Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 126 Lin Ke’S Woman? PokéMon Dodge Team! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Coastal city——Shoufulabi,

In a restaurant here, four people, Gon, Killua, Bisgi and the gorilla-like Gorenu, are here.

Just now, a group of them challenged Leza and the pirates to get [one ping of coastline].

However, the teammates were not strong enough and the first challenge ended in failure.

They are racking their brains to figure out where to find strong teammates.

"So have you thought of it?"

After thinking about it for a while, the rough-looking Guolenu found that he had not found anyone suitable.

Gon and Gon shook their heads. After looking through the address book for a long time, they couldn't find the right person.

Different from the original work, because Chrollo was not restricted by Kurapika, he naturally did not go to find the mind-killer.

So Hisoka didn't come to the Island of Greed.

There is no "Chrollo" named by Hisoka for fishing in Gon's address book.

"It seems I can only trouble them both."

Bisji, who looked like a little lolita, put her chin in her hands and said, a calm look appeared on Huinen's face.

If we invite the two of them to appear......

With a few more people it can be easily solved!

"Bisji, who are you talking about?"

Faced with Bisji's sudden words, Gon was a little confused.

Does Bisgi know anyone powerful in the game?

"I don't know if those two people can do it, and just two people aren't enough, right?"

Killua pressed his arms behind his head and leaned leisurely on the back of the chair, saying disapprovingly.

Two people can't help much, right?

The difference between them is quite large.

This was Killua's thought for the last second.

Bisgi glanced at Killua, who looked unconcerned, and continued without refuting.

"One of the two people I mentioned is Lin Ke."

Bisgi's words were an understatement, but they had a huge impact on both Gon and Gon.


Overly surprised, Gon, who was drinking water, couldn't help but choke and spit out a mouthful of water.

After wiping his mouth, Gon's mind was still thinking about what Bisgi had just said, and his eyes were glazed over.

Did Bisgi just say "Lin Ke"?

"Bisji, did you just say Lin Ke?"

"Lin Ke, is he also on this greedy island?"

Killua, who didn't drink any water, quickly put away his disdainful expression and said with surprise.

"Yes, Lin Ke proved it on the Greed Island."

"They met me at Andochibah two days before you came in."

Bisgi recalled how they met in 2009.

Later, I met Gon and started training the two little ones.

So much so that I haven't seen him in person for a while.

Fortunately, the address book showed that both of them were logged in, indicating that they were still on Greed Island at the moment.

"If it were Lin Ke..."

Halfway through Gon's words, his eyes met Killua's, and the two of them said in unison as if they had a clear understanding of each other:

"There will definitely be no problem!"

Putting aside the issue of numbers for the moment, at least they can guarantee that the name Lin Ke means a victory.

Speaking of which, they haven't seen Lin Ke for a long time.

According to Kurapika, it seems that Lin Ke was also in Youkexin City last time.

And also helped Kurapika take revenge on the "Phantom Troupe".

It's a pity that we didn't have the chance to meet last time, but now we can finally meet.

"You are talking about Lin Ke..."

“It can’t be the ‘legendary’ Lin Ke from Sky Arena, right?!”

Guolenu swallowed, with an obvious nervous look on his face.

"Yes, that's him."

Gon nodded.

"Do you actually know someone like the legendary Lin Ke?"

After receiving Gon's affirmation, Guolenu not only did not calm down, but was even more surprised.

Like Da Zuo Nei, Guo Lie is also one of Lin Ke's fans.

Even his admiration for Lin Ke is vaguely higher than that of Da Zuo Nei.

Dazuo Nei is mainly motivated by his pursuit of the strong, but Guolenu is different.

The reason why he regards Lin Ke as his idol is not only because of Lin Ke's strength.

Also because of Lin Ke's status as a "beast minder"!

Since coming to the world of Hunter X Hunter, Lin Ke has made a lot of names.

The most famous among them is the name of the strongest poster in Sky Arena!

The name of the legendary Lin Ke has made countless celebrities and ordinary people recognize him.

Next is the title of "The Strongest Mind Eliminator" and the three-star Hunter that is being circulated.

These two are mostly known in Ninja circles.

The last title is the real reason why Guolenu regards Lin Ke as his idol!

That is the name of "Mind Beast Master"!

As a Nin who uses Nian beasts, Guolenu highly admires Lin Ke's ability to create all kinds of strange Nian beasts.

And Guolenu is just one of them. There are many people who use Nian Beast who regard Lin Ke as their idol.

“So I can meet Mr. Lin Ke next!”

Guolenu's thoughts at the moment were similar to those of Gon. Neither of them expected to meet Lin Ke here.

