Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 58 Activities Carried Out

Having the ability of Manipulator means that the world in the painting can actually realize the two-dimensional world in it!!

This allows the two-dimensional world it generates to have the capital to increase its dimension.

The reason why it was not able to increase its dimensionality before was simply because no one in the two-dimensional world it produced pursued dimensionality increase.

But things are different now. More than a dozen two-dimensional worlds that want to increase their dimensions have appeared.

It directly stimulates the activation of the ability to realize the world in the painting.

This time, things got serious.

The world suddenly has a large number of space bubble links, under the observation of the multiverse.

It was as if Nie Wenbai and their world had suddenly sprouted a lot of little bumps.

It looks particularly penetrating.

However, these little bumps are not a bad thing.

Because, they are small worlds one by one, which can be regarded as a very good attached world.

And the world in the painting is able to do this.

Thanks to the shelter, so many high-minded objects have been stuffed into it over the years.

After consuming those contained objects, the world in the painting accepted these thoughts.

It is precisely because of this that it can manifest these worlds at once.

Of course, they are just some pocket worlds, small and small.

However, even a small pocket world is still a world.

Three dimensions are three dimensions, and two dimensions are two dimensions.

Just because the three-dimensional world is too small does not mean it is two-dimensional.

A large number of two-dimensional worlds are attached to the space wall of this universe, making the space of this universe somewhat unstable.

The consequence of this is that these pocket universes are connected to the main universe.

People can enter these pocket universes through various unexpected situations.

This is just the early stage, when these pocket universes slowly grow, and even become as big as the main universe.

At that time, it will be integrated with the main universe.

The main universe will be upgraded, which sounds like a good thing.

However, for people who also live in the main universe, it is a very bad thing.

Because, in the pocket universe, there are not only peaceful universes, but also many apocalyptic universes.

These universes are all integrated into the main universe.

That is definitely a huge danger to humans.

Many people now don't know how big the danger is.

Even the people in the shelter were shocked to find that the world in the painting had disappeared!!

Yes, gone.

This forced the shelter personnel to conduct an in-depth investigation for a week.

However, it is obvious.

They can't find the painted world that has landed in one of the pocket universes.

This kind of thing that deceives the whole world is painful to see.

Fortunately, what he saw on the timeline was indeed not too bad.

It is precisely because of this that Nie Wenbai did not interfere too much.


In another half month, Peng Si will accidentally fall into a strange world and struggle to survive.

This is obviously not what Nie Wenbai wants to see.

Maybe I should try to modify the timeline that has been closed.

Thinking like this, Nie Wenbai directly gathered a group of telekinesis, and then used the methods he had learned to create a two-dimensional world.

Creation was carried out using the power of thought as a carrier.

In this creation, Nie Wenbai directly created all the stories he had read in the past.

All of a sudden, this mass of telekinesis that could disappear at any time [turned into an information carrier carrying the square realm.

The creation of a two-dimensional world made Nie Wenbai deeply moved by its simplicity.

Of course, creating a two-dimensional world is easy, but maintaining it is quite troublesome.

Fortunately, Nie Wenbai knows what to do.

After doing this, Nie Wenbai began to gather a lot of thought energy.

This is not his Qi, after all, [his current body does not have such a thing as air conditioning.

These thoughts are the free thoughts that Nie Wenbai condensed from the surrounding air.

It's the ones that contain objects.

Soon, Nie Wenbai collected a person's energy for one year.

However, even so, Nie Wenbai is still not satisfied.

He turned his attention to Kasha who was standing beside him.

"Kasha, lend me some mind energy to use~~." Nie Wenbai said with a smile

"Okay, how much do you want?" Kasha said nonchalantly.

As a concerto, she lived an extremely long life.

You can just sit back and watch dozens of human dynasties change.

It was just a little bit of anger, how could she...

", "Let's come first!" Nie Wenbai said casually

Kasha stopped bragging in her heart, looked at Nie Wenbai with wide eyes and said, "Wannian? You think I am an energy furnace!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you waste it in vain." Nie Wenbai looked at Kasha and said seriously

He did not mention any longevity fruits.

Because Nie Wenbai knows that that thing is not a good thing at all in Concerto Civilization.

Even children would not choose this kind of snack fruit.

They have better ones.

For example, thousand-year-old fruit, or thousand-year-old fruit.

It is precisely because of this that few citizens of Concerto Civilization will die at the end of their lives.

Most of them are because they don’t want to live anymore.

Now, Nie Wenbai also has many of these fruits in his backpack.

If the body wasn't useless after eating, he would have eaten it long ago.

(Li's Zhao) Therefore, a life span of ten thousand years is not a big deal to Kasha.

Of course, lifespan is not a big deal, but ten thousand years of thought energy is a big deal.

Lifespan only represents the total amount of energy a person has.

Doesn’t it mean that you can raise your Nian Qi as much as you want?

The reason why Kasha said that she is not an energy furnace is entirely because if she wants to extract so much energy for ten thousand years.

The time required is not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time.

That would seriously affect her time to watch the show, even if she wasn't too tired due to physical reasons.

She doesn't want to do it either!

"What's the benefit?!" Kasha looked at Nie Wenbai expectantly and asked

"A piece of ore that can absorb energy." Nie Wenbai said softly

"Deal, what are you waiting for? Come on, hurry up." Kasha shouted excitedly.

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