Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 83 Points Redemption Platform

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"The Homing Pigeon has announced a piece of information related to the real world!"

"What, why didn't I know?"

"Of course, this was just announced."

"Speak quickly, tell me quickly, what does it say?"

"Well, it seems that there seems to be a rule in the real world that giving birth to a baby can increase the accumulation of points."

"What! There is such a rule. Is it true? How is this possible?!"

"Yes, that's what I think too. If you have more babies, you can increase your points. Doesn't that mean that if my wife and I have dozens of babies, our points will go off the charts."

"Ah, can men count too?"

"Well, hearing what you said, it seems a bit suspenseful. After all, when we give birth to a baby, we men just provide some tadpoles!!"

"Wouldn't that only be beneficial to women and of no use to us at all?"

"That's not the case. If a beautiful woman who is not married but wants to have a baby wants to have a baby with you, don't you hesitate?"

"Nonsense, I'm really going to explode!"

"That's it, so this matter is also good for us men."

"But, after giving birth to so many babies, can those people really afford to raise them?"

"Speaking of this matter, I have to mention the new page that appeared on the Homing Pigeon website."



"What's the meaning?"

“That’s right, the Pigeon Platform has opened a page where points can be exchanged for money or supplies.

"How much can we exchange for? How does his carrier know how many points we have in the real world?"

"Of course they don't know how many points we have in the real world, but they do know that after giving birth to a baby, they heard that as long as they raise it well until adulthood, they can get 100 points.

Therefore, they plan to use this kind of points to redeem. "

"It's useless. After giving birth to a baby, you have to wait 18 years before you can redeem it. No one will do it!" (agfd)

"That's not the case. The pigeon platform starts counting directly after a woman gives birth to a baby. As long as she gives birth to a baby, she can be counted as earning 100 points."

"In this way, the pigeon won't worry about the child being thrown away or dying in the middle of the journey?"

"There is a stipulation that as long as children who die in infancy can return to the real world, the debt owed for the exchanged materials will be transferred to the points for the next child.

And if you just throw it away, hoho, homing pigeons will send people to recover it. "

"Well, there will be fewer lucky people, but you haven't said how many things the points can be exchanged for?"

"You may be shocked when I tell you that. On the pigeon platform, points can be exchanged for 3 million ringnies!!"

"What!! Doesn't that mean that giving birth to a baby is equivalent to earning 300 million ghats!!"

"No, but who will exchange all the points into money in this virtual world~"

"Even if you don't replace all of them, it's a good thing to exchange some so that you can live a good life in this virtual world. You can also have more children and earn more points."

"Indeed, I will have more children with my wife when I go back."

"Ah, this is all a good thing for women, why don't we men get reward points?"

"No, you can also get points by raising your children until they reach adulthood. If your children can become useful scientists in the real world, you can get additional points."

"What, stop talking, I have to go back in a hurry."

Just like that, the conversation between the two ended, and everyone rushed home to have babies with their wives.

The emergence of the points redemption incident on the Homing Pigeon platform instantly caused heated discussion in the society.

People with children doubtfully used their own household registrations to redeem points on the Xingge platform.

As soon as I redeemed it, I found a slightly limited exchange restriction.

For example, a child can redeem up to 5 points in a year, which is 15 million ringgits.

However, even with such a condition, it is already a very impressive income.

An ordinary family, even if they don’t eat or drink for a year, may not be able to earn this amount√

And when this exchange was really successful in getting money, the social structure became turbulent.

Because the emergence of this incident indirectly shows the authenticity of the existence of the real world.

Otherwise, why would the pigeon platform conduct such a charity activity that seems to be just a waste of money~

All of a sudden, rich people from the wealthy class came to the door one after another, saying that they could provide financial assistance and that they also wanted points.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai will not refuse anyone who comes. Anyway, it is just some dispensable points.

As the creator of the pocket universe, he doesn't have as much as he wants.

Of course, in order to maintain this lie in the real world, you still have to pay the debt when you return to the pocket universe.

And because after confirming that reality does exist, people are more interested in points.

Unless it's a last resort, I wouldn't even think of exchanging points for a nun.

And those who really couldn't survive, just exchanged 1 point, and got a good amount of funds to maintain their lives.

However, no matter what, the population is growing massively.

Because everyone is working hard to earn points and strive to get a huge harvest after returning to the real world.

This is good, at least Nie Wenbai's goal has been achieved.

Of course, the rapid increase in population will also bring about an issue that people have to pay attention to, and that is resources.

Although, the current human territory is rich in resources and can cope with this growing demand for resources.

But the problem is that resources also need to be collected, and collection also requires manpower.

After people have more money in their hands, fewer people go out to work.

Because there are many families who have regarded giving birth as their job. .

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