Tianming could see the unhappiness in Hua Shi Dou Lang's heart. It seemed that he hated Killua very much.

To be honest, there aren't many people in the Hunter world who hate Killua. He is a rare species.

After everyone introduced themselves, they came to the living room and each person moved a chair to split into two groups and sat opposite each other.

Gon, Killua, and Leorio sat in a row, while Hua Shi Doulang and Boudreau sat in another row opposite them. Everyone turned their eyes to Tian Ming who was sitting in the top seat.

Tianming's mouth twitched. He had seen this seat in TV dramas. The seat where Song Jiang sat in the Liangshan Heroes and the seat where Yuan Shao, the leader of the Eighteen Princes, sat was exactly where he was now. He was afraid that in a while a soldier would come in and kneel in front of him and say: The Ant King is challenging us outside, please make a decision quickly, leader.

After noticing that everyone was staring at him, Tian Ming cleared away the messy thoughts in his mind and went straight to the point, stating his purpose.

"I know everyone has their own purpose in coming to Youkexin, but I gathered everyone here for a very important matter. I received news that the A-class criminal organization Phantom Troupe is gathering in Youkexin, and their target is the underground gang auction that will be held in Youkexin at the end of this month."

Everyone's eyes widened when these words came out. Although Hua Shi Dou Lang and Bao De Luo had been practicing with Tian Ming, they had never heard him talk about this.

However, they just sighed in their hearts that the Phantom Troupe was so bold that they even dared to set their sights on the underground auction organized by the Ten Old Men. Apart from that, they had no fear of the Phantom Troupe at all.

During the time they had been training with Tianming, they believed that they had seen real monsters, so naturally they would not have any fear of a criminal organization like the Phantom Troupe.

Gon and Killua were similar, calming down instantly after the initial shock, but Leorio jumped up from his chair with an “Ah!”

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier? They're a terrorist organization with all A-rank members. It's already the end of the month. Doesn't this mean that the Phantom Troupe is already in the same city with us?"

Tianming was not surprised to see Leorio exclaiming. This was the normal reaction of a normal person when hearing that the Phantom Troupe was in the same city as him. If you heard that a terrorist organization was coming to your city with its core members, and you didn't panic, then you were abnormal.

After Leorio calmed down a little, Tianming continued: "I gathered everyone here to form a team to completely destroy the Phantom Troupe. After such a long time of training, everyone here has made great progress in strength. I believe that as long as we work together, we are fully capable of hunting spiders and destroying this notorious criminal organization."

This time Leorio did not jump up and yell, but sat back in his seat, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and looked down at the floor, as if he was struggling with his conscience.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was the weakest among all the people present. In the eyes of the monsters in the Phantom Troupe, his strength was no different from that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he was very conflicted and didn't know whether he should agree to it.

Tianming saw his hesitation and said in a gentle tone: "Leorio should not get involved in this matter. With your strength, you really cannot interfere in the battle of the hunting brigade. I will arrange for you to hide in a safe place for a few days, and you can come out after our operation is successful."

Xiaojie also persuaded Leorio not to get involved in this matter. However, Leorio seemed to have made up his mind. He looked up at Tianming and said, "Although my strength can't help much, I can still complete some auxiliary tasks. The Phantom Troupe is the murderer who massacred Kurapika's people. I also want to contribute to the destruction of the troupe."

Tianming nodded and agreed to let the other party participate in the operation. Although he was not strong enough, he could still perform auxiliary activities on the periphery.

Seeing that Leorio, the weakest one, agreed to join, Hua Shi Doulang and Boudreau naturally had no objection and readily agreed. They also wanted to fight with the people in the brigade to see how strong these people were and whether they were worthy of their title of "the world's strongest criminal organization."

Originally Killua wanted to agree, but when he saw that Gon didn't say anything, he held back and looked at Gon, wanting to hear what he thought.

Tianming found that the way these two little guys get along with each other is quite interesting. Obviously, Killua is more mature in all aspects, and his thoughts and behaviors are more sophisticated. However, this two-person team is mainly based on Xiaojie's will. If he is willful and insists on doing something, Killua will obey helplessly.

It’s a pity that Xiaojie is a boy. If he was a girl, this combination would be perfect.

He looked at Xiaojie to see what he was still hesitating about, but Xiaojie frowned and asked him, "Is the bounty on the members of the Phantom Troupe high?"

Tianming smiled when he heard this. It turned out to be a matter of money. This made things much simpler.

"The bounty on the Phantom Troupe isn't actually that high right now, mainly because the members are so elusive that only a few have shown their faces and have bounties on them. The rest of the members don't even have their appearances known, so the overall bounty isn't that high.

But this time they chose to rob the gang auction, and after they take action, the ten old men will definitely increase their reward, and we will definitely get a lot of money if we take action after that."

Xiao Jie smiled when he heard that. He came to Youkexin this time to make money to buy the gaming equipment for "Greed Island". This was the clue left to him by his father Jin. He believed that he would be able to find the other party after completing this game.

He expressed his desire to earn money to buy equipment for the Greed Island game, and asked if the Phantom Troupe's bounty could be used to buy the game.

Tianming frowned, pinched his chin and looked at Xiaojie and said, "It seems that you don't understand the market situation. The game "Greed Island" is indeed sold at the Youkexin Auction, but the price is far beyond your imagination.

I estimate that even if the ten old men increase the bounty for the Phantom Troupe, it will only be raised to 20 billion Jinis per person. This level is basically the limit. If you want a higher bounty, you might as well just hire professional killers to kill the Phantom Troupe members.

There are 13 members in the Phantom Troupe. Even if you kill them all, you can only get 260 billion, which is still a little short of the money to buy this gaming device."

After Tianming's careful analysis, the little flame that was originally burning in Xiaojie's heart was completely extinguished by a pee.

The Phantom Troupe can only be destroyed if everyone present joins forces. How could the 260 billion bounty be given to him alone? In this sense, he still has a long way to go before he can buy "Greed Island".

Seeing Tianming seriously playing with the child, Hua Shidoulang and Bao Deluo could hardly hold back the smiles on their faces.

The wealthy man Battra donated all of his dozens of equipment to Tianming. Hua Shidoulang and Boudreau glanced at a door not far behind Xiaojie.

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