the Nen master from the Hunter Association that you met before arrived yet?"

Tianming frowned when he heard that, and called Killua and Xiaojie into the house. After closing the door, he took out his cell phone from his pocket.

Logically speaking, Yun Gu and Zhi Xi should have arrived a few days ago. How come three days have passed and they still haven't registered on the 200th floor?

Although he felt that nothing would happen to Yun Gu with his strength, it was still better to make a phone call to ask for safety's sake. He remembered that in the original work, Yun Gu and Zhi Xi reached the 200th floor at the same time as Xiao Jie and Killua. Could it be that his own time travel brought about some unknown butterfly effect?

After the phone rang for a few seconds, Yun Gu's familiar voice came from the other end of the line.


"Hey! It's been a few days and you still haven't come up. What happened?"

Yun Gu on the other end of the phone looked helpless. He guessed that Tian Ming, who was impatient, would be impatient. It seemed that he could only go upstairs and explain slowly.

"Wait a moment, I'll be right up."

After saying that, Yun Gu hung up the phone. Tian Ming put away his phone and sat on the sofa with Xiao Jie and Killua, waiting anxiously.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Tianming opened the door and saw Yungu with a helpless look on his face and Zhixi with a dejected look.

At this time, Zhixi's mouth was bruised and there was a Band-Aid on his face. It seemed that he had suffered some injuries, but they were probably just superficial injuries.

After welcoming the two into the house, Yun Gu and Qi Ya's groups looked at each other with scrutiny. The atmosphere became a little more lively after Tian Ming introduced both parties.

Tianming frowned and asked, "Why did so many geniuses come up here? Did something happen down there?"

Yun Gu looked at Zhi Xi helplessly, and Zhi Xi explained dejectedly.

It turned out that after parting with Tianming, Yun Gu planned to buy an audience ticket for the 200th floor of the Sky Arena. With this ticket, he could go to the 200th floor.

Of course, this ticket is for Zhixi. Yun Gu had played on the 200th floor of the Sky Arena when he was a child and had already registered on the 200th floor, so Zhixi was the only one who needed this audience ticket.

However, at this time Zhixi's stubborn temper suddenly came out. He had heard before that two people of similar age to him had pushed all the way to the 200th floor, and then he saw Tianming killing everyone like cutting melons and vegetables and also reached the 200th floor. If he just bought an audience ticket and went to the 200th floor, he felt that it would be embarrassing to see Tianming again. So he also wanted to meet Tianming as a fighter after reaching the 200th floor.

At the beginning, his ranking journey was smooth, until the 160th floor, when he began to feel exhausted, and at the 170th floor, he could not advance at all. Those opponents who were beaten down by Tian Ming like his sons were like chickens with blood injected into them in front of him. He used all the "Xinyuanliu" fighting skills he learned from Yun Gu, but he was still no match for these people.

Seeing Zhixi's lost look, Xiaojie went up to comfort him in a familiar manner, while Killua looked at Yungu and the others with a little contempt in his eyes.

According to Tianming, Yun Gu is the Nen teacher arranged by the Hunter Association. He now seriously doubts whether the other party is capable of teaching him.

Tianming saw the contempt in Killua's eyes, but he was too lazy to care about these messy and boring things. After all, this was Gon and Killua's business, and he had done enough to help connect the two parties. How the two sides got along was their business and had nothing to do with him.

Next, Yun Gu asked about Gon and Killua's recent practice progress. After discovering that the two had only roughly mastered the "entanglement" technique, he immediately pointed out the shortcomings in their practice and helped them improve some mistakes and omissions in their Qi training.

After this little episode, Killua put away his contempt, because it turned out that this weak and bespectacled boy did have some real skills.

After everyone left, Tianming felt relieved. After dealing with other people's affairs, it was time to take care of his own affairs.

He tidied up the room first, and then found the door of Hisoka's room according to the address Hisoka had given him before.

When he arrived at the door, he did not rush to knock on it, but used his observation Haki to probe into the room. After all, it was Hisoka's room, so it would be better to explore the way first.

However, just after taking a glance, Tianming's brows were furrowed into the shape of the Chinese character "川". Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard Xi Suo's voice coming from inside the door.

"Now that you're here, why are you leaving suddenly?"

Tianming frowned and looked back, only to see Xi Suo opening the door with his naked body and wet hair. His exquisite figure was revealed in front of Tianming, and he almost vomited when he saw it.

The female staff member who passed by screamed in shame and turned around and ran away, looking back as she ran, as if she still had some reluctance in her heart.

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