Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 63: Longevity Rice Extension Test

After that, he started to complete the mission all over the world without stopping, and got a lot of truth points.

And because he reached the highest level of the Sky Arena, he also successfully obtained some dividends from the Sky Arena and received a large number of ring nuns.

Using these coins, he successfully opened a carrier pigeon and functional drink company.

Although I did not participate in the Hunter test.

However, because the time he traveled through was much earlier than in the spiritual world.

Therefore, when he was traveling around the world, he did meet Peng Si in her hometown.

Confidante, he does have two.

One is Peng Si and the other is Menchi.

It's just that the way of understanding is different from that in the spiritual world.

Some time ago, in order to break through the slowness skill to level 6, he went into retreat, hoping to achieve his goal through this method.

After all, if you want to upgrade to level 6, you not only need truth points and skill points, but also a trace of the origin of the universe!!

Nie Wenbai had no idea where to find the origin of the universe. Even with the powerful timeline-binding ability of the prompt skill, he had no way to find it.

Unless he can jump out of the timeline and observe various situations throughout the entire time.

Only then will he be able to find some trace of the origin of the universe.

Because he couldn't find it, Nie Wenbai focused on ways to upgrade the spiritual world.

The essence of the universe is collected at the moment when you want to upgrade from the spiritual world.

It doesn’t need to be much, just a little bit is enough.

No wonder he cares so much, after all, the effect of level 6 slowness is too terrifying.

Adjust the slowing rate at will and lock the slowing unit at will.

If you just look at it this way, you may not think there is any problem.

However, as long as you give a chestnut, you can see the horror of level 6 slowness.

For example: the slowdown rate can be tens of thousands of years, or even billions of years equal to one second!!

This is terrifying, the consumption is not big, it is simply outrageous.

For example: the slowing unit is no longer a single individual, but increases the spatial scale and slows the entire universe.

Well guys, time is all relative.

After everyone's speed is slowed down.

For everyone, there is actually no change at all.

But to the outside world, the lifespan of this universe has been indirectly extended.

Of course, these are small things and have little to do with Nie Wenbai.

Since he can't get the origin of the universe for the time being, he can only give up on skill upgrades first.

At this stage, the best way is to improve your abilities.

Only by improving one's strength can one have the best chance of obtaining the origin of the universe.

It wasn't that he couldn't see this clearly in the past, but because level 6 slowness was so delicious, he couldn't wait.

When people are in a hurry, they will look for shortcuts to solve problems. No, at that time, he thought of using the method of upgrading the spiritual world to obtain the origin of the universe.

The final result!

It obviously failed.

Otherwise, he should have a level 6 skill in his character panel now.

However, at his current stage, it is not easy to make his body stronger.

As for why the search ability and backpack were not used to bring back the longevity rice that was far away in the dark continent?

If Nie Wenbai doesn't want to take it, that's actually impossible.

Nie Wenbai has long brought back all the rice in the direction of longevity rice in the Dark Continent.

Why use all that rice?

Because, Nie Wenbai discovered that in that area, there were too many plants that belonged to the image of rice.

There were at least a dozen kinds of rice, which made him confused for a while.

So much so that he himself was not sure which kind of rice was the real longevity rice.

If this is applied to other people, they can only try slowly. After all, longevity can only depend on time.

However, as a being who could see through time, Nie Wenbai made a targeted observation immediately when he got these meters.

Then, he looked confused again.

Because, these dozen kinds of rice are all foods that can make people live longer.

Logically speaking, since they are all longevity rice, you can just eat them casually~

However, Nie Wenbai still did not dare to speak.

Because, over time, he discovered that these longevity rice would have some side effects in the future.

Some appear in a year or two, while others take ten to decades.

The best part will also have a side effect after 800 years.

The time span is very long. If you are an ordinary person, you don't need to pay much attention to the side effects that only appear after such a long time span.

This is longevity rice.

However, Nie Wenbai had to consider these, because his goal was not just 800 years.

He wants longer, longer!

Now Nie Wenbai has only one question he wants to know.

That is, whether the number of death-free times can refresh this side effect state.

However, the skills produced by the system, avoiding death, seem to be immune to the observation of prompt skills.

In the long river of time, he can't see the effect of avoiding death at all.

In the course of time, Nie Wenbai didn't even know if he had used it to avoid death.

This is very strange, so he needs to test it himself.

But, the problem is, the side effect of longevity rice takes too long to take effect, there is no way he can wait until that time!!

Therefore, Nie Wenbai can only settle for the next best thing and try other longevity crops.

For example, a longevity rice that works in just one year.

This plan has been launched for some time, after his prompting skills and search skills reached level 5.

The accounting started after half a month.

Until now, it has been 9 months.

As long as one year passes, Nie Wenbai will be able to clearly know whether avoiding death can save the experimenter from side effects.

Nie Wenbai can and can only look forward to it.

Otherwise, the issue of his strength growth would be troublesome.

He doesn't care about life span, because he is already immortal now.

However, the upper limit of life span has not been raised yet. .

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