Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 12 Butterfly Kanae



Butterfly Kanae was horrified and inexplicably pressed her vagina that was in pain before. It was really unbelievable for a moment.

Then, she tried breathing techniques.

Smooth and refreshing~

I thought I would still feel severe pain and burning in my lungs, but now I felt nothing at all.

Using her skilled breathing techniques with ease.

As the breathing method is used, petals seem to appear around the butterfly Kanae.

No, not only has it recovered, my body seems to have lost even the hidden injuries from before?!

So what exactly is that ability?

Why is the healing power so strong?

Could it be a ghost?!

Is this ability like blood ghost magic or something like that?!

Butterfly Kanae was thinking silently while adapting to her recovered body.

If it wasn’t a ghost!

Then can his ability cure the Lord's illness?!

"We can start teaching breathing techniques." Nie Wenbai waved his hand in front of Butterfly Kanae and said

Butterfly Kanae looked at Nie Wenbai, and then 06 looked at the sky.

He nodded and started to explain the breathing method.

Yes, it is just an introduction, and there is no way to practice it.

During the introduction, Butterfly Kanae slowed down her speaking speed as much as possible and looked at the sky in the distance from time to time.

Nie Wenbai saw this.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized why Butterfly Kanae did what she did.

Don't pay too much attention to it. As human beings, it is a good thing for our fellow humans to have this kind of vigilance.

Since you are worried that he is an evil spirit and want to wait for the sun to rise, then just wait.

Anyway, looking at the sky, it should be almost daytime.

Thinking like this, Nie Wenbai is no longer so anxious.

Listening quietly to Butterfly Kanae's introduction.

Time passed slowly, the Golden Crow rose in the east, and a ray of warm sunshine fell on the two of them.

Making them look like wax figures illuminated by golden light.


Looking at Nie Wenbai, who was doing nothing better than the sun, Kanae also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then everyone was shocked and delighted.

Nie Wenbai is not an evil ghost, which means that Nie Wenbai can only be a human being.

But a person can not only possess such powerful strength, but also possess an extraordinary healing ability.

This all shows that human beings have the ability to compete with evil spirits!!

For a moment, Butterfly Kanae looked at Nie Wenbai with fiery eyes.

"Little sister, although I don't mind us having a physical sparring session, it's already daytime, and there are a bunch of people rushing over there.

Look, it would be better if you restrained yourself~" Nie Wenbai said with an upright expression.

At first, Butterfly Kanae didn't react.

When she realized what Nie Wenbai meant, her eyes were slightly confused.

She was thinking about the feasibility of the honey trap.

A person who can instantly kill the waxing moon is enough for the Demon Slayer Squad to do so.

As long as Nie Wenbai can be enlisted to join, Butterfly Kanae feels that she should be able to easily solve the problem of Muzan Kibutsuji.

So, if the honey trap is feasible.

Whether it's one or two, she doesn't think there's any problem.

However, even though Nie Wenbai said so, Butterfly Kanae didn't see much obscene emotion in Nie Wenbai's eyes.

Obviously, Nie Wenbai just said a few words.

As a man, if you have no idea about a woman, and a beautiful woman at all, then you should be worried.

Because he's probably gay.

Obviously, Nie Wenbai is not, so he is still a little greedy for Butterfly Kanae's body.

Greed is greed, but it's not Nie Wenbai's style.

So, just watch it.

"Hoho, this sir, my name is Butterfly Kanae, and I am the flower pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad. I still don't know what your name is?" Butterfly Kanae looked at Nie Wenbai without restraint and asked with a smile.

In response, Nie Wenbai waved his hand and said, "My name is Nie Wenbai. Let's put these self-introductions aside for now. You should teach me how to practice breathing."

"Sir, the practice of breathing requires a better environment. After a while, people will come and go here, which is not a good practice environment.

How about you come back to my place with me and practice slowly~

After all, the practice of breathing also takes time~" Butterfly Kanae said with a smile.

Nie Wenbai looked at Butterfly Kanae and said, "Although I know what you said is right, I still think you want to trick me into following you back.

Obviously, you are obsessed with my body~"


Why is this man so narcissistic?!

Butterfly Kanae, who didn't know how to answer, could only smile and say nothing.

Let me go, this young lady has a very good expression management ability. How can she still be calm even when I am like this?

Awesome, awesome~

Nie Wenbai, who was surprised by 683 Butterfly Kanae's expression management ability, also nodded.

Indicates learned.

"Okay, what you said is indeed right. The breathing method shouldn't be so easy to learn. I just need to go back with you.

However, you have to start teaching immediately after you return. "Nie Wenbai said as if he had figured it out.

But in fact, Nie Wenbai didn't have anything figured out.

It was because, while they were talking, the group of guys rushing towards them were already coming to them.

In this case, Butterfly Kanae obviously did not have the time or opportunity to tell him any more breathing methods.


A woman's mouth is a liar.

You said you were not delaying, I really believed you~

Nie Wenbai was thinking about it in his heart, but he never thought that he was enjoying himself just now.

Of course, in addition to this, it was also because Nie Wenbai saw a group of demon slayers coming here early.

Estimating the time, it was obvious that Nie Wenbai did not have the confidence to learn a breathing method in such a short period of time.

Therefore, since Butterfly Kanae wanted to delay time, he also acted with her. .

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