
Ruby spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell heavily to the ground with his eyes white.

Tianming breathed a sigh of relief, the most difficult guy was finally dealt with.

This reinforcement-type little brother has been pestering me since the beginning of the battle. He can both resist and fight. It is really difficult to win the team battle if I don't kill him.

Standing in the opponent's perspective, Tianming felt a little bit touched. The reinforcement department is indeed the most suitable department for frontal combat. It looks ordinary, like a blank psychic user, but in a fight, it is like a dog-skin plaster and cannot be shaken off at all.

Looking at the seriously injured and unconscious Ruby Tianming, he laughed. By comparing him with Hua Shi Doulang, he also understood the significance of building his own special mind ability.

The combat of Nen users is indeed not just theory. He used to think that people like Yun Gu were too rigid and that was why they specialized in strengthening. Now it seems that he was just being clever.

The theory of the six major systems has existed in the Hunter world for hundreds of years. This was not developed behind closed doors in a study, but was a practical theory derived from the battles, summaries, and conclusions of countless Nen users.

Hua Shi Doulang's ability of mind can indeed make his fighting style more diverse, but in actual combat he also lost his greatest advantage of the reinforcement system.

The objects created by those with materialization abilities are the embodiment of rules. There are some rules that even a powerful one like the Ant King must abide by. This advantage is incomparable to that of Hua Shi Dou Lang's clone.

According to Tianming's observation, the talent of this little brother named Ruby is not as high as Hua Shi Doulang, but he puts all his attention on strengthening. Although he does not have flexible and changeable skills, his performance in battle is much stronger than that of his opponent.

There is also a hidden benefit. Those with enhancement abilities are basically the type who have a "rectum that leads to the brain, and they poop as much as they eat." Their personality is not good at setting traps and using rules to fight wits with others. Giving up the advantages of the enhancement system is equivalent to giving up their own advantages and entering the opponent's field of expertise. In the end, they will be killed by the opponent's tactics like Hua Shi Doulang fought Hisoka.

Thinking of this, he smiled and looked at Ruby who was seriously injured on the ground. If it weren't for him, he might have gone too far and built a materialization ability that he was not good at.

In addition, this little brother is also very courageous. He does not back down even though he knows the gap in hard power between him and me. This courage alone deserves my respect.

He shouted in his heart: "Little brother, your courage is worthy of praise! I, Zhao Tianming, recognize you. You are a qualified martial artist!"


Just as he was secretly praising himself in his heart, he suddenly felt a chill on his left wrist. He looked down and found that a pair of pink handcuffs were put on his left wrist.

The other side of the handcuffs was connected to the right hand of the sturdy man. Tianming was distracted for a moment and was attacked by this guy.

The sturdy man grinned and said, "You can't run away now, prepare to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Tianming, grabbed Tianming's wrist tightly with his right hand, and clenched his left hand into a fist and hit Tianming wildly.

The violent attack forced Tianming to retreat again and again. Taking this opportunity, the strong man yelled at Simon, "Simon, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it!"

A golden light flew out from the dark corner, landed above the heads of Tianming and the strong man, and then fell straight down, trying to catch them both at the same time.

Tianming was shocked when he saw this. At this moment, he no longer had the energy to defend against the strong man's fist attack. What he had to do now was to fight with the opponent desperately and he could not defend himself anymore.

He concentrated his domineering power on his right fist, gave up all defense, and hit the sturdy man's abdomen with all his strength.


The sturdy man spat blood all over Tianming's face, but he no longer cared about that. With blood all over his face and fire in his eyes, he looked like a devil returning from hell.

Another punch hit the strong man's chin hard. The strong man's body leaned back, his feet staggered a few steps on the ground, and then his body went limp and he lay on the ground unconscious.

When the opponent fell to the ground, his right hand pulled Tianming's left hand. Originally, this little force was not enough to shake Tianming's body. However, at this time he was already exhausted and was pulled by the opponent, so he staggered and almost fell.

His body now is not the thick-skinned and tough body of his previous life in the pirate world. After a series of battles, his physical strength is almost exhausted. Giving up defense and counterattacking just now has caused him serious injuries. He wanted to move his body to avoid the golden rope but he couldn't move at all.

Finally, as he looked at the sky in despair, the golden rope was put around his waist. Then a binding force bound his whole body, and he couldn't even move his little finger. He could only passively be at the mercy of others.

For a moment, the underground parking lot fell into an eerie silence. The dark space that was extremely noisy just now was now eerily quiet.

However, the silence only lasted for two minutes, and then Simon slowly walked towards the dark corner with the golden rope in his hand.

I really didn't expect that this wretched fat guy named "Green" is so strong. If it weren't for my ability to restrain the strengthening system, the outcome of this battle would be hard to say.

After Simon appeared, he did not rush to Tianming to kill him, but looked around to observe the nearby layout.

Although Tianming's body was unable to move, he could still use his Observation Haki and Armament Haki. Although he had his back to Simon at this time, he could still see all of Simon's strange movements.

Why didn't this guy come over and knock me down directly? Was he worried that Hua Shi Dou Lang would attack him by surprise?

This is indeed a possibility. Although the other party does not know the specific identity of Hua Shi Dou Lang, he should be able to guess that there is another Nen user besides himself in this underground parking lot.

After all, the purpose of coming here was to fight privately, and it would be impossible to fight alone.

However, the other party was thinking too much if he expected Hua Shi Dou Lang to save him, because Tian Ming had consumed a lot of physical energy in the previous battle, so the observation range of his Observation Haki was much smaller than that in his heyday.

There was no sign of Hua Shi Dou Lang within his observation range. This guy probably escaped while he was fighting. He had no relationship with him and even if he stayed, he would not be able to save him.

Tian Ming, whose movements were restrained, gradually calmed down. Although he was caught, he did not necessarily have to die. He had deliberately held back before, and the other four members of the search team were still alive. He did not kill them, but just seriously injured them.

Even if he was tried, he would only be deprived of the qualification to compete in the Sky Arena. At most he would have to pay some money. For him, this punishment was acceptable.

Just as he was thinking this, Simon, who had been observing for a long time, finally took action.

He took off the law enforcement recorder on his chest, and then crushed it to pieces while Tianming was looking puzzled.

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