Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 43 Two-Dimensional World

Is this the ‘pictured world’?

In a room guarded by numerous weapons, Nie Wenbai's whole body was suppressed in a low-energy state.

If it weren't for the special system, his thinking would be normal.

He couldn't even discover the sights yet.

Instead, he will be thrown directly into the world of the painting without knowing it.

It is precisely because of this.

Therefore, in the world of the painting, there are many contained objects that do not know that they have been thrown into the two-dimensional world!

They will only think that they were taken to a place where they were imprisoned, and then they escaped.

Of course, these are contained objects that still have intelligence.

Those containment objects without intelligence almost always don't care about anything and then start wreaking havoc!

Nie Wenbai knew this, and could even see some traces of it in the painting.

However, these have little to do with Nie Wenbai.

Through the closure of the timeline, he knew what he would experience in the future.

So now he's really struggling to imagine something.

That's the message of an anime.

Its name is Dragon Ball!

That's right, it's Dragon Ball. This is a world that cannot be evolved in this reality.

Because the energy is too huge.

Just like the prehistoric world, even if it evolved, it would be a low-energy version.

This does not meet Nie Wenbai's requirements.

As for why I am thinking about this now.

This is because when a creature enters the world in the painting, it will evolve into a world based on the creature's thoughts.

Therefore, the world in the painting is actually a low-dimensional multiverse.

As for why it just incarnates one universe and turns it into a multiverse?

But the problem is, does anyone know how big a universe is?

Is the visible range the entire universe?

However, that is just the observation surface that light brings to you!

Logically speaking, as far as Nie Wenbai wants to cultivate immortality, he actually wants to go to the prehistoric world.


Do you spend a lot of time cultivating immortality in a low-dimensional world?

Come on, the energy level of the low-dimensional world is so low.

Even if he becomes a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in a low-dimensional world?

so what?

It doesn’t take a lot of time to absorb it.

Of course, realm issues will not bother Nie Wenbai.

It's equivalent to rebuilding, and it can't be solved quickly.

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years are enough…………

The time was so long that Nie Wenbai was speechless.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai can only choose to use his own energy to simulate the energy in it.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai's best choice is one that does not involve external energy complexity.

And you also need to have time and space, and even more novel abilities.

The most important thing is not to practice for too long.

Thinking, Nie Wenbai was pushed into the world of the painting.

At this moment, Nie Wenbai noticed some fluctuations in the world in the painting.

Just as Nie Wenbai thought, he easily remembered the frequency of this energy fluctuation.

Just waiting to come out of it again, he can simulate it.

Now, more energy should be spent on this newly evolved world!

Green mountains and green waters, blue sky and white clouds, gentle spring breeze, rare birds and beasts.

It is a beautiful natural picture.

Standing in this painting, Nie Wenbai has his feet on the ground.

His eyes were particularly surprised.

I saw him raising his arm with a little force.



The strong wind whipped up by his arm instantly destroyed the mountain in front of Nie Wenbai into pieces.

"So fragile ||?" Nie Wenbai said softly



The gas sprayed out as he spoke instantly covered the ground in front of Nie Wenbai.

A huge cone-shaped crack opened in the ground

This time, Wen Bai didn't dare to speak anymore.

He thought about things, and then slowly adjusted his intensity.




After several adjustments, Nie Wenbai finally grasped the power in this two-dimensional world.

Now he is able to live the same daily life as in the three-dimensional world.

The price he paid was that the landscape in front of him was forcibly broken into territory.

That is to say, there are no intelligent creatures here. Otherwise, Nie Wenbai's murderous evil will probably explode.

Putting aside his thoughts, Nie Wenbai began to observe the planet under his feet.

Look at this familiar section and size.

Nie Wenbai couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Then he shook his head slightly and began to observe various places on the planet.

Kalin Pagoda, Xidu, Temple, Five Elements Mountain, Southern Transformation Kindergarten, etc.

As Nie Wenbai observes the past, there are existences with extraordinary spiritual power in these places.

They all looked up to the sky, as if they were meeting Nie Wenbai.

However, they didn't see Nie Wenbai at all, they just noticed his gaze.

It is precisely because of the mystery and unknown that it makes people more worried.

Those with the ability began to search for the source of the voyeuristic feeling just now.

"Oh, Wukong and Bulma met. At this time, there is some trouble!" Nie Wenbai scanned the same buns and muttered to the two people on the other side of the bun mountain who were walking towards Wukong's house.

After saying that, Nie Wenbai shook his head, then his breathing rhythm changed, and wind came out of thin air around him, dragging him to fly towards the southern transformed kindergarten.

In the three-dimensional world, it can only be regarded as a means of slow flight.

Here, it has become a very fast skill.

His speed is extremely fast, and his sound barrier (mano's) breaks out frequently.

In a series of sonic booms, Nie Wenbai soon arrived at the southern transformed kindergarten.

When there were still hundreds of meters away, Nie Wenbai stopped directly, and then walked slowly over using the walking calendar.

When Nie Wenbai came to the gate of the southern transformed kindergarten, there were already three orc teachers standing in front of the gate, waiting.

"What advice can you give me when you come to our kindergarten?" a deer man said, looking at Nie Wenbai solemnly.

Nie Wenbai stopped and looked at the three orc teachers in front of him.

A deer man, a rabbit man, and a tiger man.

The Deer Man and Rabbit Man didn't find much combat effectiveness, but the Zhou man's experience was still good.

Nie Wenbai felt a surge of energy in him.

He must be angry.

"I came here to ask if the transformation technique can be taught!" Nie Wenbai said slowly.

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