Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 6 Wasted Talent

"It's very simple, it's just a clone." Nie Wenbai did not try to be mysterious and casually said Nen, which Hua Doushilang spent a lot of time practicing.

It's really stupid to learn a clone despite being an Enhancer.

"Clone? So that guy is a Manipulator or an Emitter!" Killua said doubtfully, "But that's not right, he doesn't look like a person from these two telepathic systems?!"

"What's wrong?" Gon asked in confusion.

Killua thought about it and said, "That person, from the contact point of view, feels more like an enhanced or transmuter person to me, but now his Nen is a clone. This is really weird."

"Ah, could it be a mind beast?" Gon guessed.

Killua also looked at Nie Wenbai, wanting to confirm from Nie Wenbai.

"It's not a mind beast, he is indeed an Enhancer." Nie Wenbai confirmed.

"Is he an idiot? An Enhancer actually wants to learn Manipulator Nen?!" Killua said in a very disapproving manner.

Gon didn't say anything, he just felt that Hua Doushilang had indeed learned something wrong.

According to what he had learned before about the efficiency and intensity of Nen learning, it would be better for Nen users of Enhancer to learn Nen of Enhancer.

Even if you want to extend it, it is best to choose between the Transmuter and Conjurer series.

After all, Enhancer learns Manipulator or Emitter's Nen.

No matter in terms of efficiency or strength, it is only 60%.

It has been reduced by 40% out of thin air, which is not a small amount.

When the volume of thought is about the same, this 40% is enough to be fatal.

And it's the kind of situation where the stronger it becomes, the more obvious it becomes.

Obviously, Hua Doushilang fell into this kind of wasted talent.

Therefore, when Hua Doushilang appeared, Wing, the bespectacled man, said nothing.

When he saw the exquisite layer of [Tangle] around Hua Doushilang.

It was also a pity for what happened to Hua Dou Shilang.

"Gon, you must not imitate him, you know!!" Killua suddenly said seriously to Gon.

"I won't imitate him." Gon said with great satisfaction.

Angry at Killua's lack of confidence in herself.

"Anyway, you can't learn those things like Manipulator and Emitter Nen." Killua nodded and said

"Killua, you are the one. You are the Conjurer. You must not learn from Transmuter and Emitter Nen." Gon turned to Killua and said cautiously.

Nie Wenbai glanced at the two little kids, and then said leisurely, "In fact, every Nen master is a being who is proficient in various departments.

"What?! That Hua Doushiro?!" Killua and the two asked in surprise.

"He did make a mistake. What Mr. Nie Wenbai wants to say is that Nen people should start from their own Nen, and then add skills from other Nen systems to their own Nen to develop.

In this way, one's own Nen can cope with more situations. "Wing, who had been silent all this time, answered.

"I see~" Killua and the two nodded and said

"Killua and Gon, it's too early for you two to talk about this now. The most important thing for you now is to seriously train the foundation of Hao Nian Qi.

Those more advanced applications can be learned slowly later. Wing took this opportunity to quickly persuade Killua and the two of them.

He was really worried that Killua and Gon would go astray because of this.

While Nie Wenbai and the others were talking about Hua Doushilang's stupid things, the competition on the ring in the middle of the arena started.

I saw, following the referee's order, Doushiro rushed towards Hisoka.

"See clearly, that clone will just flash by, very quickly." Nie Wenbai said

As Nie Wenbai finished speaking, Kadou Shilang on the ring had already arrived in front of Hisoka.

Then his body seemed to flicker.

Two Hua Dou Shi Lang flashed past.

Then one of the Kato Ishiro disappeared, but his attack also changed its direction and hit Hisoka hard.

Scored, it's that simple.

This is a tough Nen to deal with.

If it can be repaired by Nen, an Emitter or Manipulator.

0…Please give me flowers…

The power and weirdness will be even stronger.

After all, Manipulator's Nen is notoriously weird.

Emitter's Nen is even less than Manipulator's three points.

Of course, if compared with the trait system, there would be no way to close the gap between the two.

But Hua Doushilang is an Enhancer.

This made his clone strange and "missing a lot."

According to Nie Wenbai's own estimation, although Hua Doushilang's clone is also very good, its ability is too simple.

Just summon it, control it, and then disappear.


These are basic abilities. They are not Emitter's Kato Seiro, and they cannot even let the clone act independently.

And if it is a Nen of Manipulator, he can at least add an ability to the clone.

Most of this ability can be very strange.

For example, clone again.

Or it could be the change in size of the clone.

Almost anyone who can think of it can be added by Manipulator fans.

This is why Manipulator's Nen and Nen are so weird.

But obviously, Hua Doushilang is not good at this, he can't do this.

The use of the clone made his mind even more exhausted.

The battle with Hisoka kept him in a tense state.

This situation is a big no-no and definitely not a good thing.

"It seems strange, but once you find the key point, it's not difficult to break his attack." Killua said while staring at the battle between Hakuto Ushirō and the others.

"That's right, but if the difference in strength between him and Kato Seokrou is too great, even if Nen knows Kato Seokrou, it will be difficult to avoid his attacks." Gon continued Killua's words.

"In the final analysis, it's still too much of a waste. Look at his Tiger Bite Fist. If he can continue to master it, his strength will definitely be stronger than it is now." Killua shook his head and said

Gon nodded in agreement with this statement, and even Wing did the same~.

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