Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 51: Great Changes Are Coming To The World

Finally, there are ways to create a two-dimensional world, as well as ways to reduce dimensions and increase dimensions.

Nie Wenbai didn't miss the slightest bit.

Completely learned.

Now, let him create a two-dimensional world, and he can do it easily.

It's so strong, it's so cool.

In addition, he has absolute control over the two-dimensional world he created.

Nie Wenbai just needs not to leave his own two-dimensional world.

He is almost immortal.

The premise is that your two-dimensional world has not been destroyed.

However, this is almost impossible, because the universe in the three-dimensional world will also end its life one day.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai is destined to live forever, and immortality is still a fantasy.

However, this is not important. Since you have become immortal, you can slowly fantasize about eternal life.

Maybe, I will succeed in immortality in the next second~

Of course, even if he is not even immortal now, it does not delay Nie Wenbai's self-confidence.

Putting back his divergent thoughts, Nie Wenbai raised his head and looked at the containment personnel around him.

Suddenly, he grinned and said, "Oh, is it a surprise~"

What a surprise!

How did you come out of the world in the painting!!

Then you should upgrade your dimension!!

In the past, the world in the painting where one could only enter but not come out, actually broke the rules.

Did someone come out from inside?

Does that mean that in the future, more other contained objects that were stuffed in before will be able to come out?!

If that were the case, that would be troublesome.

"What? Are we just standing here doing nothing?" Nie Wenbai looked around and said helplessly

Seeing such an indifferent contained object, the experienced containment personnel immediately knew how to deal with it.

Everyone put away their weapons, and then came to Nie Wenbai to have a conversation.

Soon, the two left the room together.

The remaining containment personnel once again looked at the world in the painting with vigilance, fearing that the next containment object would come out of it.

"How did you get out?"

"It's very simple. Just figure it out."

"No, you can't just come out if you want to. Otherwise, our people would have come out long ago.

"Perhaps it's just because he is lost in the world that conforms to his thinking.

"You mean, the world generation in the painting is related to the person who enters it?!"

This is a good clue.

This was not clear before, so Concerto Civilization did not dare to do anything more.

Now that they know this, their idea of ​​sending people in has become more enthusiastic.

"It's really about people. It's a very nice world."

"Then how did you get out? Think about it?"

"It's not that simple. You have to master the power to come back."

"The power to come back? What is that?"

"Who knows, different people have different mastery.

"Last question, can you bring someone back with you?"

"Obviously, no!"

In fact, it is possible, but Nie Wenbai knows that if he says it is possible, he will do it.

The group of guys in front of him will never let him live in peace.

He also wanted to obtain the music score of the concerto civilization, so "the best thing to do is to be quiet and stay still."

Because of Nie Wenbai's cooperative answer, their conversation soon ended.

And Nie Wenbai was also sent back to his original holding room.

Regardless of Nie Wenbai's affairs, the shelter began to discuss the development of the world in the painting.

A living example of being able to come back made them seem to see a way forward.

Just, the way forward?


Nie Wenbai, who noticed the future events along the timeline, smiled strangely.

Smiling, smiling, he calmed down his expression.

Started to adjust the transformation technique and other spells.

At the very least, we need to find ways to use teleportation and time suspension in this universe.

This will take some time.

However, he is an existence that travels in the timeline, so his success is almost certain.

Of course, the time required is still needed.

Because, if he doesn't do this, a lot of timeline 0 will be released...

In this way, the rain absorption timeline becomes meaningless.

"But why were you sent here again?" Seeing Kasha occupying her sofa again, she seemed to be surprised.

"Who knows what they are crazy about~" Kaisha didn't care where she was, it was fine anyway.

Different substances can be obtained here, and the same can be obtained on the other side.

"Go crazy, you are indeed crazy." Nie Wenbai thought about what happened next, nodded and said

After saying that, he stopped paying attention to Kasha, and quietly started his practice.

Realizing this, Kasha turned back suspiciously, looked at Nie Wenbai and asked, "You don't need me anymore?"

Nie Wenbai paused, then smiled and said, "No, I just have some things to deal with. Just keep it up. Don't worry, your material provision will remain the same."

"Yeah, you go ahead~" This time, Kasha felt relieved, nodding and urging Nie Wenbai to continue busy with his own affairs.

Nie Wenbai didn't care about this and continued to work hard.

In this case, time passes slowly,

While Nie Wenbai was practicing, big plans were going on at the shelter.

They found a dozen people from different professions, and then - sent them into the world of paintings.

Then, let them try to come back on their own.

After doing this, Shelter 1.9 sent people to wait here.

This wait, a week has passed.

"Here we come!" Just today, Nie Wenbai, who was still practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"What's coming?" Kasha asked in confusion.

"The world has changed greatly." Nie Wenbai stood up from the ground calmly.

His eyes were staring straight in the direction of the world in the painting.

As mentioned before, the two-dimensional world in the painting is generated based on the situation of the person entering it.

In this case, it is not difficult to understand the emergence of a two-dimensional world that wants to increase its dimension.

Moreover, the world in the painting itself is the product of Awakening Nen's mistakes.

Therefore, it still has the ability of Manipulator...

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