Two figures, a man and a woman, were running at high speed in the forest. The man had an indifferent look and the woman looked very anxious.

Behind them, a red-haired man with a crazy expression was chasing them at high speed. All the trees blocking his way were cut down by him with the poker in his hand.

The person pursuing was none other than Hisoka. He had been waiting for this day for who knows how long, and today he finally got the chance to have a one-on-one duel with Kuroro.

The two people being chased in front of him, the man was of course Chrollo, and the woman was Machi.

After the formation was dispersed by the sea water summoned by Kuroro, Machi followed her intuition and found Kuroro. At that time, he was being entangled by Hisoka. Machi and Kuroro teamed up to repel Hisoka, but the other party still refused to give in.

Now that he is on the run, Kuroro doesn't want to fight with Hisoka head-on, so the current scene happened.

Looking at Hisoka who was chasing after her, Machi looked up at Kuroro and said firmly: "I will go and stop him. You can escape quickly while I am holding you back."

Kuroro's eyes dimmed when he heard that, and finally he nodded to indicate that Maggie could stay behind to cover their retreat.

It's not that he is afraid of death, but he understands the importance of his abilities and his special identity. Although Maggie has medical abilities, this ability is not too rare and is not at the same level of importance as his own Nen ability. Therefore, the most rational thing to do now is to let Maggie cover him.

After receiving the order, Machi instantly changed her target and rushed towards the running Hisoka. Kuroro took this opportunity to speed up and leave here.

When Hisoka found that Maggie was blocking him, he was a little annoyed. He looked at Maggie coldly and said, "Maggie, you should know my strength. You are seeking death by doing this. I don't want to kill you for such a boring thing."

Maggie didn't waste any words but took out the needle. Seeing this, Hisoka shook his head helplessly, and then the two of them shuttled through the woods and started a contest.

With Machi helping him buy time, Kuroro's subsequent escape was much smoother. However, he felt vaguely uneasy along the way, as if something was watching him.

The next moment, a metal chain approached him silently from behind. Just when it was about to touch his body, Kuroro suddenly twisted his body and narrowly avoided the chain.

After the chain missed the target, it swept towards him again. However, this attack was too slow for Kuroro, and he dodged it easily and then distanced himself from the chain.

The chain slowly retracted into the shadow of a tree. A handsome blond boy walked out from behind the tree and stared at Kuroro with a gloomy face.

After seeing his face, Kuroro nodded secretly and asked: "Are you Kurapika?"

"You know my name?"

"Pike has searched Xi Suo's memory, and I already know some basic information about you and Zhao Tianming."

When Kurapika heard this, a thick layer of mental energy wrapped around his body. The amount of this mental energy was not large but the quality was very high. It was obvious that it was mixed with Kurapika's hatred and anger.

Emotions have a huge impact on the strength of a person with the ability to read minds. Even the intensity of their mind energy may become stronger or weaker due to emotions.

The special situation of Kurapika naturally made Kuroro alert, but he did not panic. He casually summoned his own mental ability "Ultimate Thief" and turned to one of the pages.

The two were ready and the battle was about to begin, but at this moment Kurapika asked a question.

"What was your mood when you massacred the entire Kuruta tribe?"

After asking, he stared into Kuroro's eyes, as if trying to see emotions such as regret in the other's eyes.

He did not ask the other party why they wanted to massacre the Kuruta tribe, because the answer to this question was obvious. The Fiery Red Eye was one of the top treasures in the hunter world, and it was normal to be targeted.

He just wanted to know if these scumbags felt any guilt as human beings when they killed people, so that he could determine his attitude when dealing with them.

However, Kuroro's answer disappointed him greatly. Kuroro replied, "I didn't know how to answer you when you asked me that. I didn't have any special feelings at the time. I just designed an action plan, arranged the tasks for the team members, and then I found the Red Eyes sold on the black market. That's it."

Kurapika went berserk instantly upon hearing this. The most infuriating thing was not that his enemy was standing in front of him and mocking him madly, but that the other party was calmly narrating the process of the crime that year. It was as if the hundreds of members of the Kurta tribe were just animals in his eyes and could be slaughtered at will.

The chain in his right hand suddenly stretched out and turned into a long whip that swept towards Kuroro.

Kuroro disappeared from the spot in an instant with a thought, and appeared out of thin air on a tree not far away the next moment, carefully analyzing Kurapika's attack pattern and inferring the other party's Nen ability.

Kurapika had seen the opponent's teleportation ability before while hiding in the dark, but it seemed that this ability could not be used frequently, otherwise the opponent would have teleported over to kill him and would not have kept a distance to observe his fighting mode.

His chains swept through the forest like a saw, and Kuroro was forced to use teleportation again to avoid it. As he observed, he had a preliminary guess about Kurapika's ability of mind.

The opponent controls the chain using the thoughts of the operation system. Those who can control the movement of objects are all from the operation system. The "Zhou" of the strengthening system can only strengthen objects but cannot control the movement of objects like using arms and fingers.

However, Kurapika might also be a materialization-type Psychic user. If this chain was created by the other party using Psychic power, he could also operate it freely. Therefore, he decided to give it a try. He took a stone from the ground, strengthened it with "Zhou" and then ejected it.


When the stone flew in front of Kurapika, he easily smashed it into powder with his chain. The sneak attack didn't work, but Kuroro curled his lips. He had already tested what type of character Kurapika was.

Kuroro himself is a special type Nen user who is proficient in six types. Not all special types can be proficient in all six types. Most special types are only auxiliary types and do not have the abilities of the other five types. Therefore, the Nen abilities of special types who are proficient in all six types usually interact with other Nen users.

For example, his Nen ability is to steal other people's Nen ability. He has also seen other people borrowing other people's Nen ability or temporarily copying other people's Nen ability. In short, this kind of Nen ability can only be constructed by a person who is proficient in all six aspects.

Just now, he used his enhanced Nen to sneak attack Kurapika, but with the opponent's Nen energy, he was able to block his attack so easily. In addition, combined with the opponent's perfect control over the chains before, it was initially speculated that the opponent was most likely a user with special Nen ability who was proficient in all six types.

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