Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 44: Still Not Determined To Kill Yet

Listening to Nie Wenbai's seemingly ordinary words, Leorio couldn't help but feel angry.

Obviously he is also a handsome guy, but why doesn’t anyone get along with him~

This is very angry!

After introducing each other again, the group took action again.

"Okay, now the only thing left is that guy Kurapika." Leorio said

"For Kurapika, there is no need to wait. I'm afraid he will be very busy." Nie Wenri shook his head lightly and said.

Leorio said very dissatisfied, "No matter how busy you are, don't you even have time to go out and meet your friends?"

"Phantom Troupe is visiting Kexin." Nie Wenbai said slowly

"What!!" Nie Wenbai's words surprised Leorio, Killua, Gon, and even Peng Si.

Nie Wenbai said angrily, "I don't think it's strange that they are surprised. Why do you look so surprised?"

Nie Wenbai refers to Peng Si.

"Why can't I be surprised? Phantom Troupe, that A-level criminal organization." Peng Si said very puzzled.

"I know, but haven't you already seen them?" Nie Wenbai said

"When have you seen them?" Peng Si asked even more doubtfully.

Nie Wenbai pressed Peng Si's temple and said, "You forgot, on the way to Youkesin yesterday at noon, didn't we see two people fighting?

"You mean, that's a spider?!" Peng Si said in surprise, "Then, those two walking in front, too?!"

"Yes, all four of them." Nie Wenbai nodded and said


Peng Si couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Then he said angrily to Nie Wenbai, "I only heard you say they are spiders now. I didn't know they were spiders before."

"Wait, wait, since the spider will appear at You Kexin's side, then according to the style of the spider gang of thieves, they should still want to steal something!~!" Killua stopped Nie Wenbai and Peng Si from interacting. , asked anxiously

"Now in Youkesin, the only places worthy of an A-level thieves gang are those large auction houses! Will this happen to Kurapika?" Leorio frowned and said.

Nie Wenbai looked at the pairs of eyes in front of him that were staring at him, and said slowly, "It's not those normal auctions, but the Hey Bang auction tonight."

"It's over, they will definitely run into each other." Killua scratched his head and said

"Why do you say that?!" Leorio asked in confusion.

Gon said, "Because, Kurapika's job is to protect a gang member."

"That is to say, as long as the people Kurapika protects appear in the auction tonight, Kurapika will definitely meet them, right!" Peng Si interjected.

"That's probably the case." Nie Wenbai nodded and said

For a moment, Leorio and others were silent.

Then Leorio silently took out his cell phone and called.

"Kurapika, stop your work immediately. Spiders will attack the Hey Gang auction house tonight. You should know that your strength is not their opponent yet!!" Leorio advised loudly.

Leorio's words made Kurapika, who had just answered the phone on the other side, freeze.

The palm of your hand holding the phone is holding it firmly.

He was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "I will be careful, and thank Nie Wenbai for the information."



Kurapika hung up the phone, but his words were heard clearly by several people present.

As expected of Kurapika, she immediately thought that this kind of information would not be accessible to Leorio.

By the way, it was confirmed again that Nie Wenbai was next to Leorio.

Even so, he did not ask Nie Wenbai for help.

It can be seen that Kurapika's thoughts are still at the point where she has decided to take revenge on the spider herself.

He clearly knew that if Nie Wenbai helped.

Even if he just helps stop the spiders, he can easily kill all the spiders.

But Kurapika did not choose to do this.

Not even Leorio or the others asked for help.

This approach made both Leorio and Gon very angry.

Seeing their angry expressions, Nie Wenbai and Killua couldn't help but look at each other.

Then they sighed one after another.

"What do you want to do?" Nie Wenbai stopped two reckless guys who wanted to run outside and asked.

"Of course I'm going to meet Kurapika!" Leorio said loudly

Nie Wenbai continued to ask, "What then?"

""Stop him and take him away. " Gon said loudly

Nie Wenbai said slowly, "Do you know the location?"

Stunned, confused!

Full of anger, Nie Wenbai's words gave him away.

"Nie Wenbai, give me the position, you should know." Leorio said anxiously

Nie Wenbai shook his head and said, "So what if I know, he won't go with you."

"Are you just going to watch him bump into a spider?!" Leorio said loudly

"Otherwise, if you go to find him now, he may not come with you. Why don't we wait until tonight and let's go over and have a look~" Nie Wenbai shook his head and said

Killua raised his hand and said, "I agree."

Well, with Nie Wenbai here, his cold ability is enough to ensure our safety.

In this way, even if we encounter a spider, nothing will happen to us.

Killua pays attention and always puts safety first.

The decisions of Nie Wenbai and Killua (Wang Zhao's) made Leorio calm down a little.

"Indeed, according to Kurapika's character, if we go directly to him, it will not work at all.

Perhaps it would be better to use Nie Wenbai's method.

At least, with Nie Wenbai here, we can ensure that Kurapika will not be restrained and killed. Leorio analyzed and said

"That's it, Gon, it's time for you to calm down." Killua persuaded Gon.

"Aren't we friends? Why can't you ask us for help?!" Gon said unwillingly.

"Maybe it's because he hasn't made up his mind to kill him yet." Nie Wenbai said slowly


"Hasn't he made up his mind to kill? Hasn't he always wanted to take revenge on the spider? How could he not have made up his mind to kill yet?!" Leorio said not believing this.

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