"Wait a minute? Bisgi, you just talked about them both."

"Who else besides Lin Ke?"

Even Killua, who was quick-thinking, was surprised and it took him a while to react.

"The other one is Lin Ke's woman. Speaking of which, you should have seen her before."

Bisji recalled Menqi's deeds and gave some pointers.

If I remember correctly, Men Xian seemed to be the Hunter examiner of Gon's session.

"Let me communicate with Lin Ke and the others first."

Ignoring Gon and Gon, Bisji took out the [letter] card and prepared to talk to Lin Ke.

Gon and Killua are racking their brains and thinking about who "Lin Ke's woman" refers to?

When did they meet Lin Ke's woman?

Love city——love love.

This is a city that is extremely suitable for love, and there are all kinds of beautiful encounters in every corner.

This is not only suitable for singles looking for love, but also suitable for couples to come here.

Ai Ai is a relatively remote city on the map in Greed Island.

After traveling to almost every place, Lin Ke and Men Qi also came here.

Lin Ke and Menqi stood on the viewing platform of a certain castle, quietly watching the prosperity of the city.

Because of the theme of love, the main color in this city is pink.

Pink hearts floated over the city, with a simple smiling face painted on them.

The style of the building is quite unique, with red bricks everywhere, and the urban style is a bit like something from a fairy tale.

Not only the houses and castles, but also the ground and roads are made of standard red bricks.

Here you can meet intellectually confused beauties looking for eyes on the ground everywhere.

If you help her find it together, you can start a beautiful encounter.

You can also meet weak beauties surrounded by gangsters. As long as you act bravely, you can have a wonderful encounter.

It seems like a romance comic plot is being performed here every moment, just waiting for a protagonist to appear.

If you stand on a high place and look down from God's perspective, it will be quite interesting.


Feeling the sudden communication instructions, Lin Ke directly called out the book.

Lin Ke's movements also attracted Men Qi's attention.

Has anyone used [Jiao Xin] on Lin Ke?

"Lin Ke, are you free now?"

Bisji's clear voice came out from the book, and it was so recognizable that you knew it was her as soon as you heard it.

Since the time limit for [letter exchange] was three minutes, Bisji went straight to the point and asked.


At this time, both of them knew that the person communicating was Bisji.

"It's really Lin Ke!"

Hearing that familiar voice, Gon couldn't help but shout excitedly.


Gon's voice also reached Lin Ke, which also made Lin Ke guess about Bisji's communication.

As expected, the next thing Bisgi said was to invite Lin Ke and two people to come and help out.

Naturally, the two of them had nothing to do with each other, so they just let it go and have fun.

"Then let's do this. Once you gather the remaining few people together, we will go there using [Come Together]."

Recalling Leza's approach in the original work, Lin Ke pondered for a moment and added:

"You don't have to worry too much about other candidates. If it doesn't work, you can just pick some bad ones."

"And there's no need for any special training."


"why is that?"

Bisji vaguely thought of some key points, but couldn't figure it out for a while. Lin Ke finally understood it after roughly explaining it.

After thinking about it, several people found that things are likely to develop according to Lin Ke's statement.

Gon and others were also convinced by Lin Ke's statement and couldn't help but nod in praise.

Moreover, if Leizha saw that the situation was not good, he gave up the dodge ball strategy and started playing games one after another.

Lin Ke can still put his Pokémon on the field and win.

After all, in the plot, Leza uses his own mind beast as a companion, which means that mind beasts can also play.

After successfully recruiting Lin Ke, a top player, everyone's confidence became stronger.

It seems that it is very easy to defeat Leza and obtain the coastline of Ping.

After Lin Ke's reminder, it didn't take long for Gon and others to gather the teams needed for the competition.

Because they only gave them some money as appearance fees, they didn't pay anything at all, and they didn't spend much time.

Within two days, Gon and others were ready to challenge again.

Coastal city——Shoufu Rabbi.

Gon and others are waiting here for the most powerful reinforcement——Lin Ke!


Bisji narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky, his tone full of expectation.

As her voice sounded, two meteor-like lights landed in front of everyone.

"Hey, long time no see."

When the light dissipated, Gon and others saw Lin Ke greeting them.

"It's true! It's really Lin Ke!"

Although there had been a phone call beforehand, Gon couldn't help but feel excited at this moment when Lin Ke really appeared in front of him.

In comparison, Killua next to him seemed calmer.

But it can be seen that both of them have great confidence in Lin Ke.

After greeting Lin Ke, the two also focused on the woman next to Lin Ke.

So this person is Lin Ke’s woman?

Looking at Menqi's face, Gon frowned slightly, looking like he was thinking hard:

"Um? May I ask if I have seen you somewhere?"

