Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 14 The Nature Of Breathing Special Effects

"Don't you know that cars are very expensive? How can we afford them?!" Butterfly Ninja gritted his teeth and said

Nie Wenbai was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Butterfly Kanae on the side.

Then she got a nod from Butterfly Kanae.

"You are so poor, you don't want to think about how to make money and live a good life, but you go to kill ghouls?! You are also stupid~" Nie Wenbai looked at the two sisters and said with emotion

"What do you know? If we don't kill all those evil spirits, how can we live a good life!!" Butterfly Ninja said angrily.

"Finished? Then you should work hard, but as far as I can see, with the speed you are traveling at, those ghosts are gone, and you haven't arrived at the scene yet." Nie Wenbai said casually

"You!!" Butterfly Ren looked at Nie Wenbai angrily.

Nie Wenbai waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about this later. At our current speed, how long will it take to get to the Butterfly House you mentioned?"

"It will arrive in about three days." Butterfly Kanae said with a smile.

"Three days?! This damn speed, no, I can't wait, let's start teaching in the car." Nie Wenbai shook his head and said that he couldn't wait for so many days.

For three days, 303 had been traveling in boredom, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Even if there were a pair of sisters beside him, he couldn't stand this situation.

This is what happens after a long flight.

It takes a while to calm down.

However, this is not a bad thing. Why should Nie Wenbai moderate it?

Since it was a problem on Butterfly Kanae's side, Nai Wenbai would of course make new demands.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Breathing techniques can't be learned in a few days. It only takes 3 days. You can't wait for this?!" Butterfly Ninja said with a frown.

"Yes, I can't wait any longer, can you start directly?" Nie Wenbai nodded and said

"You..." Butterfly Ren was furious for a while, but Butterfly Kanae on the side stopped her.

I saw Butterfly Kanae smiling gently and saying, "Okay, since there is nothing else on the way, let's start the breathing method."

Nie Wenbai smiled and waited for Butterfly Kanae to speak.

"Excuse me, do you want to learn insect breathing or water breathing?" Butterfly Kanae asked with a smile (agbi)

"The breath of water." Nie Wenbai said clearly.

He didn't want to learn insect breathing, he just wanted to learn the five basic breathing techniques.

If he hadn't met Tanjiro's family yet, he would actually have wanted to see if he could learn to breathe the sun.

Listening to Nie Wenbai's words, Butterfly Kanae looked troubled and said, "Water breathing, I'm not very skilled in water breathing, how about I introduce you to ten people who practice water breathing to teach you?! "

"How long will it take?" Nie Wenbai asked with squinted eyes.

"It may take half a month." Butterfly Kanae said slowly

Nie Wenbai was happy and raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't even wait three days, you want me to wait half a month?"

That's it, you teach, start now. "

Seeing this, Butterfly Kanae also started teaching helplessly.

She was right, her familiarity with water breathing was indeed not strong.

However, if you just teach a novice how to breathe water.

But she can still do it.

As Butterfly Kanae began to explain the practice of water breathing and the rhythm of breathing.

Nie Wenbai also began to have a certain understanding of breathing methods.

In the final analysis, breathing method is nothing more than a method of inhaling a large amount of oxygen through a special breathing rhythm to make the body more active.

As for why various special effects appear, it is because there is a special factor in the air in this world, which is mobilized by the breathing method to form various special effects attacks.

And this factor is also the reason why evil ghosts like Gui Wu Guo Wu Ke can have strong recovery power and various superpowers.

In other words, if there was no such factor in the world that Nie Wenbai went to.

At most, these breathing techniques can only make a person's body more active.

It's a bit like the effect of the seven-day calling method in the world of Naruto.

There's just a little change.

After confirming this, Nie Wenbai was confused.

Because, in this way, he has learned all the breathing techniques.

After going to other worlds, [the effect of these breaths will no longer be great.

Unless, he can make improvements.

Transform the characteristics of mobilizing those factors into mobilizing the thoughts in your own body.

Both are energy, so it should be possible.

After all, Nian Qi is also a very ever-changing energy.

It was precisely because he still had this ambition that Diao Wenbai did not give up on learning the breathing method.

I originally wanted to learn sword moves together.

From the current situation, it seems that Nie Wenbai only needs to learn breathing techniques.

Nie Wenbai is not surprised by this.

However, for the two sisters Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja.

Nie Wenbai only learns breathing techniques but not sword moves.

It's just too weird.

Fortunately, this is okay, because Butterfly Kanae doesn't know much about the water breathing sword move.

Therefore, even if Nie Wenbai wanted to learn, she could only find someone to teach her.

Is this considered cheating?

Not really, because no one thought that Nie Wenbai would learn the breathing method in a very short time.

Butterfly Kanae is confident that she will find someone to teach Nie Wenbai when he wants to learn sword moves.

However, what makes Butterfly Kanae unbelievable is that.

When she started to teach water breathing, Nie Wenbai directly stated that she did not plan to learn sword moves.

This is so strange.

Although the breathing method is very powerful, it can't be used together without using sword moves.

In fact, it's just like that, the power is limited.

It can be said that many members of the Demon Slayer Squad are good at breathing techniques, but why is there such a big gap in strength?

It's not because of the sword moves.

Time passes slowly.

Three days passed like this.

During these three days, Nie Wenbai has been asking Butterfly Chanae about some key points about water breathing.

How can we activate those external factors faster and more smoothly...

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