Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 11 Boarding A Few Days Later

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

In the past few days, Nie Wenbai's muscle soreness has finally recovered.

Some money was spent on accommodation and some more on shopping.

Fortunately, Nie Wenbai has the mission reward, otherwise, Nie Wenbai would probably be in some trouble.

There are many places to spend money, but it is on food. Nie Wenbai has surprisingly not spent money these days.

Although he said he didn't care, Mito felt very sorry for it.

So, breakfast, lunch, dinner these days.

Gon sent them all over.

Nie Wenbai accepted these kindnesses, so he didn't worry too much about food.

For backpack items, apply slowness and then assist yourself in doing various things.

Because of his casual use these days, Nie Wenbai has become a lot more proficient.

For example, slow descent at high altitude and crossing an area without a focus point.

He is already very handy.

Items can be stored and stored freely.

Often when he steps forward, the object will appear where his feet landed, and then be exerted a slowing effect.

Although the slowness effect is only 30 times, the focus of self-created is not yet safe.

Make it look like he's jumping in the air.

But, that's pretty good.

Of course, when he first practiced this kind of thing, Nie Wenbai did not practice directly at high altitude.

Instead, practice between two chairs in the room.

It wasn't until he was sure that he could adapt to this kind of action that he started practicing crossing trees.

At this time, he was not worried that he would fall to death.

Because he has mastered the technique of slow descent.

After a few days passed, today happened to be the day for Nie Wenbai and Gon to participate in the Hunter test.

Because of this, Nie Wenbai woke up early today.

After washing up, I checked out directly from the hotel.

Then, after finding some breakfast, we walked towards the pier.

Arriving at the pier, Nie Wenbai found that there was no action by fishermen on the pier today.

It should be because today is the start day of the Hunter test, so I stopped in order not to affect the progress of the exam.

Of course, this should not be a spontaneous stop by the fishermen.

After all, we all have to live, so how can we not work because of other people's affairs~

He's not a rich man. If he stops fishing for a day, who knows how much he will lose.

It allows fishermen to stop work and rest during this period when they can fish.

That can only be due to interests.

The Hunter Association, in order to allow the Hunter test to proceed smoothly, will provide financial subsidies to places where you can log in.

Whale Island, as one of the frequent landing sites for Hunter tests, has this benefit.

And the reason why it can become one of the landing places.

This is only possible if one of the following conditions is met.

The population density is high!

Bustling area!

A powerful Hunter appeared!

Dangerous area!

Chairman Netero’s arbitrary request!

These days, Whale Island meets two conditions.

One is the emergence of a powerful Hunter, Gon's father, Jin Freecss, who is currently the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association, Hai Zhu.

The second is dangerous areas and poisonous islands in the sea. It seems that many candidates can be eliminated in this place.

The time spent at the landing site is only 15 minutes each time.

If you are unable to board the ship during this time, you will be directly disqualified as a candidate.

It's just so strict.

But think about it, millions of candidates apply for the Hunter test every year.

If we don’t do some preliminary screening activities, how can we have so much time and space to conduct the same exam!

You know, in the Hunter X Hunter plot, when Gon and the others went to the Hunter testing site.

There were only 406 candidates on site.

Of course, although the fishermen no longer work, it does not mean that they will not come to join in the fun.

Today is the day for Gon to take part in the Hunter test.

As a member of Whale Island, they had to come over to witness it.

Of course, this matter has little to do with Nie Wenbai, he is just an outsider after all.

Although I am relatively familiar with Gon and the others.

But after all, he didn’t have much contact with the residents of the island~

So, people waiting here for Gon.

I just watched Nie Wenbai appear, and then slowly walked towards the test ship where Hunter was testing.

As soon as he boarded the ship, Nie Wenbai was stared at by a group of people on the deck.

All the guys looked fierce.

Everyone is very confident and complacent, as if they are determined to win the Hunter test.

These people looked at Nie Wenbai with empty eyes, all looking at him.

And when they saw Nie Wenbai's student aura that had not been beaten by society, many people even smiled disdainfully.

Then, Nie Wenbai was placed in the ranks of people who would definitely not be able to pass the first level.

Belong to that kind of non-threatening group of people.

Since there is no threat, of course the candidates on the ship will not spend any more time paying attention.

He turned around and continued to do his own thing.

Completely when Nie Wenbai is air.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai was also happy and went directly to the edge of the boat and looked in the direction of the dock.

Within a few minutes, I saw the pier becoming lively.

"Gon is really popular on Whale Island. Although this guy is very willful, he is indeed a good boy as long as he is not in danger." Nie Wenbai looked at Gon who was talking to the people seeing him off. , said with great emotion

Of course, this is without touching the danger.

Once the safety of relatives, friends or people he respects is touched, this little kid will rush in regardless of the danger.

This is difficult to do, and it is done recklessly.

This is indeed a common problem among Enhancer Nen people.

From this point of view, I should not be an Enhancer.

Conjurer probably has nothing to do with me, after all, I don’t really like lying.

"Ah, Nie Wenbai, you have boarded the ship." As soon as he boarded the ship, Gon greeted Nie Wenbai and said

"Well, I just got on the boat." Nie Wenbai waved his hand casually and said

Gon smiled, walked to Nie Wenbai's side, and then shouted to the dock under the boat, "Take care————!!"

"I will definitely come back as a great Hunter!!!"

The sound was so loud that Nie Wenbai on the side had to cover his ears.

"Gon, why don't you come up after talking to Mito about this kind of thing when you are down there!" Nie Wenbai rubbed his ears and complained.

"Ah, sorry, sorry~" Gon looked at Nie Wenbai's movements and couldn't help but apologize.

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