Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 22 For Testing

After comforting Peng Si for a while and asking them to wait there for a while, Nie Wenbai began to think about how to deal with this matter.

At this moment, he thought a lot and eliminated many plans.

He needs a test, a secret test, to find out what those energy beings are like.

Tsk, if my mental observation range could reach the stage below nanometers.

Why do I need to be so passive?

Nie Wenbai was very helpless, shook his head, and started to prepare.

He needs a pioneer, a pioneer who is willing to make trouble.

Only in this way can he analyze the information he wants.

Of course, because things might be a little dangerous.

So, he needs some damn guys to deal with.

And this person shouldn't be too stupid, he should even be a little smarter.

For example, Chrollo is a very good choice.

However, according to Chrollo's current situation, he may hide himself once he goes to a new world, so I have to find some fun for him.

There is one person who is absolutely happy to do something.

Right, Hisoka!

With this idea in mind, Nie Wenbai's thoughts moved, and the figures of Chrollo and Hisoka in the human world appeared in his sight.

After a delay, without any hesitation, he first went to Hisoka's side, and then a 'companion' brought the recovered Hisoka to Chrollo.

Hisoka, who was still wary at first, laughed the moment he saw Chrollo, and his face turned extremely red.

Just when he wanted to thank Nie Wenbai, he didn't want to. At this time, Nie Wenbai took out two more 'leave' cards.

Then, Hisoka and Chrollo looked like they were already dead.

The two of them were instantly wrapped up in the ball of thought, and then quickly flew away from the world here.

"Come again, Hisoka." Then, a record of the world's information written by Nie Wenbai followed.

Yes, Nie Wenbai already has the ability to change the target of the spell card.

Soon, three energy balls directly hit an ordinary-looking lake.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai is particularly concerned about the situation of the lake.

Sure enough, with the information of the unknown world written by Nie Wenbai entering.

The entire lake world suddenly flashed several times in less than a few seconds.

Then a world that was unfamiliar to Nie Wenbai became familiar.

It was a Street Fighter world. It looked very ordinary, but the energy system in it was okay.

Of course, Nie Wenbai only paid a little attention to these things, and then he focused all his attention on the ground of the lake world.

Observing, waiting, waiting for the energy zone life hidden in it to appear.

Because of this, Nie Wenbai didn't even pay attention to the battle between Hisoka and Chrollo.

However, after waiting for a long time, Nie Wenbai did not see the hidden energy life appear.

Not only did this make him miss Hisoka's ultimate death rebirth.

I also missed the process of Chrollo being targeted by Interpol.

He didn't appear directly. Could it be that he really sent Xisu away with Chrollo and the book.

That energy life can appear?

With this idea in mind, Nie Wenbai experimented several times, throwing Shalnark and Feitan into different worlds.

These several tests made Nie Wenbai truly sure.

Energy life rarely interferes with the changing process of the lake world.

After confirming this, Nie Wenbai began to determine the next test that needed to be determined.

After the individual who caused the changes in the lake world left the lake world.

Will energy life appear immediately?

With this idea in mind, Nie Wenbai began to prepare.

Use 'Come Again' to fly to Feitan's world, and then use 'Come Together' to leave.

As soon as he came back, Nie Wenbai casually stared at Feitan without leaving the lake world.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, there was a slight change in the lake world.

I saw another burst of flickering and then stabilized.

Then, under Nie Wenbai's gaze, an energy life flew out in ecstasy.

Compared with the quiet energy life before, he seemed much more impatient.

Moreover, he talks a lot.

"Hahaha, it's finally my turn. I never thought that I would have such a lucky day.

A new world will definitely make me a lot of money.

At that time, I will be able to advance to one level, and I will also be able to buy a few more evolution lands. "With that said, the energy life quickly flew towards the location where the previous energy life disappeared.

I heard a lot of useful information~

The new world. It seems that only this kind of world that has never appeared before can be regarded as a new world!

To be promoted to one level, it is said that their social system should have a complete set of energy intensity divisions.

I just don’t know, what is the energy level of the energy being named 113 just now?

Nie Wenbai was very confused and worried.

The situation is clear now.

All lake worlds are just so-called evolutionary places.

In these evolutionary places, there seems to be an energy life.

Unless it's the kind of evolutionary place where a new world just appeared. Only then will energy and life be lost.

Obviously, the same is true for the evolutionary land at the feet of Nie Wenbai.

However, Nie Wenbai doesn't know why the evolutionary land under his feet has not changed?!

No, maybe there have been changes.

However, this change is almost exactly the same as the world of this evolutionary land itself, so it is regarded as no change.

Only when Nie Wenbai entered this evolutionary land, the evolution that appeared was the Hunter X Hunter world.

Only then could we avoid that when Nie Wenbai left this place of evolution, the energy being did not appear and did not choose to leave.

Because this is the big world of Hunter X Hunter~

Not bad, not bad, good luck.

Fortunately, Nie Wenbai once again watched an energy being disappear in the same place...

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