Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 84 The Importance Of Population

People work hard to have babies, which is definitely a good thing for Nie Wenbai.

However, in terms of labor force, more planning is needed.

After all, the shortage of labor will greatly reduce the collection of resources, which will lead to crazy rise in prices in society.

In that case, if the time comes, the points exchanged for a ring will not even be able to afford a can of milk powder.

To be honest, labor force might be difficult to solve in other worlds.

However, in the Hunter X Hunter world with extraordinary abilities, the difficulty becomes extremely low.

As long as we find the right Nen and can produce cheap labor on a large scale, this crisis will be easily solved.

As for whether the elderly will also run to have babies?

To be honest, in today's world, most Nen~ people would not do this.

Because they know the magic of Nen, they know that this so-called real world is likely to be a virtual world of others.

If that's the case, how could they take the initiative to invest in Nie Wenbai's pocket universe?

However, this is also a good thing. At least, Nie Wenbai no longer needs to fiddle with Nen, a cheap labor force.

Don't think it can't be done, according to Nie Wenbai's own discovery, after he obtained a large amount of mind energy.

He discovered that he could improve his Nen.

And the nature of his Nen is still an Emitter-type Nen.

He himself was originally controlled by the mind beast and treated as a game character, thus gaining various abilities.

But before, there was only one link line, so only Nie Wenbai could do this.

But it's different now, after having a lot of Nian Qi.

Nie Wenbai can slightly adjust his Nen.

It's not just a few more link lines.

Instead, some puppet lines are extended on this link line.

In this way, Nie Wenbai can make various puppets and then work on them.

Moreover, because it is connected to various high-computing super-brains in the pocket universe.

He also won't have the problem of insufficient control.

And with a large amount of Nian Qi as a foundation, Nie Wenbai can say that as long as such a Nen is developed.

He can form an army by himself.

However, is this necessary?

After thinking about it carefully, Nie Wenbai felt that doing so was a waste of time and a waste of his talent.

After all, one man forms an army, and these soldiers are just ordinary combat units.

If there is no other way, then doing this is also a good way.

But the problem is, Nie Wenbai now has the existence of a pocket universe.

This is still a real universe, albeit a small one.

But it is indeed true.

As the creator of this universe, Nie Wenbai has absolute control over this universe.

After all, he created the settings of this universe.

In such a real pocket universe, although the existence in it is small, in terms of strength, it is the Tianzu King.

Condensation is essence.

The same intensity of energy is placed on a person of normal body size and placed on a person living in a micro-universe such as a pocket universe.

It's completely different.

For example, Uvogin's super destructive punch requires about 10,000 points of energy.

And when these more than ten thousand thoughts are placed on a miniature person in the pocket treasure universe.

The power caused is absolutely different.

Which one is stronger?

In fact, the miniature people in the pocket universe are stronger.

Because when the microman strikes, the area of ​​the strike is smaller.

The same output, the same energy, because the impact area is different, the results will be different.

To put it simply, if the same amount of energy is used, Uvogin can create a deep pit of about 50 meters in diameter.

Microman, on the other hand, can directly cause a nuclear explosion, and it is the kind with a large yield.

The combat effectiveness increased directly from two digits to three digits.

Of course, even though it is said that, it is still quite difficult for miniature people to reach this level.

0......Please give me flowers·0

Fortunately, because he is a miniature human, he does not need much energy, so breakthrough becomes easy.

Although these miniature people have very little energy, the strong ones among them don't even have the power of a third-rate nun.

However, in terms of realm level, miniature humans are much stronger.

Moreover, in building the world of the pocket universe, Nie Wenbai is not just used to deduce Nen.

In order to be more inclined to the scenery of the world in his memory, Nie Wenbai chose to use air conditioning to simulate the energy in various impressions.

The purpose is to use this as a primer to draw out the energy that exists in the human body itself, but has not yet been discovered because it is suppressed by the mental energy of the Hunter X Hunter world.

As long as this is successful, Nie Wenbai's path will be even easier.

Even though his roots are still Nian Qi, but by using Nian Qi to simulate various energies, he can still use the energy system found by those miniature people.

As for giving up the Nen system?

Isn't this a joke? He has now established his own telekinesis collection channel in this Hunter X Hunter world.

Give up this way of entering the multiverse level and go for other energy systems.

So how stupid does he have to be?!

Of course, now is the very beginning of the pocket universe, relying solely on his own deduction, because his thinking has been limited, so the individuals in the pocket universe that he evolved.

Fundamentally, it is almost impossible to deduce the energy system he needs by himself.

The final important task must still be placed on those thinking bodies, and they must rely on them to enter these paradoxical worlds and then reorganize the new system.

This requires some genius thinking bodies to be able to do it. Ordinary sentient beings are just running along.

The root of the matter is back to the thinking body.

It is precisely that Nie Wenbai's pocket universe lacks the ability to generate new thinking bodies independently. This is one of the reasons why he values ​​the people in the Hunter X Hunter world so much.

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