Facing Hisoka's attack, Kuroro spread out his left hand without panic, and a pitch-black and extremely heavy book appeared in his hand.

Kuroro's ability of "Thief's Ultimate Intention" can steal other people's thoughts and seal them in a book. He can take it out and use it perfectly whenever he wants.

This book contains hundreds of Nen abilities stolen by Kuroro, each of which is extremely powerful and mysterious. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he can find the ability to restrain it in the "Thief's Ultimate Intent".

As soon as he thought about it, the book turned to a page, and then Kuroro activated his telekinesis and disappeared on the spot in an instant.

Hisoka's attack missed, and just as he stabilized his body, a red bag fell from the sky above his head. This was the Nen ability that Kuroro had stolen from the Yin Beast leader Owl a few hours ago.

Although Hisoka didn't know what the function of this cloth was, he was keenly aware that he would be dead if he was covered by this red cloth.

He pointed his index finger at the ground in front of him and activated "Stretchable Love" to stick his mental energy to the ground. Then he tightened his mental energy to pull his whole body forward.

The red covering fell to the ground but did not cover anyone. Hisoka somersaulted forward and landed steadily on the ground, then looked vigilantly at Kuroro behind him.

Just now, Kuroro really disappeared out of thin air and then appeared behind him. This is different from the high-speed movement of Amami or Killua. There is no trace of the other party's movement on the ground, which means that the other party has the ability of "instant teleportation".

However, if the opponent is Kuroro, it is not difficult to understand that he can teleport. After all, the opponent has stolen so many Nen abilities, so he would not feel surprised no matter what kind of ability the opponent uses.

He stood up and smiled at Kuroro, "I joined the Phantom Troupe just to fight you one on one, fair and square. That's why I pretended to join the Phantom Troupe."

After saying that, he tore off the spider-shaped tattoo on his back, and in front of Kuroro, he released his Nen ability, causing the tattoo to turn into pure Nen and dissipate.

Seeing this, Kuroro sighed in his heart. To be honest, he actually valued Hisoka very much and really wanted to be friends with him.

However, things had turned out like this today and there was no point in saying anything more. He put away the red cloth in his hand and turned to another page in the book.

Kuroro opened his right hand and pointed it at the ground. The next moment, sea water poured out like a mountain torrent and tsunami, sweeping in all directions.

This is a spatial ability he stole, which can connect any two addresses for spatial teleportation, and these two addresses can be set up as points codenamed "A" and "B".

He had previously located point "A" of his spatial ability at the bottom of the sea, so after he turned on his ability, he could open point "B" on the ground and summon the seawater at point "A" here.

The sudden appearance of sea water disrupted everyone's fighting rhythm. Hisoka and others who were closer could only retreat frantically to avoid the water flow. Tianming also stopped and stood where he was. Seeing the dozens of meters high waves coming towards him, he immediately used the Moon Step to jump into the air to avoid them.

Wo Jin and others who were fighting with him breathed a sigh of relief and allowed themselves to be washed away by the waves without any resistance.

Such water flow will not hurt them, and they can safely escape from this dangerous battlefield with the cover of the waves. Kuroro deliberately used this ability to cover the retreat of the brigade.

When Gon saw the waves coming towards him, he quickly said to Killua, "Hurry up and use the Moon Step to jump into the air. The battery on my back will explode if it touches the sea water."

Killua threw Gon into the air, then used the Moon Step to fly into the air while saying, "My Moon Step can't carry anyone, use the Moon Step yourself."

Xiao Jie gritted his teeth when he heard that. He was not very proficient in using the Moon Step, but at this point he had no choice but to try it.

I saw him concentrate his mental energy on his feet, and then it erupted from the soles of his feet like a jet. The moment the mental energy left his body, he stepped hard on the mental energy with his toes and reflected his body into the air.

Although they succeeded, this consumed a lot of their energy. The two of them quickly stepped on the moon steps and came to the nearest tree, and only then did they barely avoid the sea water under their feet.

After escaping from the impact of the sea water, the two of them carefully observed their surroundings from the tree. All the members of the Phantom Troupe around them had disappeared. Hisoka, Kashitoro and others were also nowhere to be seen. They must have gone to chase after the escaped members of the troupe.

At this time, Tianming came to the two of them with Moon Steps. Killua looked at Tianming and asked, "Can you sense which direction the group is running?"

Tianming used his Observation Haki to take a look, then pointed in two directions and said to the two: "There are two over there. If you two chase them now, you should be able to catch up. Remember to try to fight if you can, and run away if you find that you can't win. Don't force it. They can't escape from my grasp."

Gon and Killua nodded to show that they understood, then split up and chased in different directions.

There are three members of the brigade in the direction Tianming is going. He perceives them to be Wogin, Finks and Xiake. He plans to kill this group first and then go to support Xiaojie, Killua and the others.

Wo Jin and the other two hid in the sea and swam away from the battlefield. However, how could they swim faster than Tian Ming's Moon Step?

Ten minutes later, Tianming appeared in front of the three people. Wo Jin and Finks were facing a formidable enemy. Having fought with Tianming before, they knew his strength very well, so they did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, the knight patted Wo Jin and Finks on the shoulders, and then handed the two antennas to them respectively. Seeing this, the two immediately understood what the other party meant.

The knight is a user of telekinetic abilities. Anyone pierced by his antenna will be perfectly controlled by his thoughts. No matter how strong the opponent is, he can kill him in one move.

Wo Jin and Finks are indeed far inferior to Tian Ming in terms of hard power, but they still have hope of inserting the antenna into their opponent during the battle.

The two were a little unhappy about this approach. After all, they were combat members of the Phantom Troupe. They had always killed enemies one-on-one before, and had never had to rely on others' abilities to solve the problem like this.

However, when facing Tianming's terrifying strength, the two could only temporarily give up the pride in their hearts. After all, pride is only for the winners. Their top priority now should be how to defeat the opponent.

At this time, Tianming had lost the desire to play games slowly with the members of the brigade. He had already figured out the specific strengths of the members of the brigade, and there was no point in continuing to play.

He simply canceled the mind-power mode and directly activated the domineering mode. The surging sea water continued to recede. When Tian Ming fully activated the domineering mode, the sea water was only higher than the feet of several people. It seemed that Kuroro had canceled his ability.

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