Simon's whimpering stopped abruptly, and his arms fell limply to the ground without any movement.

After defeating the last enemy, Tian Ming finally won the battle, but now is not the time to relax. There should be a lot of Sky Arena thugs outside the parking lot. He has to find a way to bypass them and leave here quickly.

But before that, there was still one thing to do. He found the leather bag that Simon used to hold the "blood knife", and then carefully put the blood knife that fell on the ground into it.

He had personally experienced the power of this weapon. Although the side effects were relatively large, the lethality was truly astonishing. After putting away the blood knife, he quickly left the battlefield and headed towards the underground exit when he came in.

If I'm not mistaken, there should be enemies guarding this exit. These enemies may not be as strong as Simon and others, but it's not easy to deal with them given his current physical condition.

He wanted to use his life restoration technique to transform himself into Simon and the others to get away with it, but now his physical strength was severely depleted and he no longer had the energy to disguise himself as other people.

Just as he was thinking about how to leave without being noticed, the light from the exit in front was getting closer and closer, and the person standing at the exit also made him frown.

I saw Hua Shi Doulang standing at the exit, covered in dust. His body blocked the exit. It seemed that he had to get through him if he wanted to leave.

Tianming's pace gradually slowed down and finally stopped ten meters away from Hua Shi Doulang. Things had come to this point, with the search team leader and a member of the team dead here. Could it be that Hua Shi Doulang still wanted to duel with him that he had not completed?

Now he was seriously injured and had no strength to fight with the opponent, but he didn't care so much about winning or losing. The original purpose of the duel with the opponent was to comprehend the direction of building enhanced telepathic ability. Now after experiencing such a battle, he could be considered to have achieved his goal. Even if he admitted defeat and acknowledged the opponent's victory now, he could completely accept it.

Just when he was about to admit defeat, Hua Shi Dou Lang spoke before him.

"I lost, and the winner is you, Zhao Tianming."

Although Tianming was a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't care much. Instead, another voice made his pupils shrink.

"He's almost collapsing now. You can defeat him with just a casual move. Do you really want to give up a victory that is within your grasp?"

Tianming looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw Xi Suo leaning lazily against the wall in the brightly lit corridor behind Hua Shi Dou Lang, playing poker with one hand.

Hua Shi Dou Lang took a deep breath after hearing this, then exhaled and said, "I already know the difference in strength between you and me. The ultimate goal of my training is to improve my own strength and become stronger, not to defeat a shaky enemy by pretending to be deceitful. This is not in line with my martial arts beliefs."

Tianming didn't say anything but looked at Huashi Doulang solemnly. Xi Suo continued to add fuel to the fire and said, "Don't forget your previous bet. If you defeat Tianming now, you will not only get a bonus of 10 billion Jieni, but also be qualified to fight with me.

If you admit defeat now, I will cancel our match immediately. This chance is gone, and it will be difficult to seek revenge on me next time~"

Hua Shi Dou Lang turned to look at Xi Suo after hearing this and said calmly: "I will definitely take revenge on you, but I will not do so in a way that blasphemes my martial arts. At most, I will fight you to the death outside the influence of the Sky Arena."

Hisoka laughed knowingly, then shrugged and said, "It's up to you, but I want to advise you not to be so persistent. Although you are very talented, you can't understand everything on your own. Some things are difficult to research out of thin air without relying on the wisdom of predecessors."

After saying this, Xi Suo's figure disappeared from the spot, and Hua Shi Dou Lang also made way for Tian Ming. Seeing this, the latter walked past the other without hesitation.

Not long after entering the passage, we saw several bodies on the ground who had died not long ago. These people were wearing the clothes of Sky Arena staff. Judging from the marks on the wounds, they should have been done by Hisoka.

He stumbled out of the Sky Arena dragging his seriously injured body. The city where the Sky Arena was located was called "Valo City". Relying on the flow of people in the Sky Arena, the economy of Valo City developed quite well.

Tianming found a small clinic in a very remote place. He bought some hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs and took a few rolls of bandages and hurriedly left Wallo City.

Valo City is the sphere of influence of the Sky Arena. If I stay here, I will easily be discovered to be abnormal. As long as I can avoid the recent limelight, I believe no one will keep a close eye on me.

Tianming came to an extremely desolate mountain and randomly found a cave that could accommodate him. He killed the brown bear inside with one punch and then lay down on a flat stone platform and fell into a deep sleep.

He slowly woke up after an unknown amount of time. The hunger in his stomach and the sharp pain in his body reminded him that he still had a lot of things to do.

He took out a lighter and simply lit a fire at the entrance of the cave. Then he built a grill with branches and started roasting bear meat. He also used the medicine he had just bought to bandage his wounds.

He had experienced many such fierce battles in the pirate world before, and even in the last battle before the time travel, he was beaten to death by Kaido. Therefore, he was very familiar with the small scene in front of him and was not panicked at all.

While bandaging himself, he suddenly felt something strange. It was an indescribable feeling, as if he had returned to his previous life.

He shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, picked up a piece of roasted bear meat and started to eat it.

While eating, he was thinking about what he had gained from this battle. First of all, he had already understood the direction of constructing his Nen ability. The way that Hua Shi Doulang and Netero constructed materialization abilities was a wrong path, or it could be said that this method was not suitable for his own fighting style at all. Therefore, when constructing his own abilities, he still focused on the strengthening system, supplemented by the transformation system and the release system.

There was another thing that made him very satisfied. His armed Haki Ryuo, which had not been improved for a long time, was finally awakened successfully. With the strength of Ryuo Tianming, it can be said that he had achieved a qualitative change. This gain was even more important than understanding the direction of his Nen ability.

After all, he has been practicing domineering power for decades, and he is many times more proficient in using this power than in using mental energy. When fighting, he is more accustomed to using domineering power rather than mental energy.

He enjoyed the bear meat very much. He ate the bear meat weighing several hundred kilograms until only a skeleton was left. He even broke down several trees near the cave and pulled them over to add firewood, but it was still not enough.

This meal finally gave him a feeling of his previous life, the kind of comfortable feeling of having a big meal after a big battle. This familiar feeling made him very intoxicated.

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