Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 85 Discussion Of V5

Nie Wenbai's big move has caused social turmoil. This is a problem for some high-level officials in the country, especially those who know the existence of Nie Wenbai.

What we saw was not a scene of hope for everyone, but a weak person who dared to carry out an act of annihilation!


Judging from Nie Wenbai's current actions, it is obvious that the act of destroying the world will happen if nothing is done.

The world's economic system will completely collapse, although it can eventually be adjusted back.

This kind of behavior of harvesting human beings, if not handled well, is enough to cause the entire human civilization to retreat for decades.

In fact, if those important talents are deceived because of this, mankind may even directly regress back to the agricultural age!

This situation made these senior officials very angry, but they were also very entangled in "807".

Because, some time ago, the strongest humans on the human side went to deal with Nie Wenbai, but they failed.

In other words, they may have to use nuclear bombs!

But the problem is that Nie Wenbai is located in a city with a population of tens of millions.

If it were bombed like this.

Not to mention whether Nie Wenbai can be killed, the subsequent protests and backlash are enough to bring down high-level officials like them.

The most important thing is that many people in their family members believe what the real world says.

For a time, the tangled top leaders of the country organized a world conference and invited Netero to join as a supplementary person.

"Regarding the homing pigeon, we all know the seriousness of the problem. I suggest using nuclear bombs directly."

"No, there are tens of millions of people there. Afterwards, the problem is too big. Of course, if your country is willing to bear the consequences, I will agree.

"That's enough, that's my country. No nuclear bombs can be hit on my country's territory, otherwise I will launch nuclear strikes all over the world."

"Calm down, calm down. Now we are discussing how to deal with the carrier pigeon. Why are you guys quarreling? I think it is better to let some weirder Nen people go to sneak attack~"

"Indeed, although nuclear bombs are powerful, others are unwilling to deal with the problem, so let the Nin deal with it."

After discussing for a while, they did not get a good explanation, which made everyone present directly turn their attention to Netero, who was silent on the side.

"Chairman Netero, do you think it is better to use a nuclear bomb or a nuke?!"

Netero stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Hohohoho, I can't deal with it anymore!"

"What's the meaning?"

"There were some possibilities before, but now... Do you know how many people around the world have agreed to his conditions?" Netero said with a calm expression. "Two

"Maybe a lot, but it should be less than 50%."

"Yes, I think it's probably less than 40%."

Netero didn't care about the arrogance of the people in front of him. He was used to it anyway. He just shook his head and said with a joking expression, "Everyone in the world who has paid attention to the real world and said this has already agreed to his conditions." .”

"What conditions? Is it the phrase "Dark Blue Returns"?!"

"Hoo ho ho, look, how relaxed it is, you must have all said this." Netero said with a smile and a very firm tone.

"You mean, you don't need to shout it out for it to be established. As long as you recite this sentence, the conditions will be established?"

Netero laughed loudly, "Nie Wenbai, that guy's Nen level is very good, he can actually design the conditions to be so easy!"

After receiving Netero's confirmation, the expressions of several people present changed drastically.

If we go by what Netero says, the number of people in the world who are connected to Nie Wenbai will increase dramatically.

At least, maybe even 90% of people have become linked to Nie Wenbai.

After all, it was just a random remark.

Almost everyone who has heard this sentence will say it unconsciously.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai's matter must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if Nie Wenbai does something, humanity will be in danger...

"Hohoho, if I was worried that he would do that before, I'm not worried anymore." The close-up said with a smile.

"Indeed, since he is so committed to pushing people to have children, it is conceivable that in his mind, the more population, the better."

"Since he knows that a larger population is better, does he know that his current approach will cause the entire human society to lose a large amount of labor force?!"

"No, I don't think he doesn't know."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just now, I received news that the homing pigeon issued a message to hire capable people from all over the world to develop more advanced machines for work.

"Developing machines for work? Oh, how long will he continue to research?"

"Do you really believe that he is planning to develop machines? He is just looking for nuns to help him work."

"Yes, it is almost impossible to complete the research and development of machines to increase production in a short period of time. Therefore, the strange Nen became his only choice.

"Only that kind of magical Nen can be used by one person as a hundred people."

"Hey, this is planning to use Nin people to feed billions of people. Does he really think that there will be such Nin people?"

"The number of Nen people is not less than 2.1, and some may be attracted by the high remuneration. However, with the strength of those people, can they really replace so much labor force!!"

All the senior executives present were very unfavorable to Nie Wenbai's approach.

"Oh, we are discussing~" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the ears of several people.

The unfamiliar voice appeared, and everyone present stiffened their expressions, and then glanced at the bodyguard behind them calmly.

This time, they discovered that their bodyguard was indifferent to the sudden appearance of a stranger at the scene!

This was very scary, and for a while, several people broke out in cold sweat!

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