Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 47 That Night

After deciding on the next target, Nie Wenbai and Gon temporarily separated from each other.

Gon and the others want to make money, while Nie Wenbai and the others want to replenish the supplies in their backpacks.

The two are on different routes.

After they separated, Nie Wenbai took Peng Si and started to visit various stalls.

When you see what you need, buy it and throw it into your backpack.

As for things like shelf life, he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

In this way, he bought a lot of things.

New game disks, new game consoles, new spare mobile phones, new motorcycles, new snacks and food…………….etc.

Most of what Nie Wenbai thinks needs to be used, Peng Si thinks might be used.

They will all go shopping.

There is no need to worry about money, there is no shortage at all.

Well, there is no shortage until new high-priced rare items appear in the Strange Object Mall.

Because, Nie Wenbai didn’t even know when he had bought the same ridiculously expensive rare item~

Just like the previous magnifying glass, it was a ridiculous price.

If it weren't for Nie Wenbai's means and the help of Menchi's family.

There's no way he's making that much money.

Let alone 10 billion nuns, even 1 billion is a bit troublesome~

Like now, he doesn't even know how much money he has.

Often, he had thought that he would become a person with abilities.

Unexpectedly, he is now not only a person with abilities, but also an Ener~

Things are so unpredictable!

With emotion, Nie Wenbai spent another tens of millions of Buddhist nuns.

In the evening, when I had dinner with Gon and the others.

Leorio asked curiously, and then was stunned by Nie Wenbai's spending today.

They haven't made any money yet, but they've already spent hundreds of millions of ring nīs on the other side?

For a moment, Leorio and the others didn't know that the speed at which they were making money could not keep up with the speed at which Nie Wenbai and the others spent money.

Of course, they are not people who are easily attacked, so after being stunned for a while, they adjusted their emotions and were eager to make 10 billion in a few days.

Well, the courage is commendable, Nie Wenbai applauded in support.

He had no choice but to join, but was rejected by three guys who aroused the desire to win.

As a last resort, Nie Wenbai could only take Peng Si to visit the night market in Youkesin.

Every time he walks in a place like this, Nie Wenbai has an urge to submit a task directly in his heart.

However, he was finally suppressed by Nie Wenbai.

Submit the task now, although you can also get good truth points, but...

Compared with when the world exploration progress was at its highest, Nie Wenbai believes that the difference is definitely more than double.

For the sake of the future, he has to endure it!

While Nie Wenbai and Peng Si were shopping, Leorio was taking the two little kids to make money.

On the other side, Kurapika, who had obtained the information from Nie Wenbai in the morning, was discussing with his colleagues the underground bidding of the Hey Gang.

"Let's talk about tonight's work directly, that is, in the underground auction venue, there are three items that must be obtained no matter how much money is spent.

The full-body mummy of Princess Goluoge, the tissue of actor Zu Limachi along with the DNA identification certificate, and finally, the flaming eyes of the Kuluta tribe!

Also, I received a tip that someone will attack the underground auction venue. If an emergency is discovered, everyone must adapt to the situation and act on the premise of getting the bidding items.

At nine o'clock tonight, the bidding will be held in the cemetery building. Yiwa Lianfu, Docino, and Fei Jie, the bidding will be left to you. "Dazuo Ni, captain of the Nosla Family Guards, said seriously about their work arrangements for tonight.

"Wait, are they the only three entering?" Kurapika's expression changed and she asked urgently

Dazuo Nie nodded and said, "The buyer can only enter the venue in three persons and cannot bring any weapons."

"I asked for a substitution, and I went into the venue." Kurapika looked at Dazoane and said

"No! Follow my arrangements, you have other work arrangements." Dazuo Ni refused directly without even thinking about it.

For Kurapika, Inzo’s impression is not very good0......

Because Kurapika is handsome and smart, he is afraid that his status will not be guaranteed.

Kurapika looked at Dazoane and said seriously, "Do you want them to die!"

"What?! What nonsense are you talking about? How could I let them die? You are just a hired guard. It is not your turn to question my arrangements!!" Dazuo Ni said extremely angrily.

"I received a tip that the people who came to attack the underground auction venue tonight are the A-level criminal gang, Phantom Troupe!" Kurapika finally revealed such information.

He had kept quiet before, just so that he could meet the spiders face to face.

However, the current situation seems to be somewhat different from what he thought.

Since he couldn't enter the venue, he couldn't meet the spider face to face.

After contacting Fei Jie and the others, Kurapika has determined that the level of these three people is just that.

It may be more than enough to deal with ordinary people.

However, against the Phantom Troupe, an A-class criminal gang, they can all be wiped out in one encounter.

Kurapika is convinced of this.

"Phantom Troupe!!! Are you telling the truth?!"

"Spiders! It can't really be them, can it?!"

"Perhaps it's really them, and only criminal gangs of this level dare to challenge the World Gang's bidding conference!"

"What should I do? If 2.2 is really them, I don't want to run into them."

"Me too, we're not on the same level at all."

Kurapika's words immediately disrupted the atmosphere of the scene.

Everyone was shocked by the news.

Especially the three people who were arranged to enter the bidding venue have now made up their minds.

If they were allowed in, it would be considered a breach of contract, and they would go on strike again and again.

After all, breach of contract is just about losing money.

But entering the auction venue is a gamble for your life.

"Are you telling the truth?!!" Dazoane asked as he looked at Kurapika with a changing expression.

"He didn't lie, he told the truth." Kurapika didn't answer, but Melody beside her said with cold sweat.

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