Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 29 Floor 242 Owner

Nie Wenbai's challenge to the original poster caused a stir around the world.

As the most topical player right now.

The entertainment media has given Nie Wenbai a lot of attention.

Nie Wenbai's popularity around the world remains high.

For this reason, even the lady at the previous registration point asked Nie Wenbai for his signature after registering for her.

He said he wanted it for his friends!

Oops, friends made out of nothing!

And in this lively atmosphere, the owner of the 242nd floor was challenged.

At this time, my mood was very complicated.

Uneasy, unwilling, angry, and fearful!

Especially after studying the previous game where Nie Wenbai killed Jiniu with an energy column.

This person's heart was filled with a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he could say it clearly.

He couldn't withstand that kind of attack.

Moreover, from the suddenness of the attack, he could also confirm that he might not be able to dodge!!!

Therefore, there are only two choices before him now.

One is to compete with Nie Wenbai in the ring, and then die in the ring.

The second is to avoid fighting, abstain from voting, and give up the honor and rights of the poster.

give up?

He didn't want to choose this option.

Because once the poster avoids the battle, it will no longer be a fall from the poster's position, but a considerable promotion and a chance to give up the sky arena.

If you want to continue to stay in the Sky Arena and enjoy the rights of players.

Then he needs to fight back from the first level.

But the problem is that this situation is for those who participate in the Sky Arena for the first time.

The owner of Floor 242, he is the same as Killua, a person who participated in the Sky Arena for the second time.

In other words, once he gives up, he will lose the right to participate in the Sky Arena.

By then, all the glory gained in the Sky Arena will be gone from him.

This is absolutely impossible for him who enjoys the rights of the landlord.

Even if he dies, he will die as the poster.

With this idea in mind, the owner of Floor 242 strengthened his confidence.

However, no one has confidence in him.

Even on the off-site odds, his odds were as high as 242 times 1 to 1, and no one was willing to buy him to win.

On the contrary, Nie Wenbai's odds are as low as 0.01 to 1, but there are still many people who buy him to win.

In this case, both outside the venue and the Sky Arena itself, the poster made a gamble to stick to the time.

Hold on for 1 minute, hold on for 2 minutes.

There are all those who can persist for 10 minutes!

There is even a bet on whether the owner of the 242th floor will die or not.

Obviously, the people who opened the market wanted to make back the money they might lose.

To be honest, there are many people who want to win.

After all, if you persist for less than one minute, you will be compensated 10~

Time soon came to the night when Nie Wenbai fought against the owner of the 242nd floor.

On this day, the Sky Arena was particularly lively.

When Nie Wenbai came to the ring, he found that the audience was already full.

This situation reminded him of the scene when a young lady came to his door before going on stage.

At that time, he walked towards the ring casually.

Then a young lady from the Sky Arena came up to me.

Please ask him not to end the battle in such a sudden and inexplicable way again.

At least let the audience feel that it is worth the ticket price.

Nie Wenbai was speechless about this.

Said that he plans to leave the Sky Arena as soon as possible to work on other things and does not plan to play anymore~

Then, the young lady made an offer to Nie Wenbai.

As long as Nie Wenbai gives the audience a sense of recognition that is worth the ticket price, Sky Arena will give 30% of the profit from the game to Nie Wenbai.

Well, as soon as he heard this, Nie Wenbai became angry.

Is he the kind of person who would act for money?

He just didn't deserve it for the audience.

I spent money on tickets, but I didn't even see ten exciting battles.

Nie Wenbai felt that it was necessary to put it to good use.

It’s definitely not because Sky Arena gave too much.

Nie Wenbai had a good idea, but he soon discovered it.

The state of his opponent is a bit difficult to deal with.

He didn't see any resistance from his opponent. Yi Ping could only see a death-defying attitude.

This is very difficult. He wants to have a good fight.

But the opponent is out of shape.

A fighting scene... obviously cannot be done with just one actor, there must be an opponent.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have to fight with the air?

"`What's going on with you? You look like a dead mother. Will it kill you if you lose?" Nie Wenri frowned at the owner of the 242nd floor and said to the worker.


No way?!

The owner of floor 242 was stunned when he heard Nie Wenbai's words.

Then surprised Nie Wenbai.

"Don't worry, I have no grudge against you and I don't plan to use that trick against you." Nie Wenbai nodded and said


"Yes, hurry up, otherwise it's time to rush." ​​Nie Wenbai waved and said.

Faced with this statement, the owner of Floor 242 gritted his teeth.

In the end, I still couldn't let go of my desire for the landlord's rights.

With the thought that he might not die, he tried to rush towards Nie Wenri.

Then he tried to slowly swing his fist at Nie Wenbai.


The weak fist was caught in Nie Wenbai's hand, and Nie Wenbai couldn't help but roll his eyes (Qian Nuo's).

"What are you doing? Are you kidding me!" Nie Wenbai said with narrowed eyes.

"No, no, I just want to warm up. Yes, just warm up. Now let's get serious!!!"|242 Kang Louzhu quickly explained.

But he felt happy in his heart. It didn't matter if he lost, he would slowly fight again.

As long as you don't die, that's fine.

Now, he is almost certain to lose.

However, depending on the situation, he also knew that Nie Wenbai did not want to end the game casually.

Therefore, he planned to put all his efforts into a real fight.

At least it has to satisfy the audience.

Of course, we also want to satisfy Nie Wenbai.

Only in this way will he not worry about Nie Wenbai coming to settle the score with him later.

"Be careful, my Nen is a mind beast, a violent bear, with the ability to enlarge and shrink." The owner of floor 242 said as he introduced his Nen.

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