Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 27 Chimera Ant’S Three Choices

Soon, soon~

Just a little while longer and I'll be able to produce soldier ants.

At that time, I will be able to obtain more food and produce more soldier ants.

In this way, I will be able to produce an ant king very quickly!!

Thinking of this, Queen Ant No. 1 ate even more anxiously.

The animal flesh and blood in his hand was crazily stuffed into his mouth.

Supply a lot of nutrients to your belly so that you can give birth to more soldier ants.

The queen ant's production speed is extremely fast, and she has just sneaked into the forest less than half an hour ago.

But because the animals here have good energy, she was able to do it in less than half an hour.

No less than 10 Chimera ant soldier ants were produced.

Puff puff puff~

As if agreed upon, the ten soldier ants almost broke open the eggs wrapped around them at the same time and appeared in the outside air.

As soon as it comes into contact with the air, the sticky water on the soldier ants dries quickly.

Without the water coating, the soldier ants' carapace quickly hardened and seemed to emit a cold light.

Very good, 06 is very good, it is dangerous here.

In order to better hide and protect myself.

My soldier ants need more power.

Even if the birth time of the king is slowed down, the soldier ants will need more energy.

And these soldier ants in front of her, who were 30% stronger than before, made the queen feel that she had spent so much extra energy in vain.

"Go, grab more food!" The queen ant uses the ant clan's pheromones to announce the task.

The soldier ants who received the order quickly left here and scattered to hunt for food.

At this time, Kate and a group of Hunters came to the foot of the mountain.

"The mountain is huge. If you disperse the search, you will find the Chimera ants faster. Once you find the target, just shout for support from nearby people," Kate said calmly.

This proposal was approved by everyone.

Next second!

The Hunters who were still in place launched a charge towards Olin Mountain.

It's not at full strength, but the speed is still not slow.

At least, it is faster than ordinary people running at full speed.

Hundreds of Hunters swarmed to Olin Mountain.

It sounds like a lot, but if you compare the size of Olin Mountain, you will know that it is actually very small.

This queen ant is also very lucky to encounter such a big mountain here.

This allows her to hide while also hunting.

The mountain is huge, and it is undoubtedly difficult to find a Chimera ant the size of a human.

Moreover, this queen ant still has intelligence and can hide her figure.

This made the search even more complicated.

Fortunately, among the people who came over, there was also a Hunter who showed off his search skills.

As an intelligence Hunter, large-scale observation methods are a must.

Therefore, when entering Olin Mountain, she directly unfolded her Nen.

God's perspective.

Able to raise one's perspective to a high altitude and observe the surrounding environment.

Moreover, the position of the viewing angle can be moved, which allows her to stand on this side of the wall and observe what is happening on the other side of the wall.

And her observation range reached 1 kilometer.

This Nen's characteristics are much stronger than the [circle] of some veteran Nen.

"Found again!" Suddenly, Intelligence Hunter shouted.

He immediately attracted support from several Hunters around him.

After gathering, people pointed directly at a location more than 900 meters away.

There, there is a Chimera ant soldier ant hunting.

Looking for an opportunity, several people successfully killed this soldier ant!

"This shouldn't be the queen ant."

"It should be soldier ants, but how long has it been since then to actually give birth to soldier ants?!"

"Sure enough, we can't judge based on common sense. If we just leave it alone, I believe it won't take long to organize an ant army.

"Hurry up and inform other people, let them be careful and don't miss these soldier ants, otherwise it will be a troublesome thing.

Several people began calling other Hunters.

Soon, all the Hunters got the news that the queen ant had produced soldier ants, and they were shocked.

Then, they began to search quickly.

Time passed slowly, and Kate and the others were searching enthusiastically for Chimera ants. According to their speed, they believed that they would be able to find the hidden queen in an hour.

Facing the powerful Nen, Nie Wenbai didn't think that the queen ant would have a chance to fight back.

Therefore, I no longer pay attention to Olin Mountain.

Withdrawing his gaze, Nie Wenbai squinted and looked at Palistone, who was standing next to him.

"They are in the Dark Continent." Nie Wenbai said directly without waiting for Palistone to speak.

Faced with these words, Pariston narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Nie Wenbai, I haven't asked you yet~"

"I know, what next~" Nie Wenbai said casually, "I can't send you there now, help 980 me get rid of these Chimera ants and make the scene as big as possible.

I’ll send you there afterward!”


Palliston frowned, then smiled in relief.

He never thought that Jin Wenbai's intellectual ability would be so powerful.

He can even predict such close things.

Although others may find Nie Wenbai's words baffling.

However, Palliston knew that Nie Wenbai had just spared him what he was about to ask.

"Chimera ants invade our human world, and our Hunter Association steps in to stop it. Isn't this natural~" Palliston said with a smile.

"That's good, by the way, I forgot to tell you before, because of the army's attack and the current problem.

Some queen ants choose to hunt and give birth on the seabed.

There are also some queen ants who have found the plates at the edges and landed on them. "Nie Wenbai nodded and said

That's a bad sign, because, that's what it means.

After humans deal with these ant queens struggling to land.

On the human side, there are at least a lot of ant armies to deal with, and even a lot of ant kings.

This obviously doesn't work, so some plans need to be changed. .

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