Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 56 Emotional Problems!

"Kurapika~" Melody heard Kurapika's heartbeat at this time and couldn't help but shouted with some worry.

At this time, Kurapika is like a lonely boat in the sea, like a baby bird falling at any time on the edge of the cliff.

Like the white clouds floating alone in the sky that may be blown away by the strong wind at any time.

If Kurapika in this state cannot handle her emotions well.

If you can't get out of this level.

In the following days, he will become a walking zombie.

Maybe even take revenge.

But after the revenge is over, emptiness and loneliness will always be by his side.

Then, one day in the future, he will become another spider!!!

It's like a warning that dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons.

"Hey, Kurapika's "713" card, don't think too much. They will keep it secret for the sake of their companions [which is not the reason why they can kill innocent people." Leorio shouted to Kurapika loudly

"Yes, countless innocent people have died at their hands over the years.

They have feelings, but don’t those innocent people have feelings?

What's wrong with the people they killed? Was it just because they looked at them one more time?

Or is it because innocent people have what they want?" Nie Wenbai also started to persuade.


Kurapika directly covered her forehead with her right hand and said, "I'm fine, I just don't understand why they can't share this feeling with others a little bit!"

Faced with this kind of question, everyone doesn't know how to answer.

Because they don't know the answer to this question either.

Only Nie Wenbai knows something about it.

The reason why Phantom Troupe is like this is entirely because they abandoned this kind of compassion when they were young.

Because those who do not abandon them have become withered bones in the garbage heap in that cannibalistic meteor street.

At a very young age, they learn to love only themselves.

Accepting a few companions is already their limit.

Afterwards, the scene fell silent again.

A few minutes later.


A thread of thought flew from outside.

He discovered this when he entered within a hundred meters of Nie Wenbai.

However, Nie Wenbai thought about it and ignored it.

These threads of thought quickly wrapped around Feitan, Shizuku, Franklin, and Uvogin.

"What!!!" Everyone was shocked.

Then I saw the bodies of Franklin and Uvogin being pulled away quickly, crashing through the window and disappearing.

As for Feitan and Shizuku, who were slowed down by Nie Wenbai.

But he didn't even move.

"Damn it, we actually snatched...the body away without paying attention! Leorio said angrily.

However, as he talked, he discovered that there didn't seem to be anything wrong.

They just stole the body, so what's the problem?

Those corpses were of no use to them anyway.

"Be careful, the enemies are hiding in the dark, we don't know where they will attack from." Killua reminded everyone.

Others may not be able to react, but Nie Wenbai is absolutely impossible.

But why didn't he stop it?

Could it be that you want to break the boring deadlock just now?

Thinking of this, Killua couldn't help but look at Nie Wenbai aside.

But they discovered that Nie Wenbai had no expression at all.

In response, Killua could only roll his eyes and continue to be alert to the surrounding situation.

And everyone, listening to Killua's reminder, also began to be wary of their surroundings.

Kurapika stood over there, looking at Nie Wenbai doubtfully.

Because he is not stupid either.

Knowing some of Nie Wenbai's abilities.

He didn't think Kang Wenyu could not react to the situation just now.

That is to say, Leorio, Gon, and Melody, who are not familiar with Nie Wenbai's ability, would not think so.

Look, Peng Si didn't show any signs of vigilance, she just stood quietly next to Nie Wenbai.

Be your own beautiful woman.

Because the person who attacked was a hundred meters away.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai did not know where Machi and the others were at this time.

After everyone had been alert for a while...

Seeing that Machi and the others did not continue the sneak attack, they had to turn their attention back to Feitan and Shizuku.

One look at the current situation makes it clear that if they don't deal with the two people in front of them immediately.

It is very likely that you will experience sneak attacks again and again.

They couldn't just wait.

"Kurapika, you decide how they deal with it." Nie Wenbai looked at Kurapika and said

No one felt anything wrong with this, because the only person present who had a grudge against Phantom Troupe was Kurapika.

However, Kurapika hesitated as to how to deal with the two spiders in front of her.

He no longer had the previous idea of ​​never giving up until revenge.

He only felt that his hands seemed to be stained with blood.

The feeling of broken bones, muscles and blood from the previous beating on Franklin.

It was affecting him all the time, making his eyes always feel like he was seeing a sea of ​​blood.

Nausea, nausea, nausea!

This is a psychological effect, but it makes Kurapika feel particularly uncomfortable.

He didn't feel like his revenge was avenged, which made him feel like he was bad.

Ming Ming has been thinking about revenge all these years.

But now, part of the revenge has been taken, but he has changed!!

Kurapika looked straight at Feitan and Shizuku with her 2.1 eyes, seemingly lost in thought.

For a while, the scene became quiet again.

Seeing this, Leorio and Gon wanted to ask for advice.

"Kurapika's mood is very unstable. It's best to let him think about it quietly." Melody took the lead in discouraging him.

Listening to Melody's words, Leorio and Gon swallowed back what they were about to say.

Then he looked worriedly at Kurapika, who seemed to be immersed in his own world.

She wanted to wake him up, but she was worried that her actions would be detrimental to Kurapika.

The anxious two people except Guang saw Zhao Wenri on the side.

His eyes lit up as he thought.

Isn't there someone who knows the future? You can find out if you ask...

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