Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 79 Treating Death With Ease

In a world where I was originally a member of ordinary people, even a member of the lower class, life was so difficult, and I had to work hard for three meals a day.

All year round, there is not a single penny left, and life is embarrassing and stingy.

In Nie Wenbai's pocket universe, whether it's superpowers or money, it's easy to get them.

Appearing as a saint in front of others is no longer a dream, traveling around the world is like taking a walk, and you can have all kinds of delicious food in your pocket.

Comparing the two, which one would you choose?

Nie Wenbai didn't know what other people thought, but he knew that these people on his side were happy to enter his pocket.

Although people don't know that this is his pocket universe, they just know that this is the real universe.

Soon, Nie Wenbai realized the planet he needed in the pocket universe.

There is so much life energy, and then it is supplemented by will to form thought energy.

Want to manifest a planet in a pocket universe level.

It's really not that difficult.

It’s just about setting up some things on the planet properly.

In order to be more reasonable and accurate.

Nie Wenbai directly used the parameters and information in Hunter X Hunter.

Of course, it's just some planetary parameters, and in terms of the humanities part, he chose an alien version of the ordinary society in his previous life.

A version that entered the Planet Federation, developed a virtual world, and entered the universe planet.

In order to give this civilization, which will influx a large number of people with outside-the-box thinking, a reasonable space for development.

Nie Wenbai is even outside this planet, manifesting the entire galaxy.

It looks like there are many planets, and the types of planets are also very rich, but there are not many life races.

Therefore, in his own increasingly majestic thoughts, it manifested easily.

Looking at the ball of light composed of thought energy at the center of the pocket universe, Nie Wenri couldn't help but feel lucky.

Fortunately, he had not set these life energies to enter his own body before.

Otherwise, Nie Wenbai feels that his current body may be exploded.

No wonder he thought so, it was actually the ball of mental energy at the center of the pocket universe that had too much energy.

In terms of years, even if a galaxy is realized, the weight here is still tens of thousands of years!

Yes, tens of thousands of years. In less than half an hour, Nie Wenbai gained tens of thousands of years of life energy. This is simply terrifying.

Why is this happening? This is because, in addition to the number of years provided by the old people who have died.

There are also a large number of people who died due to accidents, and the average year provided by each person is as high as a hundred years!

If you think about how many people die every day due to accidents, serious illnesses, or end-of-life, you will know that the tens of thousands of years of thought energy in Nie Wenbai's pocket universe are nothing.

Judging from the current situation.

Nie Wenbai has every reason to believe that it won’t take long, in less than a month, the year of Song Qi in his pocket universe will reach the end of you.

And it has been achieved while embodying various large galaxies.

"It seems that I can no longer deal with this ball of mental energy according to my previous ideas, otherwise, one day my will will not be able to keep up with the growth rate of life energy, and then become a drag." Nie Wenbai stared at his pocket consciously The huge ball of thought energy in the universe is muttering

Then, a little thought aura emerged from his body and sank directly into the center of the mental energy ball in the pocket universe.

He wants to use this ball of thought energy as the root to refine his clone.

Then use the clone of the air ball as the core to collect the newly emerged life energy.

Only in this way can he stabilize the increasingly uncontrolled growth of the air mass.

It can also prevent the pocket universe from falling out of its control.

Just when Nie Wenbai was busy.

In the Hunter X Hunter world, the virtual world and the real world appear.

But a huge change has occurred.

It is visible to the naked eye, so people who decide that this thing is true have greater passion for life.

People who are doubtful do so because they are worried, so they treat life well.

Only those who do not believe or doubt are still living in the same state of life as before.

0......Please give me flowers 0.

Not many people paid attention to this.

Among those who believe in the real world theory, people are playing their roles well in order to get more points.

Yes, people feel like they are playing a role and not really themselves.

Different mentality makes people feel different about life.

In the past, when I ate something that didn't taste good, I would just complain that this doesn't taste good, that doesn't taste good, or even that it doesn't taste good.

However, now, when faced with unpalatable food, people will think about how they can act to achieve a more similar emotion and eating style.

It's strange, but it makes a huge difference in life.


At least, the attitude of people in this world towards death has become completely different from the previous separation of life and death.

With ease!

Right now, the feelings of those who are about to die in this world and their families.

Just like now, in a ward in a hospital.

A hopeless boy was talking and laughing with his parents about what they would do after returning to the real world.

Faced with the boy's expectations, his parents also smiled happily, rejoicing for their child, who was paralyzed for life due to an injury a few years ago.

Their family are all loyalists in the real world.

They can only be loyalists!

Because if they don’t believe what the real world says, what will their children do? Are they going to be left alone and become wandering ghosts?

"Dad, Mom, it's time for me to leave. I can't hold on any longer. You guys play slowly and come back when you're tired. Maybe you can give me a younger brother or sister. Then..." Before he finished speaking, the young man's energy became a little unbearable.

As soon as his neck crooked and his eyelids closed, he was considered a dead person physiologically.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" And, even if you believe what the real world says, as a mother, you still can't stand it when you see your child die.

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