Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 23 Packing And Packing

As the ferocious fox husband walked into the bustling barbecue restaurant, Leorio still couldn't tell that this would be the location for Hunter's test.

I had to scan around and listen to the fierce fox husband's order.

"Please go inside~" It looks like ordering food, but in fact, after giving the code, a waitress wants to guide Nie Wenbai and others to the private room inside.

“Wait a minute, in addition to what you just had, bring me some more food, what you have on hand, and some cold drinks, give me some too.

Pack it up and send it to our private room. Remember, be quick. I haven't seen these things yet since I got down there.

Here, this is money, it should be enough. "Just when the waitress was about to lead the way to the private room, Nie Wenbai suddenly spoke to the boss who was cooking.

Clam? !

What's happening here?

After seeing that the code was correct, the barbecue boss stopped paying attention.

But now, he is interjecting again, does this still count?

The barbecue boss glanced at the fierce fox husband who was leading the team, his eyes asking for confirmation?

Then she got a nod from the fierce fox husband.

"No problem, please wait inside for a while." The barbecue owner accepted the money Nie Wenbai handed over, nodded and said with a smile

Then, he signaled the waitress again to take Nie Wenbai and the others to the private room inside.

"Nie Wenbai, why do you want so much food? Can you finish it?" Leorio asked in confusion.

"This is to store food. Seeing so many people here, you know the food here must be delicious.

We need to stock up anyway, so wouldn’t it be more convenient to just stock up here? "Nie Wenbai replied with a smile.

Soon, several people were taken to an empty private room.

Some food has been placed here to provide candidates with energy.

Seeing this, several people, who had not eaten anything all night, sat down unceremoniously.

After saying hello to the fierce fox husband, I ate while waiting for the barbecue restaurant to deliver Nie Wenbai's order.

Fortunately, this time did not wait long.

After all, what Nie Wenbai ordered was already prepared food and cold drinks, so it didn’t take much time to prepare.

As soon as the fierce fox husband left, he came over to the barbecue restaurant with these things.

After waving goodbye to the waiter, the four of them felt that they were descending rapidly.

Judging from this, their previous guesses were correct.

Without hesitation, after leaving four bottles of cold drinks, Nie Wenbai put the rest of the extra food and cold drinks directly into his backpack.

I did it in front of Leorio and the three of them.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still think Nie Wenbai's abilities are amazing." Leorio said with emotion as he held a piece of steak in his mouth.

Kurapika looked at Leorio with disgust and said, "Don't talk while eating."

"According to Nie Wenbai, as long as we become Hunters, we can also learn these abilities." Gon said with confidence

"That's right, as long as you become a Hunter, everything will be easy. That fierce fox just spoke so rudely, why are you willing to bring us here next year?

Doesn’t this mean that we have no way to pass the customs this year? ! Leorio said angrily

Kurapika lowered his head, cut the steak in front of him gracefully and said, "One every three years!"

"What do you mean?" Leorio asked confused.

"That's the passing rate of Hunter's test." Kurapika said, also worried about this.

Nie Wenbai joined the conversation while chewing steak and said, “One for three years, maybe not even yet, because Hunter is a profession with great power and danger.

Therefore, the Hunter Association has always been recruiting people with the idea of ​​​​preferring to have fewer people than too many. "

The words of Kurapika and Nie Wenbai made Leorio break out in a cold sweat.

He felt that his idea of ​​becoming a Hunter this year was a bit on the line.

"It's strange. If Hunters are so dangerous, why do so many people want to be Hunters?" Gon asked unclearly while taking a mouthful of food.

"Gon, did you really come to take the Hunter test without knowing anything?" Leorio asked in disbelief.

Gon nodded and replied, "Yeah, yeah~"

Hearing this, Kurapika and Leorio couldn't help but look at each other.

"Hunter is the most free profession in the world." Before the two of them could speak, Nie Wenbai on the side said it secretly.

All of a sudden, Kurapika and Leorio felt extremely uncomfortable.

"No, Hunter is the most profitable/noble profession in the world!!!" Leorio and Kurapika both shouted out their knowledge of the Hunter profession.

However, it is obvious that their two perceptions are different.

Now, the two dislike each other even more.

Leorio thinks Kurapika is pretentious!

Kurapika thinks Leorio is a philistine!

As for Nie Wenbai, because he knows that his ideal is to travel around the world.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai's view that the Hunter profession is the relatively freest profession is not contradicted by them.

The two men have particularly different views on Hunter's license.

One is seeing its free and money-making capabilities.

One is to see its ability to maintain the world.

There must be an explanation.

In fact, both people's views are correct.

You can even watch the two together.

"How about it, Gon, which kind of Hunter do you want to be?!" They couldn't argue, so they chose to pull the other person to the side.

Compared with Nie Wenbai, who already has clear ideas, they don't feel that they can win into their camp.

Only free men like Gon are their choice.

Facing the two eager companions in front of him, Gon had no choice but to say something that would not offend either of them.

Nie Wenbai, who didn't want the flames of war to spread to him, lowered his head and ate fiercely.

It was as if he had been hungry for several days.


At this moment, the elevator stopped and stopped directly on the 100th floor underground.

Well, it just shows the 100th floor, but that doesn't mean it's at the minus 100th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the four people in the elevator immediately felt a rush of pressure.

The atmosphere was very solemn and depressing.

It's like being put into a microwave oven, feeling uneasy everywhere...

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