Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 88 The Corresponding Intensity Of Meditation

On the first page of the book "Spiritual Power Meditation Method", there is a comparative explanation of the levels and degrees reached by the "Spiritual Power Meditation Method".

Because this is a short paragraph in the directory index, Nie Wenbai did not check it carefully before.

[Completely outline the things you meditate on that correspond to 10 degrees, let the things you meditate on last forever in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness correspond to 30 degrees, and use the things you meditate as the core to build a spiritual world that corresponds to 70 degrees

The spiritual world expands into a term corresponding to 90 degrees. 】

There is no introduction after 90 degrees.

Obviously, after reaching 90 degrees, it is an unknown situation.

If Nie Wenbai wants to know, I'm afraid he can only wait until he reaches 90 degrees.

Or maybe you have to upgrade your prompting skills to a certain level.

But according to the current situation, he wants to achieve these two goals...

Okay, who knows how long it will take~

However, he now understands that it is normal for him to reach 10 degrees of mental power all of a sudden.

When other people practice spiritual meditation, they make progress step by step.

Therefore, I can clearly feel how slowly my mental power increases every day.

But Nie Wenbai relied on cheating to complete the meditation outline that others took months or even years to complete.

This led him to mistakenly believe that something was wrong with his situation.

But think about it, of course something is wrong with him.

If people knew that he had outlined his meditation things bit by bit in an hour, Song was afraid that everyone would be shocked.

Wow, this so-called super difficult spiritual meditation method may be the most suitable meditation for me!

With it, I don't need to look for any meditation methods anymore.

"It's so difficult. My thoughts are not in my control at all. They keep spinning around. Let alone sketching, it's hard to stay still for a few seconds!"

Peng Si, who was standing aside to help Nie Wenbai guard and try to control her thoughts, started to complain after seeing Nie Wenbai open his eyes.

"Peng Si, there is no need to try again. This mental meditation method is not suitable for you. You can practice it again when you find a suitable one in the future." Nie Wenbai said with a smile.

His mental power and life energy have been developed, how can this make him unhappy~

"Okay, what should we do now?" Peng Si nodded and said.

"Cultivation, the advanced skills of reading Qi, and the basic skills of reading Qi, I found that I am still far behind and need to work harder." Nie Wenbai said seriously

Nie Wenbai's seriousness made Peng Si very curious.

She didn't know what Nie Wenbai had encountered, and the group would feel such a sense of urgency.

However, she was curious. Since Nie Wenbai didn't tell her, she didn't want to ask casually.

Besides, she also wants to make progress, but her current strength is still too poor.

People with this idea began to practice in-depth the technique of reading Qi.

The method of practice was modified by Nie Wenbai based on Biscuit's method of training Gon and others.

Available from level one to level ten.

There is no need for people to learn this kind of thing at all, because the so-called practice is nothing more than exercising that skill to the extreme.

For example, in terms of [week].

At the beginning, objects of the same hardness were smashed against each other. The more hits, the better.

Then slowly use the one with low hardness to hit the one with high hardness. The more you hit, the better.

Even in the end, if [Zhou] could crush the stone with a clod of soil, it would be really scary for Zhou.

However, this level of difficulty is very difficult. Anyway, it would be difficult for Nie Wenbai and Peng Si to hit each other with stones of the same hardness.

In addition, Nie Wenbai and the others also need to practice the speed of these mind-qi skills.

Only if you are fast enough can you react faster during battle.

And the third point is accuracy.

For example, you just let one part of an object be wrapped with more mind energy, while other parts are covered with a very thin layer.

While increasing the attack strength, it also reduces the consumption of mental energy.

Strength, speed, and accuracy, these three conditions almost cover most of the Qi techniques.

Therefore, you only need to think about it, and you will soon be able to figure out how to practice your Qi skills.

Time, in this situation where there seemed to be no big changes, slowly passed by.

In the blink of an eye, the day passed.

During this period, You Kexin's auction has ended, and Batra has completed recruiting employees and is now heading towards his castle~

As for Nie Wenbai, he didn't pay much attention to the collection of cards. He was concentrating on practicing.

This is true whether it is the Qi chanting technique or the spiritual meditation method.

While doing spiritual meditation, Nie Wenbai discovered something big.

He can also cheat.

Yes, as I said before, he can slow down anything he sees.

But this was his one-sided guess. It was not something he saw that could be slowed down, but something he observed.

And his thoughts were observed by him, and the image of the mind beast outlined by the thoughts was also observed by him.

This means that he can slow down the image of the mind beast sketched out by his own thoughts...

What does this mean?

(It’s good to get money) This means that during the period before the image of the mind beast disappears, his mental power will increase dramatically.

Just like now, Nie Wenbai estimated that his mental strength had reached 11 degrees.

Don't underestimate the improvement of 1 degree, it is already twice as high as 10 degrees.

And the benefits brought by the sudden increase in mental power are.

Nie Wenbai's control over his thoughts has become much stronger.

I thought it would take a lot of time to perfect the technique of reading energy.

During this time, there was a rapid rise.

The most important thing is the improvement of mental power and the increase of life energy.

Nie Wenbai's current potential energy and manifest energy have been greatly improved.

Nowadays, Nie Wenbai has grown to the level of a first-class nun. .

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