Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 25 Multiple Actions

"Have you heard? The Pigeon Platform announced a news about the invasion of Warcraft!!"

"I've seen it a long time ago, and now my whole family is planning to head inland~"

"What a coincidence, so are we."

"Want to come together?"

"No, no, my relatives there will directly drive a private airship over to pick up our family."

Fuck (a plant)

I thought we were just ordinary people taking refuge, but I didn’t expect you to show up suddenly like this!

What about the basic trust between people?

"By the way, there are still a few spots left on the airship. Do you want to buy it?"

"Buy! You are such a good person~"

"That's right, that's right, it's too difficult to buy ferry tickets now."

His attitude is so good that he no longer had the great idea of ​​greening the world.

This scene occurs all over the world, especially in coastal areas.

A large number of people are fleeing inland.


In conference rooms in various countries, there is almost always an irritable person who knocks on the table.

Their only goal at this time is not to prepare for those Chimera Ants

It is a pigeon platform under the name of Nie Wenbai.

Because Nie Wenbai's plan this time was too sudden.

A large number of people are migrating inland, causing a large number of inland cities to fall into a state of saturation.

For a time, the consumption of materials in these cities became a burden.

It may not be obvious for a short time, but once it takes a long time, the problem will become serious.

It is precisely with this in mind that people in many countries are very unhappy with the existence of homing pigeons.

Even the existence of Nie Wenbai is very unpleasant.

Someone has suggested that Nie Wenbai be arrested and tortured.

Just after learning about Nie Wenbai's information, most countries remained silent.

Some countries even took a breath of cold air.

Because, in Nie Wenbai's personal information, they actually saw energy attacks?!

Although people who know Nen can develop various magical Nen.

However, Nie Wenbai, a Nin who is obviously not an energy type, relied on his own Nen to create an attack.

According to estimates, that is something that can theoretically be achieved by technological means.

Moreover, according to theory, the upper limit of this kind of attack is extremely high.

Intensity depends entirely on matter and energy.

Let’s also analyze the strength of the energy attacks that Nie Wenbai currently has, as well as the storage methods.

All countries agreed that Nie Wenbai definitely carried no less than a thousand potential weapons on his body.

Good guy, one person is equivalent to an army.

If he were to attack a city at will, he would be able to destroy it in just half a day.

Of course, just like this, it is not the reason why various countries are afraid.

What they were afraid of was that they discovered that there was one point in Nie Wenbai's information that marked an obvious introduction.

This person has the power of prediction!!!


Madhu, if you only have energy weapons, no matter how powerful or numerous you are.

In this world with its strange and strange nature, there must be ways to deal with it.

However, your special Nin who has such a strong fighting ability is actually a precognitive Nin?

What else is there to fight about? Just take a shower and go to sleep!

After all, Nie Wenbai will know their plan before they start fighting against Nie Wenbai.

Can this be fought?

Obviously, no!

Therefore, after being incompetent and furious, various countries began to hold emergency discussions regarding the ant queen who was about to land.

The final preliminary plan is.

Interception at sea.

The second line of defense is to build defense projects in coastal areas.

The last step is the close confrontation inland.

The plan has been decided, it's time to execute it.

Within half an hour, the emperor's fighter jets were dispatched.

Head towards the sea and look for the queen ant.

Soon, these fighter jets arrived at the sea and began a large-scale search.

Time flies, and the pilots on the transfer fighter have searched a lot of sea areas.

However, even though they almost ran out of fuel, these fighter jets still could not find even a single Chimera ant.

0......Please give me flowers......

As a last resort, the fighter jets began to return.

Then, leaders of various countries held meetings again.

They discussed whether they had been tricked by Nie Wenbai.

During this discussion, many people felt that Nie Wenbai was playing tricks on them.

Now I am already screaming, I want Nie Wenbai to look good.

Even if they can't deal with Nie Wenbai directly, they will use negotiation methods to make Nie Wenbai's company go bankrupt directly.


So damn stupid!

Nie Wenbai, who was always paying attention to the developments in various countries and those in the future, could not help but roll his eyes at this time.

I just searched the sea areas around each continent, and you said you can't find the queen ant here?

How fucking stupid!

Thinking about it, Nie Wenbai couldn't help but look at the queen ant colony still far away.

I really want to stuff their heads into the toilet and let them drink some grain reincarnation water!!!

Let's put this kind of thing aside for now.

Thinking about this, Nie Wenbai was thinking about one thing.

He is also somewhat worried that these countries will give up defense of coastal areas.

If that's the case, the pressure on Kate and others will become extremely huge.

This situation is obviously not possible.

The casualties caused would probably be much higher than expected.

After thinking for a while, a camera in Nie Wenbai's backpack appeared in the sky above the ant colony that was thousands of miles away.

Although Nie Wenbai couldn't go there by himself, he relied on the ability of his backpack to send some objects over long distances.

Then using telekinesis to control it is still very simple.

Therefore, even though they were so far away, Nie Wenbai easily used a camera to capture the video of the queen ant colony.

It didn't take long, just 3 minutes.

Three minutes later, Nie Wenbai put away the camera again and came to the company,

In less than 5 minutes, the official website of the Pigeon Platform was updated again.

The content is exactly the scene shot by Nie Wenbai... Sichuan...

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