Gon had only met Menqi once during the Hunter exam, so he wasn't very familiar with her.

I really couldn't remember where I had seen Menqi.

Instead, Killua suddenly recalled his previous experience and was slightly frightened.

"Gon, she is the examiner of the Hunter exam!"

"Yes! She is the food examiner!"

With Killua's reminder, the nervous Gon finally remembered where he had seen the door.


How did the examiner suddenly change into Lin Ke’s woman?

Not bad, I didn’t expect to still remember me.

Menqi smiled and was a little surprised that the two children could remember him.

Only then did Gon and Gon realize why Bisji said they had met before, and that their feelings really did not lie to children.

After the men and horses finally gathered together, the group marched toward the battle site.

In a blink of an eye, the group of people arrived at the gymnasium under the lighthouse.

Leza and the pirates usually stay here.

"Oh? Will you challenge me again so soon?"

A look of surprise appeared on Leza's face with narrowed eyes, and a volleyball was spinning on his fingertips.

"Mr. Leza, we are here to win this time!"

Gon's eyes were firm and he said, with Lin Ke's help this time, he will definitely be able to win the second round.

Leza didn't speak, but a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Judging from his previous performance, he thought Jin's son would make better moves.

Didn't you expect to be so impatient?

Not long after this idea came up, Leza killed it.

Because he felt an unusual aura from the crowd!

"It seems that I have found a strong helper~"

Leza smiled, obviously speaking to Gon, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Ke.

This very strong!

Just the aura inadvertently revealed in Lin Ke's behavior subconsciously made his muscles tense and ready for battle.

The last time he encountered a strong man of this level.

It’s gold!

【Have you found a helper of the same level as Jin? 】

【It seems like you have become the weak one?】

Since Leza stays on the Greed Island, his usual activities are sports activities and he has relatively little contact with the outside world.

Therefore, Lin Ke's identity was not recognized.

While Leza was observing Lin Ke, 780 Lin Ke was also looking at Leza.

Leza is a very special person. He used to be a murderer.

Now, to put it in a better way, it is "recruited" by Jin.

To put it bluntly, he was used as a coolie by Jin.

The person who can be targeted by Jin is naturally very strong. With such muscles, no one would believe that he is a Transmuter.

This appearance looks even better than Enhancer!

As a Transmuter, Leza is not only astonishingly powerful, comparable to an Enhancer, but also has extremely profound mental energy.

According to the original work, all content and thoughts related to "Transmuter" on Greedy Island were provided by Leza.

Although there are corresponding restrictions and oaths, most of the consumption can be reduced.

But it can still be seen that Leza's mental energy is extremely huge.

It is an object worthy of harvesting experience points!

"In this case, let's start, the first game

"Wait a moment."

Before Leza could finish speaking, Lin Ke interrupted him.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Leza also wanted to hear what this unusual person wanted to say.

"Mr. Leza, there are three rules in the competition."

"There are fifteen games, and the one who wins eight wins."

"Each person can only appear once."

"It's up to you to decide the content of the competition."

"Are these three correct?"

As Lin Ke spoke each sentence, the smile on Leza's face became more meaningful.

"Yes, there are only these three."

Leza admitted openly, and was ready to start dodgeball directly.

"Very good, then the seven of us will admit defeat in the first seven games!"

Lin Ke pointed to a few crooked melons and cracked jujubes pulled temporarily nearby, which were very interesting.

"Voluntarily admit defeat...

"Very good, then the last game will be an eight-person dodgeball game!"

Lin Ke admitted defeat directly, Leza hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the originally scheduled eight-person dodgeball game.

Seeing that things were going exactly as Lin Ke said, Gon and others all smiled.

An expression that says he has a winning chance!

If we talk about one-on-one, because there is a restriction that each person can only play once, it may not be easy to say.

Since it is a group event, there is no need to worry about the outcome. It is naturally a matter of which side Lin Ke is on and which side wins.

This move is equivalent to changing the complicated rules directly into one game to determine the outcome.

"It's really good, but the next step is the key."

Leza slowly walked to the volleyball court [Strong waves of strong air-conditioning were released from his body.

In an instant, eight balls of thought energy appeared around Leza, and the amount of thought energy was staggering.

The eight air balls landed on the floor and turned into eight halos.

Humanoid mind beasts composed of mind energy stood out from the halo.

Humanoid beasts come in different sizes, with numbers from 0 to 7 marked on their fronts.

"These are my competition partners!"

Leza pointed to the Nian Beast beside him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

At the same time, the No. 0 Nian Beast stood aside and took on the responsibility of refereeing.

"Oh? What a coincidence, I am also a mind beast here."

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