Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 53 Nie Wenbai’S World

Although Kasha's words were strange, Nie Wenbai didn't care.

He looked at the energy of thought that crazily emerged from Kasha's body and started collecting directly.

Kasha is indeed crazy. When she extracts her mind energy, she doesn't care about the loss during extraction.

However, only 70% of the total amount of thought energy in a year can be used, and the remaining 30% is wasted.

Judging from this situation, by the time Kasha extracts the Qi that Nie Wenbai said requires thousands of years of reading, it is estimated that thousands of years of Jin's lifespan have been wasted!

Rich and wealthy, I’m talking about people like Kasha.

The excessive lifespan allowed her to ignore many problems of wear and tear.

Within a few hours, more than 10,000 years of life were squandered without blinking.

It was as if a hair had fallen out randomly.

This kind of heroism, this kind of naturalness, makes Nie Wenbai very envious.

Being born in this kind of advanced civilization is a joy and a source of confidence.

Fortunately, now Nie Wenbai also has such confidence.

Of course, having a long lifespan does not mean that the mind energy is easy to extract.

Extracting such energy all at once is indeed very tiring for Kasha.

When Nie Wenbai had collected the total amount of telepathy for ten thousand years and wrapped it all in that mass of telepathy power.

Kai'Sa is already a water person.

The whole body is full of sweat, and she is worthy of being called a woman made of water.

Moreover, she is also a person with blood abilities and has plenty of water.

After Nie Wenbai collected her ten thousand years of energy, she rushed directly into the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of bathing appeared in the bathroom.

Nie Wenbai didn't pay too much attention to this. He was holding the air-conditioning ball that had gathered tens of thousands of years of energy.

It looked like a ball of mental energy that was about to take on a physical form.

Nie Wenbai smiled with satisfaction.

Then, with a thought, he used a special method to stuff the ball of thought energy directly into the void.

It was as if tens of thousands of years of energy had suddenly disappeared.

However, Nie Wenbai knew that this was not the case.

These thought energy balls, at this time, have already fallen to the world in the painting.

Yes, Nie Wenbai’s idea is to create a world in paintings.

Although it is said that the painted worlds hidden in major pocket universes make these pocket universes safer.

However, it allowed the volume of the pocket universe to be fixed.

In this way, if Nie Wenbai didn't interfere more, Peng Si would not have a very easy time in the next few days.

In order to help Peng Si, what would happen if I modified the completed timeline?

Nie Wenbai directly sent the two-dimensional world of the world he created to the world in the painting.

Now, I have submerged myself into the world of the painting.


in another spatial scale.

In the multi-distant universe vision, a large number of small bubbles appeared densely on the wall of the main universe where Nie Wenbai was located.

However, it did not reach the number that Nie Wenbai said created the world.

In other words, ten thousand years of thought energy is really too little.

There is no way to realize the pocket universe that has been realized.

But think about it, the objects that died in the world in the painting are all Nen awakeners whose Concerto Civilization failed.

It is obvious to all how long their life span is.

After death, what is left in the world in the painting is a corpse with a large amount of mind energy.

However, it seems that the world in the painting will not take the initiative to extract the energy of these corpses.

Just waiting quietly for these corpses to slowly overflow with these thoughts.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai was very helpless.

Otherwise, he wouldn't need to send any thought energy to the world in the painting.

Just send those created two-dimensional worlds there.

However, no, I want the world in the painting to quickly manifest all the worlds.

The energy of thought that should be given should still be given away.

After confirming that the power of ten thousand years of thought only allowed the world in the painting to manifest some pocket universes.

Nie Wenbai was stunned for a while.

Once again, I saw the consumption of upgrading the two-dimensional world to the three-dimensional world.

This is only possible because of the help of the three-dimensional world.

If it were the two-dimensional world itself.

Nie Wenbai doesn't even know how these two-dimensional worlds can achieve energy that exceeds the total energy of the entire world itself.

This kind of thing is obviously unbelievable.

Civilization in the two-dimensional world requires a large amount of energy from high dimensions to achieve it.

But the problem is that when extracting high-dimensional energy, the energy loss is an astronomical figure.

Even if the civilization level is not enough.

The conversion rate of high-dimensional energy extracted from the energy of the world itself is a problem.

One to one!

This is just maintaining the status quo.

Only after exceeding one to one, can the dimensionality of the two-dimensional world be increased.

Therefore, the difficulty of dimension upgrading has made many worlds and civilizations despair.

As for why Nie Wenbai, who can observe the timeline, doesn’t know about this?

This is entirely because that time was too long.

It has been so long that Nie Wenbai no longer wants to pull the timeline to observe.

This situation is just like when people watch a documentary that lasts for thousands of hours, but find that they can't jump and pull the timeline, but can only drag it slowly.

Even more outrageous.

Let alone a documentary that lasts thousands of hours, even if it is a one-hour boring documentary (haha Li's), I'm afraid some people don't want to watch it slowly, and they don't want to watch it slowly.

When I discovered that the timeline cannot be directly jumped for observation.

I don’t know how many people have left.

""Huh, I feel refreshed~"." Kasha came out of the shower with a cheerful look on her face.

"An ore with its own space bubble will cost you millions of years of energy." Nie Wenbai turned around and looked at Kasha and said

"Bring your own space bubble!!" Kaisha looked at Nie Wenbai in surprise and wanted to agree immediately.

However, when she thought about her situation just now, Kasha was not so excited.

"No, I'm too tired!" Kasha rejected Nie Wenbai's deal.

"Don't worry, we don't need to extract it all at once this time. We can finish it within half a month. If we do it in batches, it won't be a tiring task!"

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