Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 91: Plot To Ngl Autonomous Country

Ps: I have opened a new book. "Becoming an Immortal from Hunter" is a Hunter

Peng Si's words made Nie Wenbai frown.

Then his eyes swept to the NGL Autonomous Country, and in an instant, he found the queen ant eating sea fish in a cave near the sea.

Obviously, the situation in the NGL Autonomous Country will undergo huge changes in the next few months.

When Peng Si goes there, the situation is definitely quite dangerous.

It was different from Nie Wenbai's previous world deduction. During the world deduction, his choice was to directly kill the queen ant, which fundamentally solved the situation of the NGL autonomous country.

But now, Nie Wenbai doesn't want to do this.

He doesn't even want to change these things.

Is he cold-hearted enough, or does he not want to change the plot?

Obviously, it's not. Otherwise, if he is making such a big fuss now, there will be no plot at all.

The reason why he was prepared not to care about anything was because he no longer cared about anyone's death.

After all, anyone who says "Deep Blue Returns" will continue to live in his pocket universe after death, and will live well.

Death is just a change of life.

What a big deal.

That is, the joy of death is really uncomfortable.

Of course, for Peng Si, Nie Wenbai still didn't want to die so early.

After all, we are one of our own, and it is better to be alive than dead.

Even if death isn't really death.

"Over the NGL Autonomous Country, don't pass this year. There will be some big problems there in the near future. It's not suitable!" Nie Wenbai shook his head lightly and stopped Peng Si's thoughts.

Peng Si was stunned for a moment, then stopped her punishing actions, turned to look at Nie Wenbai and asked, "Big problem? What big problem?"||?"

"A creature from the Dark Continent is coming over there. I'm afraid it will become a disaster area after a while." Nie Wenbai said this information casually [without the slightest feeling that this was something that could be concealed.

As a being who can observe the entire world and the timeline, would he care about this piece of information?

Let alone this bit of information, even if he could tell the entire development of the incident, he could do it.

This incident with Peng Siti was also due to this.

He knew that if he didn't mention it, Peng Si would definitely run to find some flowers and die in the end.

And after he mentioned it, he also knew that Peng Si would still go find Hua, and would also ask people to deal with the Chimera ants, but this way, Peng Si would not die.

As for preventing Peng Si from going to the NGL Autonomous Country, this is impossible. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine how much a Hunter values ​​his hunting behavior.

Preventing a Hunter from hunting will most likely destroy the Hunter.

Especially in this world with an idealistic energy system like Nen, this is even more true.

Therefore, Nie Wenbai did not try to stop Peng Si, but provided Peng Si with this information in disguise.

Moreover, you don’t know it by looking at it, but Nie Wenbai was also stunned when he saw it.

Because, he discovered that the NGL Autonomous Country excludes all technological products.

Therefore, there are still a large number of people in this country who have never shouted "Deep Blue Returns".

In other words, these people will not be absorbed into the pocket universe by Nie Wenbai even after they die.

This is very strange, and it is completely different from Nie Wenbai's idea.

I thought I could just reap the benefits, wait for a large number of thinking bodies to enter the market, and then promote population fertility [provide help and so on.

But he didn't expect that he hadn't even entered the door yet?!

"Ah, a creature from the Dark Continent? Isn't that very dangerous? You have to report it." Peng Si said in surprise.

She did not doubt the authenticity of this matter, because she knew that Nie Wenbai would not lie to her about this kind of thing.

As for asking Nie Wenbai to solve this matter, Peng Si would not even have such an idea.

Having been with Nie Wenbai for so long, she already knew it, if Xuan Wenbai wanted to deal with this matter.

Well, that creature from the dark continent had been killed long ago.

"Let's not report this matter for now. We'll talk about it later. I need this Chimera ant to cause trouble." Nie Wenbai patted the back of Peng Si's hand and said softly.

"What are you planning to do?" Peng Si looked at Nie Wenbai in surprise and asked.

"I plan to promote population fertility, but the resources on this side of the human territory are definitely not enough to support it.

So, I need humans to march into the dark continent.

And the Chimera Ant, a creature from the Dark Continent, will help me start this great era. " Nie Wenbai said with a smile

Peng Si hesitated and asked, "Tell me honestly, what will be the state of those dead people when they enter your world?"

"The thinking is the same as now, that is, life becomes better than they can imagine. After all, I just want their thinking and life energy.

When this premise is met, it is not a troublesome thing to make their lives better. "Nie Wenbai waved his hand casually and said.

"Well, that is indeed a good thing for those people. My mother and the others are worried that you will be dragged into it by the shoulder cult. What kind of lies will this be?

Since it's not a bad thing, then letting those old people go to your world can also let them live a second life. Peng Si said with a sigh of relief.

"Of course, (Wang Zhao Zhao) they will like it." Nie Wenbai said with a smile

Peng Si nodded, and then asked curiously, "Um, is that Chimera ant really strong?"

"For ordinary Nen people, it's very strong." Nie Wenbai nodded and said

"I want to take a look!" Peng Si asked hesitantly.

"I know, but you have to wait. On your way there, bring something for me. I need to let the people in the NGL Autonomous Country know the information about the 'Return of Deep Blue'." Nie Wenbai said lightly said with a smile

Peng Si's face lit up, and then she said cheerfully, "Okay, I thought you would stop me~"

"There's nothing to stop me. I'm just going to participate in a scene. However, for safety, you have to bring this." Nie Wenbai smiled carelessly, and then handed it to her with Peng Si's puzzled eyes. A silver belt box with a black hand in the middle. .

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